Fought the gale force winds and crowd . Every area that was out of the wind was stacked boats. Anyway covered a lot of ground. I had some ol boy catch an attitude, accusing me of cutting him off. There was an area that he arrived to first; therefore, I let him have first choice. He headed one way, then 180'd, then 180'd again. When it finally appeared that he committed to one direction, i went in behind him and headed the other way. He 180'd again, and started accusing me of cutting him off. He said of few words, saluted me and took off. I hope he ended up having a better day. I always try to be courteous. Maybe i don't understand the unwritten rules of "engagement".
We fished the back of Yoakum and some coves south of there. Boated 18, 9 keepers. Sack would go 15#, with largest being 4.5#. Saw a few beds, some empty, others w males. I guess they spawned out in that area
My 14 year old high school is having a tournament this Sat. . So we'll be back at em next week.. I'm gonna fish Friday and see if I can't find some bigger fish down south. Hopefully some on beds.