I got out for a good evening fish last night and can finally say that I made progress catching bass on a jig. I decided to fish a jig and ONLY a jig and I can truly say that if you don't have confidence in a lure, that's the way to gain confidence. I will admit that I had a t-rigged rage craw tied on as well for the times when confidence got really low and I needed a break. It was already a hard day of fishing because of a cold front that moved in and dropped temps a good 10-15 degrees while the wind picked up to 15-20 mph gusts but I managed to catch two bass on the jig. The first was on a 3/8 oz. black and blue Siebert Outdoors dredge arky head/Rage Chunk combo that I skipped under a dock. A lil dink decided that he had high hopes so he slammed it as hard as a lil dink could. That was after a good hour and a half of no action whatsoever! The second one is a rather depressing story. I threw the same jig combo right up next to a thick lay down and right away a toad of a bass slammed it. At the time, I didn't really know how big he was because he was swimming towards me. I got him to the boat and instead of reaching down to grab him by the lip, I tried to flip him into the boat. I finally got to see how big he was when I got him about 3 inches outta the water and he was a TOAD!! It was at that exact moment that he fought one last time and the line snapped. Not only did he get away but he got away with my jig in his mouth. I definitely wasn't happy about losing the jig but I felt really bad about the fish having to live with a big ol jig hanging out of his mouth. Hopefully someone else catches him soon and is rewarded with a free jig and relieves the fish of having to live with my mistake.