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Kevin Beachy

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Everything posted by Kevin Beachy

  1. None of that is my trash and the faster I would clean it up the faster it would come. The owners chilluns just leave stuff lay around all the time ~Kevin
  2. I can only go once a week, so that is that! ~Kevin
  3. Went fishing Monday, early in the morning as usual, and had a blast fishing because I finally figured out what dey wanted. They were hatefully mad at any passing bluegill, so somehow, and bluegill became attached to my line, and I caught close to twenty on it! To tell you the truth, the bluegill didn't just come attached to my line, I tied it on, but it was a LT pumpkin seed! ~Kevin
  4. I went to wally world this morning and found a pack of 4 spike it markers for like $6! I had never tried them, but they are fun to use! I fell like a little kid color stuff again! I recommend you to get them if you ain't already! ~Kevin
  5. Went to wally world for the first time this year.... ~Kevin
  6. Today It was the LT pumpkin seed! Caught over ten in a hour I think! ~Kevin
  7. Didn't get It at first, but It is very funny! ~Kevin
  8. Have any of you all ever fished this, and how is the fishing? Our family is going to a reunion in IN. and our route takes us right along St. Marys, so we are thinking of going a couple days early, and renting a cabin there in about the middle of August. Any tips? ~Kevin
  9. We can use boats where ever we want, we just dont use them
  10. So I had an early morning start to my day and had a blast cause I caught my first 2 buzzbait fish! The rest of the day I just messed around with different things and caught several bass, not the most wonderful day, but still fun! The water really turned murky because of rain the last week.... ~Kevin
  11. A lady went to a store and got a stick of deodorant. When she got home, she noticed the label "push stick up bottom). She later told here friends she can't walk very good any more, but her farts sure smell good What happened when the butcher backed into his meat-grinder? Answer: He got a little behind in his work Where was Sally after the bomb blew up? Answer: Every where! I hope that brightens up your day! ~Kevin
  12. Upload to tinypic.com, then copy the url for message boards and paste it here! ~Kevin
  13. Ha Ha! ~Kevin
  14. Looks like there is a good chance of me ordering this stuff! ~Kevin
  15. Ok, I'll try to do that.... Yes the leaf module in biology extra hard! ~Kevin
  16. I wake up around five thirty yesterday morning and went fishing at six. Thats my whole trip right there. Ok, more precise, when I got there I started using a black spro frog right away and soon thereafter got a fish on it! I missed a couple more then on a frog ;( After that, I switched to a hollow body 5.5in. swimbait and caught 3 on that. I got tired of fishing them because the ones I had weren't very durable at all! Then, I finally got the lure that they wanted! I switced to a zoom trick worm(pink) and wacky rigged it! And my did they want it! I caught 11 more fish on it and it certainly was funner than the frog or the swimbait! I got home around 10a.m. so I had a very vonderful day! Here is a video of how some of my trip was! Please like, subscribe share and comment!
  17. Ouch to the couch, meaning you will not be able to lay down on it till you have worked hard enough to pay off all that stuff:) ~Kevin
  18. good idea ~Kevin
  19. Video Up now! ~Kevin
  20. Once I post the vid(soon hopefully) you can better see where it got hooked. ~Kevin
  21. Right in front of her "stomach" maybe, down in the bottom, and I couldn't reach through the gills to get to it and I didn't have a pliers either:( ~Kevin
  22. Well, today I got an early start to fishing, and got the "honey hole" around 6 a.m. I had a camera on my chest, so I wanted to get some topwater action. I was using a frog, and hooked up with a nice one about 4lb because of where the hook went in, she died:( The "topwater frog fish" stopped biting, so I switched to a d-shot, and caught two little ones using the lake fork live baby shad. After this, I think I then switched to a chatterfrog, because it got cloudy and windy, and this was a good choice, because I picked up a little guy first, then caught another somewhere around 4lb. I later lost another 3-4lb:( That concludes my day, sorry I have no pics, just the one vid!(will come later) ~Kevin
  23. Same here! ~Kevin
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