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Kevin Beachy

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Everything posted by Kevin Beachy

  1. Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just what i have been waiting for!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. I am amazed that he was shot THAT many times and still survived! I will definitely be praying for him and his wife!
  3. Yes, they are waking up. (under the ice)
  4. What colors? btw 365 days ago i didn't fish in the winter
  5. I will be going fishing again soon, but the ponds still have ice on them, and i will be fishing them just about right away after the ice leaves. What lures would you recommend me to use for such cold water?
  6. no i CANT, the ice is VERY thin, i dont have an ice fishing pole, and not money to buy one, the ponds will soon thaw though:)
  7. gold and a very light blue
  8. cant see anything
  9. After getting well over a hundred dollars worth of free things from bass resourcemembers, you would think that bassresource is best!
  10. I just got mine on monday, and i love them! (I just got a cheap one for china but it works very well). How many of you have one?
  11. how far is dinwiddie from you?
  12. cant even watch the videos, it makes me to jealous right now it is 24 degrees, ponds have a thick layer of ice, and i cant fish!
  13. When will it be continued?
  14. Okay, all i did was happened to hit a wrong key -btw, i notice lots of misspelled words all over the place on the forum, so, if i see one, shall i make 3 pages out of it just telling the person how to act?
  15. it is just this simple, use this program! http://www.funny-photo-maker.com/
  16. that is not my cat, and it is photo edited! Here is another picture that i did!
  17. I changed it now!
  18. Last night, i was talking to a fishing guide at the sportsman show, here in fisherville va, and he fishes for striper! He gave me is little brochure type thing, and i was reading it and came across this very true thing. It said "If you are to busy to fish, you are to busy! Btw I didn't buy fishing thing while i was there, even though i could have:)
  19. the way the roads are setup around here is very dangerous for speeding motorbikests:)
  20. https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xap1/t31.0-8/10854347_692793177485594_8342303508707640741_o.jpg https://plus.google.com/u/0/photos/111884173028118433221/albums/6113598513862331857/6113598513873050498 a guy driving like an idiot on a motorcycle on sunday came around the corner at a exceptionaly high rate of speed, and was injured bad enough he had to be life flitted. The best thing was that the helicoptor landed on our farm and we got to see all the exciting things. doesnt happen very often!
  21. This isn't a picture i took with a camera, but a screenshot that i edited from Rigs of Rods..... sorry, not nature....lol http://www.bassresource.com/bass-fishing-forums/uploads/gallery/album_1546/tn_gallery_46930_1546_10062.jpg
  22. From the album: Random

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