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About keninaz

  • Birthday 08/25/1946

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    Prescott Valley, AZ
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  1. Yes, as the nearest place is some 45 miles from where the boat is located that I could try it I will just pass on it.
  2. That is what I am leaning towards at this point as it doesn't make any sense to me. Maybe I will just keep looking for another boat.
  3. I am looking at an early 1970s Boston Whaler, a 14' model. But the guy is tell me that recently at 6500' with 4 people on board the boat with a 35 HP motor (about the same year) would not do 10 MPH. He said he suspected the carb needed adjustment but then said he was told that he needed to change prop pitches at altitude which sounds strange to me. Any ideas?
  4. It may well depend on your state. Here I checked and if I don't operated from dusk to sunrise I don't have to have navigation lighting. I have no compartment for fuel either so no fire extinguisher is required. You do have to have something that you can make a noise with other than your voice to get help. I just picked up an old fashioned coach's whistle and I'll keep it on my vest.
  5. WE have many lakes here in the mountains of central AZ that they are patrolled on a regular basis by both Fish and Game and some other LEO types as well. For the $20 annual cost of not having it registered I will just comply with the laws here. I suspect the citation from Fish and Game is a lot higher in price.
  6. In most states I have been in if you have other than sail or man powered watercraft they have to be registered with the state. States rights? Beats me. A simple call or email or perhaps a search of the agency that registers boats in your state may be in order. As they say, ignorance of the law is no excuse and you still pay a fine. I just found out my Minn Kota will be here tomorrow so I guess I had better move along with my mounting plans!
  7. Not a good idea around here anyway. The people at the lakes will call in a boat they see under power without a sticker. I don't know what the fine is and don't really want to find out.
  8. No problem there, I bought the boat new. I guess I have to send it in with the application but I just downloaded that and have not read the instructions on it just yet. $20 a year anyway so that is not bad.
  9. Shortening of the shaft is simple and straight forward. Yes I have seen bass yaks for ideas and a few other sites. I have the motor on order as all they had was a display locally so I will have to see how the factory bracket looks but I am certainly not afraid to make my own.
  10. I have decided to ad a trolling motor to my Ride and decided the basic Minn Kota 30# motor would do find. I am going to stern mount the motor that I will shorten the shaft on. Anyone done one like this on this model that could share some ideas??
  11. I agree, but I am getting older and have a bad back already. I put mine on a low trailer and it worked out quite well for me. My 115x is over 100# with the battery, depth finder and the stuff I have added to it.
  12. Just for information I have a 115X and I weigh in at 232# and stand 6'1" and it's very stable with me in it.
  13. I agree with flyfisher. My yak came with a Scotty and I am not impressed with it but I have been using Ram Mount products for years in other applications so I switched the Scotty out for the Ram. Here is a link to Ram Mounts if you want to look at them. http://www.rammount.com/products/kayakmounts/tabid/95/default.aspx
  14. I never referred to an all season tire except perhaps in my comment about a "snow rated" tire. I am fully familiar with the aggressive style 4 WD tires and their shortcomings. I suspect when you switched out your tires you lost traction but most don't need it all that much anyway. I did own a couple of 4 x 4s in the past used and never used the 4 WD on them. As I stated in my original advice. 4 x 4s have their place and most don't need the increased cost of tires, maintenance of the transfer case and FWD mechanism and such and the increased insurance costs I found when I went to buy a new truck. If you need 4 WD it may be for you, but not for all certainly.
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