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    Between 4-5 lbs
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  1. I checked several places when someone said the zoom hooks were available. I didn't find any. They were discontinued around 10 years ago. Luckily I also bought a few as they were my favorite.
  2. I ordered direct from Jewell -- Two day shipping and cheaper than TW.
  3. thanks -- I bought some jewell and will try them out.
  4. What are your favorite football jigs or hooks?
  5. I use the Charlie slider heads. A pro tipped me off and they have worked great with wonderful movement.
  6. Oh I love to debate with total strangers concerning religion.
  7. I had not fished in over 2 years due to illness and lack of sight/mobility. While going through boxes of tackle, I found a couple of packs of the jigs. I will surely try them out.
  8. lol just ordered 2 days ago
  9. I have the cabelas black card which I pay off every month. I use the points to buy christmas presents. I think I will switch to a capitol one cash back as then I can spend wherever I please. I used to be against credit, but since I pay as soon as I get the notice, it is nice. I have it hooked to my debit card. I like the fact that when a shop is not treating you nice, capitol will fight for you.
  10. I was doing some sorting out and found a Norman lure - flat broke from 2016. Most places say out of stock and Tackle warehouse doesn't carry them. This is a red ear color. Has anyone used this lure regardless of color and if, should I take it out of its package. There had to be a reason I bought it.
  11. I was wondering if anyone has used the Dirty jigs or is it another internet youtube sales pitch
  12. I also carry, but I carry fishing themed gospel tracts about Jesus. I am glad that I have the opportunity to give one out and then hopefully share the gospel. It keeps me from getting upset or injured.
  13. I am pretty much blind (total in left eye) and I am paralyzed in my right hand. They are a God send as I have a hard time seeing and tying. I take several rods so if I snap a line I can somewhat (not always) quickly change. I still catch lots of fish and these allows me to actually fish as sometimes it takes 15 minutes or so to tie. I also use a spincaster too as I can move my thumb some. I use the bullet and the omega pro from Zebco. I have over 15 of them set up. I like them a lot as i am not into being the super pro as I love to fish. I also do bank fishing as I have a giant chair and I am not allow to drive a car or a boat. But I do catch fish.
  14. Tubes have been good for me
  15. here is a pic From the owners (wackyworm.com)
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