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Everything posted by Bloodandguts

  1. Fished this weekend. friday: fished coleman's, all the way back. Decent top water bite on top water: chugbug and ribbits (black-blue)-fished grass edges. Later switched to WMC flukes- fished hydrilla flats adjacent to creek channel. Caught 15 there, biggest 3.18. Later in day fished 8' hump at dam. Caught 5 there on Ned rig (wmr). sat: launched at Jackson hill and fished islands between launch and bridge. Picked up 7 on spinner baits and 6th sense MVMT 80x live thread fin shad. Moved to Indian creek and fished the point there in 6-8 fow with no luck. Then on to mud creek and caught another 6 on fluke. Fish seemed to be off hay grass about 40 yes, on the edge of submerged hydrilla. Wind horrible! sun: temp 50 and blowing out north. Back to colemans. No topwater bite. fished the creek edges in back. Flukes again. Caught 11, biggest 3.94 and broke off a 5+; don't know what happened, the fish exploded and inhaled the fluke, set the hook and line snapped. Rod didn't have a chance to bend. I had just tied on a fresh hook. ??? All flukes fished weightless.
  2. Headed up to Big Sam this weekend w family. Probably gonna drag the boat. Any ideas of where to fish--not location, just terrain: deep, shallow, etc. what kind of pattern y'all see there this time of year. Thanks Happy Easter
  3. Fished veach yesterday. Caught 22, most 14" or better. Largest 3.6#. Key was to be in 4-6 feet. Trees clumped together, especially if there was grass, seemed to have fish. If you caught one in an area, you caught five. Black/blue senko, t-rig, 1/32 ounce wt. Also caught a few in Coleman's.
  4. All good reasons shaneus. A question for all: let's say I want to flip or jig in tight heavy cover. If I'm throwing a t-rigged creature (brush hog, craw, etc), how do I keep the weight from sliding? Toothpick? Or is there a better way?
  5. Shaneus, Why are you switching brands? What are the problems with the shimano rods? Pat
  6. Fished Palo G. Thursday and got a 4 keepers out of 7. Water slightly stained, but real muddy in back by bridge. Caught on WMR and Wcandy flukes, craw, and senko (1/32 ounce wt). Fish were between grass and bank. Friday afternoon fished turtle beach. Fish had moved off the bank and caught several in 3-5 ft. Water clear. Senkos! Caught some off point in middle and the cove to the east. A few bites all the way in the back. Missed a heck of a fish there. Prob 5+. Rolled on a fluke and hauled butt into deeper water. Didn't get a good hook set. I'll be sick for a while. Found white bass schooling in Tenn Bay in 5-7 ft. The kids wore em out. Caught 30 or so with a few large mouth and Kentucks mixed in. Shad colored rouge.
  7. Got here late yesterday and fished spring hill. Water was a little stained. Threw a WMR fluke w the tail dipped chartr. Found them shallow, between hay grass and bank. Went 3 for 6. Fished about 1 1/2 hrs. Caught one that was dripping eggs (15"). Eased her back in the water. Woke up to gale force winds this am. Will try a midday bite.
  8. Hey Kajun32 Some offshore boats have silhouettes of squid and tuna painted on the hull. Maybe we should paint schools of shad on ours. lol.
  9. He is Risen!!! Happy Easter to all. Good to be back on the site. Good to see Catt still involved. Finally gonna get to scrape the dust off the rods, change line and head to the pond Wednesday. Will give an update. Purple and gold ranger. Geaux Tigers.
  10. Glad to see everyone still fishing and doing well. Have been covered up work, weddings and kid stuff. Buddy just got a new boat and may chase marlin w him in the real big pond for the next 2 months. Then it'll be back to the bend to resume my education. You guys are awesome.
  11. Correction: in 6 mile, coves in miles cr and Gilley's point. Still learning.
  12. Report: fished 6-mile Friday (mill creek??) fished the grass edges in 3-5 ft . Caught 15, 6 keepers?, largest 3 pounds. Set the hook on one and my line popped. Sounded like a 22 rifle. Bowfin? All on wmr chartreuse trig lizard. Water clear. Temp 70. Strong south wind. Didn't launch until noon. Was looking forward to day 2. Sat: returned to 6-mile, same area, same lure. Only caught 4. No keepers. Went to mouth of housen-little coves on the south side. Caught 5 nonkeeps. Flukes and c-rig lizard. Went to pirates (where I launched) and fished the second large island on left coming in. Water temp 72 and a little murky. 4 on wmr fluke, fished real slow. Strong south wind really blows! Seems to me the bite is better in afternoon. Well back to the grind. Tight lines to all this week. BnG
  13. Probably a stupid question: when the generators run, is the fishing affected?
  14. Update. My contact fessed up and told me he limited out by noon in buck creek, "blind fishing the bank". ??
  15. Catt, you are so right. Great group of guys who are willing to share some info for the common good. Catt is right. There aren't many that can spend "every day" on the pond, so good truthful reports tell you what the fish are doing and that really helps you get a game plan going. Hats off to Catt, who started this out of the goodness of his heart. I heard a fella caught a limit before noon on a watermelon candy fluke in "the Pirate's area". That's all I could get out of him. Headed there Friday to pre-fish for a high school tourney on Sat. I'm thinking about going to 6 mile and see if I can find some bedded mommas. Any thoughts?? BnG
  16. Oh yeah, flukes, brush hogs, and wmr zoom lizards. Fished in 1-4 fow. Grass edges.
  17. Fought the gale force winds and crowd . Every area that was out of the wind was stacked boats. Anyway covered a lot of ground. I had some ol boy catch an attitude, accusing me of cutting him off. There was an area that he arrived to first; therefore, I let him have first choice. He headed one way, then 180'd, then 180'd again. When it finally appeared that he committed to one direction, i went in behind him and headed the other way. He 180'd again, and started accusing me of cutting him off. He said of few words, saluted me and took off. I hope he ended up having a better day. I always try to be courteous. Maybe i don't understand the unwritten rules of "engagement". We fished the back of Yoakum and some coves south of there. Boated 18, 9 keepers. Sack would go 15#, with largest being 4.5#. Saw a few beds, some empty, others w males. I guess they spawned out in that area My 14 year old high school is having a tournament this Sat. . So we'll be back at em next week.. I'm gonna fish Friday and see if I can't find some bigger fish down south. Hopefully some on beds. BnG
  18. Thanks for all info. Gonna try to make it Friday n Sat. I had a turkey hunt lined up, but too much action at the bend to pass up. I never would have thought of nosing into that brush, but will definitely will try it. How deep is it in that brush, a foot or so? Thanks again, master. Grasshopper
  19. Catt...you are da man! 17 keepers. Awesome. Didn't know your vessel drafted less than 8 feet. LOL. What exactly are y'all calling buck brush? Is it those little squatty bushy shrubs? BnG
  20. Thanks for sharing your knowledge guys!
  21. Bobfrog: the water temp was 62 F. Catt: so you don't have to be close to the main lake this time of year to catch a big momma? Those big girls will be all the way back to spawn?? Also, what kind of window are we looking at with these bedded fish? My work schedule is a little crazy right now....but I can always play hookie to catch a fish. Hehe.
  22. Well I couldn't go Friday because my wifey wasn't feeling good, so I gladly and willingly tended to her. As she had recovered, I decided to make a run to the bend Sat. morning. With the forecast of fog, I wasn't in a hurry. I left my house at 7 am and was in the water at Pirate's by 9:45. It was still pretty thick so I motored out to a point I had seen of the map--thank God for gps/chartplotter. Water temp 62. Water, clear. Within 30 minutes I had 3 keepers (15-18"). Two on a WMR fluke fished slowly on the grass edge in 3 ft. and the other on a c-rigged lizard (cotton candy) in 6 ft. The fog lifted and I fished into the eastern cove,..no luck. I then found a flat in 5 ft of water and picked up two more on the lizard. I really wanted to see Housen, so I ran across and was intimidated by the shear size of it. I found myself in white oak and found an area with many male bass swimming about that would not even look at a bait. Watching the clock, I ran back to Pirate's so that I could fish till dark. I found another pocket with males cruising, but no takers. In another location, I picked up two more keepers on the fluke fishing the grass edge. I then loaded up and headed home. Total 7 fish. My 5 fish bag would go 12 lbs. with largest just over three. This rookie was thankful to be on the water. Any and all critiques welcome. Whats up with all those "cruisers"?
  23. Catt, I don't have my map handy. I'll try to get it later today. A question: Are big fish usually solo? For instance, if I caught a 9-10 pound fish in a spot. Are there other big fish in that area? Any other fish in the area? Or does really depend on time of the year (like spawn, etc). In your opinion, what is the significance of the area in which you caught the big one? Does it mean that there will be fish there tomorrow? Is it an area that you return to frequently/yearly? Or do you think its just a matter of being in the right place at the time? bng
  24. Well guys, gonna try to make a trip Friday. May be the only time to go as Sat and Sun may get rained out. Catt, I may start at 31 22.235, 093 40.80. What you think? Will post afterwards. Good luck to all. BNG
  25. A question regarding pre-spawn fishing. When you find an area that you believe to be a prime spot to fish, are you seeing the fish "stacked-up" on your screen or is it a matter of fishing these spots to determine if the fish are there? Catt, what are your thoughts? Pat
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