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Everything posted by FlipnLimits

  1. As FIB, I mean Mark, has said.....late May, early June will find you with all phases of the spawn. FL
  2. For travel or a camper........2 pc For everyday fishing from a boat.......1 pc FL
  3. Love it! Thanks for sharing. I have some items to post also. Just need some pictures taken so may take a few days. FL
  4. Watched some of it tonight, but have seen it before and thought it was a great golf bio. Arnie made golf giant in this country and he's a class act. The Masters was a great tournament this year too! FL
  5. Emo bass, goth bass, and now suicidal bass. LOL No, they will not starve themselves to death. And YES, they eat the same bait over and over and over and over again. We still catch bass on the same lures in the same lakes for decades and centuries. And most bass die within 10 years, so they did not Condition themselves to avoid the same lure. Simplify, don't complicate what is so easy to understand. If you fished a small pond for just 2 months, you would never catch a bass again if they were so smart. This goes in a general train of thought, not necessarily to the OP. FL
  6. I attempt to tie up so my boat spans two poles and the dock cannot touch anything but the rub rail. The Power Pole is used when there is no wave action and then I just play the wind to tie the front. The above pictured bumpers look like an excellent idea for lengthy tie-ups. FL
  7. drop dynamite lol, that'll get their attention. Fish that can be seen are usually tough to catch. I suggest a few casts at them and then move on to less frustrating bass. FL
  8. You can call it luck but simply put, bass seek warmer water to boost their metabolism, search for food, and ultimately to spawn. No, they are not spawning in that creek, even if it's warmer, but it's a place to start fishing. The water is not warm enough and there is not enough cover and zooplankton/small food to sustain fry, so no spawning yet. FL
  9. Spinning reels don't backlash. This must be the number 1 reason why they are more popular, in general. And cheaper to purchase. I own 1 spinning reel The rest are all BC and catching a 5-6lb bass in heavy cover takes some serious gear. Nothing less than a 7'6 (I like 7'11 for a couple things) gets the job done efficiently in some circumstances. So, I'm a Northerner with BC gear and don't have much use for spinning gear. FL
  10. I wasn't sure of your question and after looking around, it seems it may vary by state. You will have to check your local laws. Some states want it registered, some don't. I own weapons so some were bought through proper channels and I didn't see the difference because I have a permit to possess them.
  11. It's an antique firearm and therefore does not need to be registered. Same as my ww2 weapons. To original topic...Paranoia will destroy ya! Why would the DNR search your home if your basket/creel/cooler doesn't have illegal fish? There's no reason for it and they wouldn't waste their time. An officer can search you without probable cause if he asks you and you allow him to, and/or he feels there is something that is of a threat. If you're fishing along a bank and an officer asks you for your license, and you have one, he would leave wouldn't he? There would be no reason for further conversation. If a game warden checks your boat and you're legal, his job is done and he's gone. Never had a problem with law enforcement unless I deserved it And I haven't deserved it. An illegal search gets a lawman fired and sued! Why would a professional risk losing his good paying job to illegally search you if you are not breaking any laws? Just doesn't make sense. Some of the stories above, about illegal searches, may have been legal by law and you just didn't know it. Not to mention, we are only reading one side of the story. I wish there were more DNR, LE, Game Wardens, etc. on the waters I fish! It may curtail some of the idiots we see out there.
  12. I knew they were dumping also. Below the dam, the levels should be decent but haven't seen it. With that said, why are they dumping water anyways, it's already low and we don't have any sizeable rains coming. This gets so frustrating.
  13. That stinks! I hope your rig is up quickly for you. I'm also having some issues. My 3 bank charger is dead. Did your son mention the water levels down river? Would you be able to ask him if it was low or normal level?
  14. Saw Katherine and Channel yesterday, they were about 1/3 thawed. Shouldn't be much longer, like you said, by the weekend for sure. Problem is, they're dumping water out of the system, it's mighty low. ugh!
  15. Yup, you will start to get more hook-ups. I just call it upping-your-odds. It's like changing dull hooks or when you retie your line, you're not gonna know when it paid off, but you'll know when it didn't. Add all of these little up-your-odds tricks and suddenly things fall in your favor. In a tournament, I retie after every fish and often when fishing rocks or lumber. Good luck to you and post some piggies
  16. No rights have been lost, it's been this way for a long time. If the DNR finds illegal fish in your car, creel, or boat, they may search your home also. In your state regs, there is a daily creel limit and a possession limit. The possession limit constitutes the total amount between the fish you have with you at the lake and what's in your freezer. This law has been in the books for as long as I can remember. Sounds like OK has the same laws as IL. And WI has some brutal fishing laws and fines! They can confiscate your fish, gear, and truck! Illinois has state laws and site-specific laws. It's wise to get an updated fishing regs booklet every year and stay on top of your state laws inre possession and creel limits. If you're a tournament fisherman, some states do not allow culling. I have seen the DNR using binoculars to search for fishermen culling. I prefer not to fish tournaments with these regs. Local law enforcement cannot call DNR to search your car because they have more search powers. UNLESS, there is game involved. If this has happened to you, get a good lawyer and you will win the case and may have a civil suit. FL
  17. Yes, especially with a jig. The jig is what taught most people to set the hook vertically. If you pull toward your collar bone, that's also fine, it avoids getting hit in the head
  18. To skip baits with baitcasters will take some time but start to tighten the spool tension and swing harder, for starters. You will train your thumb and before you know it, you're skipping with a baitcaster. After a couple years you will skip certain baits 15' or more.
  19. Good to hear the military has helped you, Mitch! It sets many young people on a good direction. Sorry Mitch, but tisk tisk, you know the rules.....retie after a big fish! I hope you get another shot at her this year.
  20. I think you're correct, we finally made it. Getting the boat ready tomorrow.
  21. I love it, Chris! My 2.5 car garage will not fit my boat and have been looking at these for awhile. Is it anchored or do you have to worry about wind? FL
  22. Good luck! Save some fish pics for us
  23. I agree with the boys, you are getting good distance with your rig there. 17 is a thick line and MH is pretty stout. Add the 1/4 lure and you just can't get much more distance. Go up to 3/8 bait if possible or some part of your rig has to change. 17 might be a touch to heavy for a 1/4 crank but otherwise I wouldn't change the rig for a spinnerbait. And I respectfully disagree with an above posted sentence. 17 is not too much for 1/4 lures, it just depends on the lure. I'll throw a 1/4 jig on 20 or 25 line. Granted I have a trailer and the bait is then heavier. So as a rule, 17 is not too heavy depending on what you're doing with it. FL
  24. If you wait, he already dropped it. Hard, Sharp, and straight Up! FL
  25. You may have to bite-off a chunk of your trailer to make it shorter to fit the shank. You'll have to slide your trailer onto the bulky shank. It is what it is. I like those little jigs at times. FL
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