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Everything posted by clark9312

  1. I'm going to hook the muffs back to it and run it before I go to work. If I were to have fried the alternator would It show on the TAC? The voltage on the TAC wouldn't move go up when increasing the RPMS, correct? Sorry for the questions but I don't have the best mechanical skills lol
  2. So I hooked the muffs to it and it started and seem to run fine. No blown fuses. My only concern now is could I have messed up my alternator. Any chance of this?
  3. So far I haven't found any blown fuses. The bilge pump is working and so is the livewell. I'm going to start it in just a few 2016 mercury 115 4 stroke. I couldn't really tell where the smoke was coming from my self. Looked to be lower part of the motor
  4. So far I haven't seen anything that looks melted
  5. I was unhooking my batteries. It started getting tight when I got to my cranking battery and I guess my wrench hit the metal of the boat while I was un doing my positive and sparks started flying and smoke came from my motor. How much damage do you think I've done
  6. I'm gona try it. Do you order it or buy it from tobacco stores?
  7. I read a lot about the 84 lumber commercial. I think it's being miss interperted. Who knows. I'm so burnt out on political stuff. It seems like everywhere I go that's the only thing people want to talk about.
  8. How close is it to the real thing? It probably doesn't burn does it? That's what I think I'd miss the most if I quit.
  9. Have you ever ran it?
  10. Does mercury make quicksilver oil? I'm going to change the lower unit oil and engine oil on my 4 stroke outboard and was looking at different oils. The manual recommends mercury or quicksilver oil. I've never been one to try and cut cost when it comes to oil so was wondering if any of you guys run it in your motors. I know some people say oil is just oil but I'd like to run the best in it. Thanks in advance guys
  11. This may be a dumb question but how do you get the old grease out? I always just pumped till I saw the new grease coming out
  12. I'll check those out too! Thanks
  13. lol don't get me started on U.K. This year! I'm going to order a few puffy jigs for early spring. I like some of the colors. I'll let everyone know
  14. Any one tried these? The jigs look good and they have a cool website where you can customize your jigs but I've never heard of them. Probably going to order a few but was wondering if any of you guys had tried them. Don't want to buy a bunch if everyone hates them lol
  15. Red seal winter green longcut. Will occasionally get a pouch of Levi garret.
  16. Just curious where you live? I also live in ky. We had a good trip the Monday after Christmas. We had close to 30 keepers (crappie) and probably threw that many back. We were catching them in 2-5 ft.
  17. I've been looking at the hook 7. You can get them at bps with nautic insight and a cover for 399. Does anyone have any info on these? Good or bad?
  18. I fish occasional tournaments out of my tracker 190. And I have yet to be the smallest boat there. I haven't won a tourney since buying my boat but I can assure you that me not winning has nothing to do with my boat. I've seen guy come in with huge sacks in little trackers with 50hp on the back.
  19. I came out pretty good. I got a bps gortex 100mph suit. I'm excited for this early spring to use it. Even got the gloves with it. Between my birthday and Christmas I recieved 275 in gift cards to bass pro. I stopped in at one on my way to Tennessee and told my self I was going to stay within that 275 dollar budget. I bought nothing but tackle and the total bill was over 400 lol. I just can't help my self.
  20. When I'm at the ramp I always hate to ask what people were throwing. Instead I'll usually say something like "I caught a few cranking" and just see what they say. If they want to tell me what/how they did I'm all ears. If not that's fine too
  21. Also I'd like to add, just from my experience if you go the tracker/nitro route don't buy from BPS. After talking and looking at 2 BPS stores I'd never buy a boat from them. The sales team wasn't very knowledgeable and the boats seemed to have kids playing all over them. The guys I bought my boat from were extremely knowledgeable and I didn't feel rushed when asking questions. When I went and picked my boat up they had a mechanic go through every little detail of the boat from fuel treatments to when and how to grease the wheel bearings on the trailer. Being a new boat owner a lot of the info was helpful.
  22. I also have the tracker 190tx. I'd recommend it to anyone wanting aluminum. I went back and forth between the tracker 190 and ranger 188 and couldn't justify the price difference. Also the customer service i received at my local tracker dealer was 10x better than the ranger dealer. I couldn't even get the salesman at the ranger dealer to return a phone call.
  23. Exactly where are you at?
  24. I'm heading to Norris lake this weekend and was wondering if anyone has been fishing it. This will be my first time on this lake so any tips or info is welcomed!
  25. I could be wrong but when I bought my tracker the owner of the dealership was showing me the new trailers on the tracker/nitro boats. They're made of the same metal that ranger makes theirs out of. He said they just started doing this on this years boats. Bass pro now owns ranger.
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