Lots of great fishing in Tennessee. Most of the upper eastern lakes are 20,000 to 30,000 acre lakes with a few exceptions. Most of these are flood control/water storage lakes and fluctuate 20-40' from winter to summer pool levels. From Ft. Loudon Lake and down along the Tennessee River are navigation lakes and don't, except in times of unusually heavy precipitation, fluctuate more than 5-10' all year. Lots of great fishing all year with smallmouth, largemouth, spot, catfish, Stripe, hybrids, white bass, walleye, sauger and more. I live on Cherokee, but can reach Douglas, Ft. Loudon, Ft. Patrick Henry, Boone, and South Houston in less than an hour.http://www.tva.com/river/lakeinfo/is a link to the TVA lake levels across the entire Tennessee valley. Good luck on the search.