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Everything posted by Jsinkic

  1. So some come pre loaded with mapping on it?
  2. Hey everyone, so I'm new to electronics and have only used the not so handy one take came with the boat (17 ft smoker craft). Anyways I'm looking to upgrade to a Lowrancr Elite-5FISHFINDER / CHARTPLOTTER. Just a quick questions, why do I have to buy Navionics Chip? Don't the unit already come with maps on it. Or you don't have to buy it but it's worth the 200 price tag for the upgraded maps. Any help would be great! Thanks J
  3. I have two Lew's one with a carbon fiber handle (came with the bait baster wasn't add on later) and the other with just the regular handle. To be honest there is no difference other then the carbon fiber handle I believe is a little larger. It's more of a "hey look at that handle" then anything else. I wouldn't upgrade to carbon fiber if the stop one it wasn't broken/bent. J
  4. No problem. If you end up getting some let me know how they are.
  5. Aaron Marten's has a video on youtube that he explains how he uses shrink tube. They are a great price shrink tube is that much. Heat it up and throw it in there.
  6. Hey I was looking for some tungsten weights. these came up, they look like a good product and good price. Has anyone tired them yet? They aren't painted but if you really wanted them to be a colour you could buy lure paint and colour them whatever colour you wanted. http://www.dominatortungstenweights.com/?product=tungsten-bullet-finesse-weights Jeff
  7. Hey Everyone, I'm looking to get a new finesse worm rod and reel step up and was just wondering what you guys think of this step up. Reel: Lew's Tournament HS Spinning Reel (I love my bait casters and am slowly converting over to lew's reels) Rod: I was thinking Medium with a fast action tip but I don't know if I should go Medium Heavy. This rod will only be used for Finesse worms so it's not like I will be throwing anything else on it. I might be able to get a 6'8" Cumara but if I can grab that one should I go with a longer rod and what make? Line: I was thinking 8lb Stren Fluorocast (100% Fluorocarbon). So I go down in Lb? Thanks for the help! ***Sorry can a Mod move this. I thought i was in the other thread***
  8. Thanks I am looking to purchase a new transducer so I was expecting a cost with that but it sounds like I will only have to purchase -The unit -Transducer -Power cable Anything else?
  9. Hey Everyone, I have a 16 Ft. smoker craft and right now it gets the job done but an upgrade is going to happen, but for now I am just looking to upgrade my fish finder to a Lowrance Elite 5 chirp which has some great built in features. What would I need to do the upgrade? I figure I will run it off the trolling motor so I can look at it and my fishing parent will still be able to see depth and some structure off of the fish finderI have right now by the drivers console. Any help would be great as well as prices so I have a general idea of what it will cost me. I will be doing the install. Thanks, J
  10. Hey everyone i just want to watch KVD's dominate victory in the Major League Fishing Alpena Summit Cup Final. I can seem to find it online. Any buddy know where I can watch it or DL Thanks, J
  11. Hey everyone just like the topic says I have a 18ft smoker craft that has a 30 mercury efi. I was out in it the other day when I feel almost like a bump and look back the top 2 motor mount bolts came off and the motor was rocking back and forth because the bottom mounts were just hold it in. I have looked online and I can't find the right diagram that shows the mount mounts and rubber pieces. If someone could help that would be great the serial number is 0R126661. Any help would be great just looking for the parts diagram. thanks J
  12. I love the crank baits. I fish with the big O and I can't say I have had a bad day with it. $1.97 is a great price. They usually sell for 4.99 + (here in Canada). I fish the one below almost every time I go out. When I'm having a tough day fishing I always throw it out and it gets me something. I stole it from my dad a few years back when I really got into fishing because when I was first learning to fish it's the only thing i used. He has it for 10 or so years and I have had it for at least 3 year and I only had to replace the back hook on it. It's a solid reliable crank bait. I just picked up some some of their jerk baits and am just wait for the ice to melt off and get out there!
  13. I'm going to look into bearing size today and see what size they all are. It should be in the reel schematics, right?
  14. I just looked up the hedgehog air bearings and they dont make them for lew's or quantum. I do like how they describe what each kind of bearing does.
  15. Hey I just found these bearings what do you think about them? Any body use them? Any reviews? http://www.Bocabearings.com
  16. There isn't a whole lot of customizing parts for Lew's and Quantum. I'm still on the looking.
  17. Canada wally marts suck! They have the smallest sections that you can barely find and every now and then things are on discount but nothing extra like you guys... I think it's time for a trip to the states and to a wally mart!
  18. I have stuck with a certain brand of baitcasters for a while now and I just recently bought a new one of a different brand. The new one has a a bigger hand and has 10 bearings apposed to 9. Any good website that I can pick up some handles and bearimgs from. Also are all handles and bearings universal? What else can I customize. Thanks J
  19. Went and got some Jerk baits today because the ice is bound to melt sooner or later here and I wanted to be ready. They are both floating Jerk baits so I was just wondering how you guys/girls like the suspend dots. Do they work? Can I use them on Jerk baits and crank baits? Any input would be great! Thanks J
  20. Today I was at a local fishing store and I was looking for a 5.3:1 reel for cranking. I was talking to a few sponsored guys that where there and I told them what I was looking for so they gave me a few options like abu and Lew's. I ended up going with the lee's because it felt like a solid reel and I liked how it felt not to mention the price wasn't to bad (plus the sale they were having). Anyways I asked what about quantum and they said they didn't even carry them but didn't say why. They kinda laughed and it was like I was supposed to know why...? I have a few quantums and i love mine so does anyone know why some people don't like them.
  21. I think if places like this are being made there should be 2 records, one for "Wild" bass and one for "Farmed" (Thats what they are technically doing). This way everyone who has a pound could have a "Farmed" world record. Let's leave the "Wild" world record to bass that got that big on there own alone and away from this farming record. Only fair right?
  22. Really really BIG ones! Or sperm whales whatever grabs first and I do it all on a 6'6" MLF hahaha
  23. Funny you should ask that. KVD had the same Q&A as Bill Dance I think it was in February, anyways I did ask a question I was a little let asking it (almost at the end of the Q&A period) but I didn't get a reply. Probably didn't see it but I tried just like with Bill.
  24. Bill Dance had a Q&A on Facebook the other day. I asked him about flipping and pitch with a leader. This is what he said, hopefully you guys/girls find it useful!
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