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Everything posted by Jsinkic

  1. Thank you! This is what I have been looking for!
  2. Hey Guys, I'm doing some wiring on my bass boat on the bow. I have a few wires that are going through the front plastic piece to run back to the battery but I'm looking for something to clean up the wires going through the plastic piece. Currently I have a the vent piece below but I have 4 or 5 wires going through it and it's now to small. I have seen like a circle piece that bolts in and has rub pieces so it's not just a big hole there with wires coming out of it. Can anyone link or show pictures of how they have cleaned up the wires going from their graphs back into the boat. Jeff
  3. I receahed out to Lew's and they were great! Sent me a screw just waiting on it. Lew's is great!
  4. Hey everyone, Hope everyone is having a good summer and catching a lot of bass. I went to pull my rod out of my boat and noticed the small screw that holds the nut retainer for the main bolt that holds the hand on was gone. I do have the retainer ring but am missing the small screw. Does anyone know where I can get one or a screw like it? A picture is below for reference. p.s the reel is the same reel as in the picture (BB1 Pro Series) Thanks, Jeff
  5. Hey everyone, Last year my Fortrex was very squeaky. When the motor turns left or right is when it squeaks and its coming from the shaft. Is there somewhere I can spray some grease or put some grease because it's starting to drive me a little loopy. Any help would be great! Jeff
  6. Nothing really. d**n Im going to have to hunt these things down!
  7. Hey everyone, I fished/fish against a guy who has a rod holder on his pedestal seat shaft. It looks like a piece of tubing that attached to clamp that one side comes off and then four bolts attach it to the other side (See picture below for a similar clamp). From what I saw this rod holder was branded and had warming stickers (like everything these days) so Im assuming a company does make this product. Any idea where I can find it and I would rather not make it depending what the price of this as I would be using it every day. Jeff
  8. Thanks! What brands do you use? Quicksilver?
  9. Hey Everyone, I did a quick search for this but haven't really found an answer. I'm putting away my boat for the season and have done everything but one last step and that is to treat the motor (Optimax 115). I have changed the lower unit so my questions is strictly for what to do with fogging/oiling. I read that fogging the engine with a fogging spray can gum up things and make for issues for next years start up, I also read that putting some mercury oil in each cylinder (I read an ounce in each one) and then turning the key, with the kill switch off to coat the inside of each cylinder with oil is the best way to do things. I'm leaning more to the oil in each cylinder as the oil is designed for the motor. Thoughts or which product to use if not this method would be a great help. Jeff
  10. Here are those pictures. It's right where the blue towel is.
  11. I'm just at work now but the aluminum part rubs right where the fibreglass meet the carpet. I will have a picture tomorrow. I don't believe just the strap will fix the problem and I am looking for a stabilizer.
  12. Hey one! My Fortex is rubbing on my boat when it's stowed away and I'm looking at adding a stabilizer. The only thing is I don't like how the Fortex stabilizer mounts because you have to drill into the plastic and I don't think that's wrong enough. I see that there is another stabilizer for Minn Kota's other trolling motors (link below). Can I use this because all you have to do is drill through the aluminum in the stand will be point up when in use which I'm fine with and then in use when stowed away. Thanks for the help! Minn Kota Maxxum stabilizer.
  13. Thanks I will try them out. I think you can sleep in a walmart parking lot to. I just have to find a place to plug my boat in lol
  14. Hey everyone, This may be a long shot but I have tried everything, and me forgetting when July 4th was (hand to face). I will be fishing in the Northern Open on Oneida Lake and I have zero place to stay. I have my Jeep set up to sleep in and all I need is a plug to charge my boat. If anyone has a lot some what close to the lake and will let me stay that would be awesome! I have no problem pay and we can work that out later. I am looking to get down there Sunday June 26 and stay depending on how I do to July 3. If anyone could help another guy who fishes out that would be great! Jeff!
  15. Thanks for the reply. The unit is wired to a small circuit block that is hooked up the the cranking batter. I have put a shielding on the wire which I'm hoping will eliminate any interference from the trolling motor. Will keep you guys posted. Also my I have another unit hooked up to that fuse block and it works fine. I have hopefully eliminate everything other then interference from the trolling motor itself. Jeff
  16. I have a Lawrence Elite-5 HDI with an HDI Skimmer 83/200 transducer (attached to the trolling motor by a Rig Rite Manufacturing 300 Marine Trolling Motor Transducer Bracket) and whenever the trolling motor is running I get what happens in the picture. It affects the downscale more as you can see but there is still some disturbance on the 2D sonar. I have read some other forms and websites about attaching a ground cable to the trolling motor but I would rather not get into all that if it can be avoided. Any help would be great. Im going to try to move the mount further back as it is right at the front a trolling motor. (EDIT): I have a minn kota fortrex 80 lb thurst as a trolling motor. The cable for the transduce is zip tided to the shaf of minn kota and then taped down where the wires go o the plug,
  17. Just a quick heads up everyone it's User Interface not features.
  18. Thanks a lot! It's been driving me crazy!
  19. It's great for finding fish but also for fishing new waters if you go to different lakes. Helps avoid/find shallow rocks and what not. It helps being safe as well as find fish I think. It's worth it.
  20. Hey everyone, Just a quick questions when you are in say maps and you scroll away from the boat that side menu pops out and says return to vessel and all those other options. I was watching a video (can't find it now) but guy put that side menu on a time to hide/return to make the screen larger again. Does anyone know how to do this? Jeff
  21. Hey, I just got a new boat that used to use humminbird electronics, I like to use lowrance. There is a Humminbird in haul (I believe it's a XP 9 20 (T)) transducer right now, is there any way i can use this instead of having to rerun the wire and epoxy the lowrance transducer. Thanks for the help! Jeff
  22. Thanks a lot for the help. I understand now!
  23. Hey Jus a quick questions, I was on the Navionics website and see that the Hotmaps has check (updated). It looks like you can now load US and Canadian lakes on this new chip. Has anyone done tried this out yet? Reason why I ask is that I will be doing tournaments in Canada and the US, this would save me a bunch of money for having to buy multiple cards. The the Navionics website it says "You can have all five HotMaps Premium regions, including a growing list of more than 18,000 lakes, plus get marine charts for all of US & Canada and SonarChart™ on one Navionics+ card! Available in a preloaded version or fully downloadable, Navionics+ offers flexibility and tremendous value." but when I go to confirm this one Bass Pro or Cabela's website it looks like it still has the only description of Hotmaps. So can you put both US and Canadian maps on the new Hotmaps Premium card. Tight lines Jeff
  24. who makes the mold and what is the dipping method. Im just really interested in how they make the multiple tails. Thanks for the help!
  25. Does anyone know or have a video of how to make tubes? I love fishing them and would like to make my own. Any help would be great! Jeff
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