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Kevin Beachy

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Everything posted by Kevin Beachy

  1. wrong again. just google it and see what you get..
  2. And just how heavy was it....
  3. largemouth is to
  4. Well i went to the doctor yesterday and he found out that i have strep. . It is EXTREMELY painful!
  5. THINK HARD maby small mouth bass?
  6. These mice are wonderfull.
  7. /\ /\ I seen people use it and i dont know what it stands for.
  8. I started fishing in our creek about 6 years of age. The creek only had suckers and bluegill in it. I really started fishing when i was about twelve and now am 14.
  9. I went down as fast as it went up!
  10. I love these frog!
  11. YIKESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. Yesterday i had a fever that went to 105. this morning i felt better except for my sore throat. Do you have any remedies for soothing a sore throat?
  13. http://www.ebay.com/itm/NEW-SPECTRA-POWER-PRO-SUPER-8-SLICK-65LB-TEST-AQUA-GREEN-150-YD-FISHING-LINE-/111404290838?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item19f0369316. It seemed sorta cheap.....
  14. Our farm is within a mile but i would have to cross a bunch of fences or walk along the road. The reason i dont walk along the road is that all dump truck go back there because were about 5mi from the county landfill. I always get someone to take me.
  15. Your right about that! Just last night i couldn't catch a thing so i asked for the right kind of help. Well, the thing i did was shut my eyes and cast. It worked! every time i shut my eyes and cast to a random spot i caught a fish!. God is amazing!!!!!
  16. the gx2 would be your best choice for a extremely good reel and pole.
  17. This little piggy wasn't very long but it had a huge belly . it was 3lb. this is what i used to catch him along the bank.
  18. Does this really work. I thought it was illegal.
  19. Is there any homemade sents that you know how to make that work good.
  20. Thanks for all youll input on this subject.
  21. It was a sharpie. Works reel nice.
  22. Hopefully the marker smell wont be to strong....... I didn't feel like buying a black frog so i just made one black.
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