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  1. Headed south from iowa tommorow are any lake open north of kc
  2. guess I will fish cygne on saturday. our other lakes opening up in the area after the warm past couple of days
  3. Is power plant down at wolf creek
  4. AGHH dont tell me that bluebass haha I just want to hit some open water been a long winter. I am going to table rock in april to see the pros so I dont want to go there for 2 trips back to back. I just want to catch some bass what other lakes would you sujest
  5. thanks cbass I am going for weekend so maybe hit lacygne sat and shawnee sunday
  6. I am headed south march 14th cant take the ice anymore. Coming from iowa so I doubt there is any open water any closer. What lake would you sujest I go to and any tips would be great. are there cheap hotels in area?
  7. coming from des moines just looking to get a jump on season. any one fished harison co lake
  8. What would be a good lake to fish N of KC around mid to late march
  9. realy you have a prob with some one throwing a fish in the water but have no prob with hooking them in the face and draging them threw water? I don’t understand the arrogance of people that would have the nerve to complain about 1 abuse but feel fine with one that is far worse. Given the choice of being thrown in the water or hooked in the face and dragged 20ft to a boat witch one are you going to take? I treat my fish with care but I also don’t feel the need to judge someone for how they treat there fish after they have HOOKED IT.
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