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Everything posted by Sweetale

  1. I have a 2014 RT 178, and love it. I upgraded to a 24 v 70# Edge, and it scoots the boat around with amazing ease. I stayed with the 60 hp 4-stroke Merc, and it treats me really well. GPS 36 mph with two adults and 1/2 tank of gas. I can't even describe the skinny water I've had this boat in, and you would REALLY need to mash it hard into something to get a dent. Great storage, fit/finish, trailer, and customer service with Ranger.
  2. Anyone use a small solar panel to recharge your trolling batteries (I have 2)? I will often stow my boat after use in a spot with no power, and would obviously prefer to avoid trips home just to plug in. I realize that we're talking a slow recharge with solar, and most times that will suffice. I also don't want to pull the batteries to bring home either. Thoughts?
  3. Ranger RT178
  4. Here is the layout
  5. Getting ready to bow mount a Humminbird 571 HD DI on an RT178, and was curious as to the best spot to put it: somewhere on the step pad (not ideal, but best location for viewing), or on the carpet to the right of the TM pedal. Thoughts?
  6. Good to hear, since I put down the deposit today on the RT178! I'm pretty stoked. Thanks to everyone for their help and input!
  7. I was able to finally see the Ranger in person today, and was very impressed with the storage and fit/finish. I'm definitely leaning toward this boat, although not quite a done deal yet. Everyones' comments have really helped me with this process.
  8. The Tracker has a wood deck, and the Ranger has no wood anywhere. While I am a long time boat owner, I do not know the repercussions of a wood deck on an aluminum bass boat.
  9. Both dealers are equidistant from home, (and are actually owned by the same group). I don't have a dealer for any of the other big name boats close enough for comfort. How much should the wood vs no wood factor into my decision?
  10. Both boats priced by dealers (not BPS) with 24 volt 70# Edge TM, 60 hp Merc, pedestal seat up front, and same fish finder. Both will install my Humminbird on the bow at no cost. Ranger is $1700 more. Here are some of my thoughts: I like the look of the Tracker more, along with the awesome rod storage locker. The 2 livewell situation on the Tracker is not a concern of mine, but they are not huge by any means. I love that the Ranger has no wood, has a big livewell, and great storage. Ranger is obviously known for making a great boat. What do you guys think?
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