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  1. Thanks for the updates everyone. I'm heading to the airport in an hour. 60 degree days sounds like paradise to me right now! I'll check in once i'm settled.
  2. Bump! It was touch and go on whether my flight down would be cancelled or not. I'm crossing my fingers and hoping I lucked out and I'm good to go for tomorrow. I'll be around Jupiter till next Saturday. Anyone in the area wanna meet up and fish feel free to get in touch with me. Pm is best. Can't wait. I need to get out of the northeast for a bit.
  3. "Capt. Shane, you switched off your targeting computer. What's wrong?"
  4. Thanks for the info guys! I know from this time of the year on the fishing gets tricky. So like last time, I will keep my expectations low and just enjoy the my time on water that is not frozen. Anyone looking for a fishing partner or want to join me for some bank busting let me know.
  5. Stick Marsh is an amazing fishery. If you live in Florida, along with the Big O and the others, you have to hit it up once. And it is true about the flooding of new area adjacent to it. The FFWC has been working hard to make that place a world class fishery digging channels and structure as well as planting vegetation conducive to creating an amazing fishing habitat. I believe they've already stocked bluegill and other forage fish there. The way they are building that place is like as if you are reading a book on bass habitat and locating fish. In some ways it kinda reminds me of how an architect designs a golf course except they are not tryin to make it hard or challenging. haha
  6. Thanks. Swimbaiting is not for the faint of heart. However, that rat on ebay's price is a bit "inflated". You're welcomed to throw mine if we fish together. Haha.
  7. Hey All, I'm making another trip down to Forida again (jupiter area) to visit friends and I'm looking to get out and fish while i'm there. I really enojoyed it last time fishing local canals and some complex ponds as well as an awesome guided trip to Stick Marsh. I was hoping to get out with a local for some bank fishing or if they were kind enough to have an open seat on a boat to try some local fishing spots (I would help with fuel costs etc). I'll probably be there end of this month into beginning of February so if anyone wants to meet upshoot me a message. I'm open to trying some salt or brackish water too. I always wanted to try and catch some snook and I've heard that the snook fishing in that area is pretty good. Here are some pics of fish I got there last year: Canal fishin' using a Nezumma Rat: Stick Marsh:
  8. The only place I know in that area where you will have a decent chance in catching bass would be Kissena Lake. You're probably gonna need to get a ride over there or take a bus. Do a google search on Kissena lake. I think there are some kids that posted some vids on youtube about fishing there. Good Luck and have a good time in the Big Apple.
  9. The Lexa 300 is a solid reel for the money. I have not used it on salt but I know a number of people that do on the west coast for Calico bass. It handles big LM bass with ease and the stock drag is great. I upgraded to some Boca ceramic bearings and its casts very well. I would guess it would be a great reel for snook and the like. I would definitely recommend it. Its hard to beat for its price point IMO. It also comes in a Power handle configuration if you need that option.
  10. Just got back from my trip to Jupiter. I met up with WPerry at a tackle shop and chatted over iced tea. It's too bad I didn't get a chance to get out with you Bill. I took a guide trip over to Stick Marsh. Wow what an amazing fishery! Nailed a bunch of quality fish. I need to go back there! I also did some exploring on my own while in Jupiter. Took a ride over to Hungrylands in West Jupiter. Fishing was tough for me. I was mainly fishing large Swimbaits. After a while of some misses and curious but not eating fish, my patience was finally rewarded. I didn't weigh her but she was a monster by my NJ standards. You can speculate yourselves. Just for reference, I got her on a 22nd Century Nezumma Rat (Lure body is double jointed and 3oz. 5.5" body and another 4-5" tail - Rod in background is a Dobyns 795ML w/ a Lexa 300) I gotta say you guys in Florida have amazing waters. I'm jealous. There is potential for a quality fish anywhere. Hope to be back soon. Thanks to all for your tips! Bonus pic of a Talapia I got on a 6" S waver. Definitely a "I don't understand?" moment for me.
  11. Thanks for the info SirSnook. Much appreciated.
  12. Just wanted to bump this up one more time. As mentioned before, I'll be up by Jupiter early but willing to travel most areas of PB County as I will be pretty open in my schedule. Mainly looking for small water for walking banks (like canals, retention ponds, etc). If anyone would like to meet up and fish I'd be game for that. Just FYI, I'm not looking for people to readily give up spots they've spent a lot of time and effort to find. I'm looking for some guidance and a nudge in the right direction. If you've got a boat and need a back seat filled (will share fuel etc). The snook fishing has peeked my interest considerably and any tips on that would be appreciated as well! Help a guy out! You can contact via PM. Thanks all.
  13. Hello All. Finally registered to the site. I've been reading topics as a guest for a while. Some great info on here. I'm from Northern NJ. I fished a bit when I was a kid, then really caught the bug in college while in Virginia. I had a hiatus for a while and got back into Bass fishing a few years ago. Now I'm in the thick of it. Many hours spent on the water and to my dismay...a lot of $$$ dumped in too! Thanks for a great site for information.
  14. Hey all, Been on this site a bunch of times as a visitor for some great info in the past. Instead of starting my own thread I figured I'd just jump on this one. I'll be in town visiting a good friend in Jupiter early March and looking to see if any one would offer up any more info for a bank beater like myself. I'm also looking to take a guide trip to one of the area fisheries and was wondering if anyone was interested in splitting a trip. Also interested in meeting up with a local to fish some spots. I'll be looking for posts or you can pm direct!
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