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Everything posted by PAGreg

  1. I like the snell because it allows the weight to sit on the hook versus the knot.
  2. Seibert dock rocker has become my hands down favorite this year.
  3. From KVD's blog on Bassmaster.com: A hollow body frog type lure. Strike King is coming out with a new one at ICAST that we call a “Poppin’ Perch.” It will be excellent for matted vegetation and skipping under docks and trees. It’s got a cupped mouth with phenomenal action that I know is going to be deadly in some situations. You should see it later this fall.
  4. Not really sure why everyone in this thread and the other says not on baitcasters. I've had the 40# on two of my BB1 Pros for over a year without issue. The slickness of the line makes any backlashes a cinch to get out. The two rods I use it on are primarily for casting top waters as far as I can and the Gliss delivers on that. I replaced Seaguar Smackdown on both rods with the Gliss and have been very happy.
  5. I would love to see the high test Gliss!
  6. Was out on Waneta & Lamoka on Saturday and it sucked. Talked to a few other guys from my club that were out and they said the same thing. They treated the lakes for weed control and it's a mess now. Add in that the water level seems to be down 6".
  7. I use the 6/0 Beast hook as recommended by Bryan Thrift in the Damiki videos. I should say used. Found these frogs are a plow through everything and collect slop on every cast. Used them on one trip and threw them in my crap lure drawer. I bought 4 packs of them too.
  8. Decided to try the Western arm of Keuka today, launching from the state park. I had never used that launch and quickly found out its where all the pleasure boats launch from. Never again. I was surprised to find water temps in the mid to upper 60s still. The larger lakes down here in PA are well into the mid 70 range. As a result, still didn't find many fish up on docks. Best catch of the day was a 3 lb smallmouth I caught from under a dock that the owners had strung a rope under to keep people from fishing under it. The dock sat about 6" off the water with the rope 3" off the water. I laughed when I saw it and skipped a bubble gum caffeine shad right under it. Got nailed as soon as it reached the middle of the dock.
  9. I've got a new pro g and like it. I already knew I'd love the brakes because I have 4 bb1 pros with the same system. I'm using the pro g for my heavy punching setup, so no long casts with it. My bb1s cast a mile. One thing about the pro g is that its tiny compared to all of my other lews.
  10. Plano 3771. Slim and adjustable dividers. Ultimate usage of space.
  11. I was on Silver from 10-4. I boated 26 bass and one pike. I think I saw Dave running up the lake. I worked docks all day. I caught 12 bass from under one dock. Largest fish was around 4 lbs. Saw 4 five plus pounders under one dock, but they were super spooky. I also saw what had to be a nearly 6# smallmouth swimming around in the open. Being my first time at Silver, here are some of my observations: 1. The sheer number of fish I observed was unlike anything I've ever seen. 2. More pike than I've ever seen anywhere. I'm talking one every 30 yards 3. Every fish is faaaat. 4. People everywhere are ignorant at boat ramps, but the experience here was absurd both launching and leaving. Overall, I was impressed. I may make the 3 hour drive again someday just to take my tourny partner with me to experiencd it.
  12. Is that Lance's Sea Ark you were on?
  13. Well, changed my mind since the forecast looks do d**n nice for Friday. Going to take the whole day off and head to Silver. Will probably be on the water from 10-4 or so.
  14. Will do. I'll be in a silver Ranger Rt188 with PA registration on it. Probably have my buff on to look like a fish bandit. I thought I'd designate some time throwing the whopper plopper for some toothy critters myself.
  15. I think I'm going to visit the mystical Silver Lake for the first time on Friday afternoon/evening. Spend the night in Geneseo and hit Conesus early on Saturday.
  16. I just bought a new Rt188 and the rate was the same for 10-15 years. So, I took the fiften years. Calculated my payments to payoff in 6 and set that as my monthly payment.
  17. I headed to Cayuta (Little) lake on Saturday. Was surprised to find the parking lot full when I arrived. Once I got out on the lake, it was apparent that nobody was fishing for bass. So, I had the few docks all to myself and managed a decent amount of fish from under the sparse docks. Threw in a few bonus fish between docks on the jerkbait and wasn't a bad day.
  18. The buff keeps me way cooler than sunscreen. No pics, but I use the Columbia zero freeze buff and just started using a Cabelas Guidewear buff. I like the Guidewear buff because it has a mesh opening around the mouth. It allows me to pull the buff over the tip of my nose without fogging up my glasses.
  19. ColdSVT & I caught a ton on waneta/lamoka on Saturday. Mostly 2 pounders but was fun losing count. Few docks in yet, so they were concentrated.
  20. I use 30# braid with a 12# fluoro leader for cranks. What makes it work is I'm using a composite Lucky Craft rod that is super soft. The rod absorbs the sudden movements. For jerkbaits, I have settled on copoly from McCoy. It has enough stretch to keep fish on and its super tough and casts well.
  21. I'm on my second X3 (two different boats) and like it quite a bit. First was a 12v 55#, new one is a 24v 70# digital.
  22. I have the columbia gloves. Since I'm pretty much wearing sun sleeves everytime I'm wearing the sun gloves, I bought two pairs of the Cabelas Guidewear sun sleeves that cover the arm and hand down to the middle knuckle.
  23. I hit Keuka on Sunday. Water temps were in the mid 40s on the main lake and water is crystal clear. Could see bottom in 25' of water. Channel out of Penn Yan was 56º and the blue gill have spawned in the channel. Thousands of small gills in the channel, but found no bass there. I spent most of my day running and checking out new water. Covered 30 miles. Caught one smallmouth in 12' of water on a weedbed.
  24. This is the weekend that's going to make all the time spent wiring up/mounting graphs & transducers and watching 3m 5200 dry in 32º temps, worth it.
  25. I'm pumped for the weekend. Going to take my 3 year old daughter to catch some bluegill on Saturday, then its to Keuka with my shiny new Ranger on Sunday. I don't care if there's any fish under docks yet, I'm flipping docks!
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