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Everything posted by Jaderose

  1. All I know is the day I hooked a 13 lb catfish on a Senko and fought it for a minute or so on pretty light tackle without seeing it was one of the most exciting days of my life. Until I got my first glimpse of the fish...lol.
  2. If only there was a video! 6 Ways To Rig A Tube Bait | Video | The Ultimate Bass Fishing Resource Guide® LLC (bassresource.com)
  3. I talk a lot about Frogging on here and I would consider myself "Decent to Good" at it. The one thing I CAN do (at least I think so) is "read" an algae mat. Especially after a cast or 2. You can tell the depth under it by color, density of the mat, the way the water ripples after your frog lands along with other tells. It's very helpful because it allows you to target more productive areas efficiently and let's you "show off" when fishing with a buddy. I went out with a guy a few years ago and was calling my shots. See that stick over there? Bass there. Cast to it...BOOM! It's not magic nor do I think I could even teach it. It's just experience after a couple of decades or so of weird obsession with froggin. It would be the ONLY way I would get in a boat with somebody like Ish Monroe, Dean Rojas, or about half of you guys and go head-to-head. I might get smoked but I'd give it a shot.
  4. Wow....yeah, I would happily sacrifice a rod/reel for that hawg. BRAVO!
  5. Been there, done that, felt the pain. It happens and the smart ones learn from the errors. Be a smart one!
  6. Scum Frog Trophy Series Natural Black/Green. Learn it, know it, live it.
  7. You can pick up H&H Spinnerbaits on Ebay for around a buck each. I've caught a ton of fish on them.
  8. All of the above but sometimes you just gotta give them a tip of your cap and a fond farewell with a warning that you'll be back. Tell them your name is Ishmael.
  9. I've seen these. Where you buying them from?
  10. Not exactly a Shakey head but I have boated a TON of fish with these. Extraordinarily versatile and right in the sizes you're looking for. I've put every type of plastic of every size you can think of on these. Owner Ultrahead Finesse Ball Head - Tackle Warehouse
  11. You've already answered your own question, you just don't realize it. If you are gonna use this for Frogging. Even a little. Get the 8. You can use the 6 but the 8 is better. As others have said, you slow down your retrieve for other things but you want that speed with a frog
  12. We're ALL guilty of this. and by all, I mean me! Some days you get locked into old familiar ways even when the fish aren't interested and we keep fighting. Those are the days you gotta pull out that stuff you never use and try something new. Easy to say...harder to do. Especially for the more stubborn among us. *looks in mirror*
  13. I knew this thread would go south pretty quickly.
  14. Yep.....I'm up in Savannah and I usually fish out of a Bass Raider. The little lake I fish has tons of standing timber I can tie off to and I can also anchor but when we get consistent 30-50 mph gusts, it just doesn't work. I am constantly fighting it and it makes about 75% of my little lake totally unfishable.
  15. I haven't been in my boat yet because of the unrelenting wind this spring. I gotta bite the bullet and just deal with it because I need to fish. I went out to my little lake last night and just sat there staring longingly at it
  16. Good ol' H&H never break. I've never understood why more spinnerbait makers don't use free-swinging hooks
  17. There actually is one less than a mile from me. It's a dumpy looking place that I am not interested because last I heard they wanted something like 400 or 500 a year to fish a 3 or 4 acre pond that looks completely uninteresting and the one time I checked it out, I was told quickly and rudely that unless I was a member, I was trespassing. I wasn't fishing or really doing anything. Just looking at the water. Screw that. ps...It might not have helped when the guy told me the dues and I laughed and said you're kidding* me. *I did not say "kidding"
  18. Yep. Totally understand. Every year begins a new cycle of learning the lake again. Things move around. Downed trees float to a different spot. MoDOC might add a brush pile or change some things. Sometimes fish just move on. A lot of the old standbys will always be there but there are new twists every year. Getting ready to find out in the next week or so if this confounded wind would settle down
  19. I know the little lake I fish most like the back of my hand. I bet I have 20 of these spots all over the lake. Those spots you KNOW hold fish. Might be a large brush pile you can sit at for an hour and pull them in or it might be one twig sticking out of the water that holds a single. Just gotta find em.
  20. Got me. First reaction was WHOA! Gotta get some!
  21. I use 30 lb braid on one of my BC's but I wouldn't go below that
  22. Stik-o's are the only thing I still buy from BPS on a regular basis. I caught a weird sale on 30 packs a couple of years ago and stocked up big time. IMHO, they are as good as Senkos.
  23. *has many comments. Realizes can't use any of them without being booted or getting a timeout. leaves thread without replying*
  24. Ever launched a frog out on to a mat and forget to click it out of free spin and then set the hook HARD on an immediate blowup and caused the biggest backlash the world has ever known? Yeah...uh.....me neither.
  25. Mepps Comet Mino
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