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Everything posted by clark9312

  1. Anybody been out lately? I'm probably going to hit it Sunday. How crowded is cedar on the weekend
  2. Is that article saying that a 54 pound blue cat is a potential record?
  3. A couple weekends ago I was just beating the bank and pulled up on a guy and girl..... I looked at my father in law and he said "are they doing what I think there're doing?" I couldn't help but to bust out laughing! They heard me and it embarrassed them. They pull their pants up real fast and just layed on that big rock starring up at the sky. I was having a hard time not laughing.
  4. Next time someone cuts you off just kick the trolling motor up and jump right back in front of them, if they try and pass just kick it back up and race with them. By the time you're done playing leap frog you both would have passed up the spot that the guy cutting you off wanted to fish so just turn around and fish back. I've only done this once and the guy just pulled his trolling motor up and left. I even spoke as I was passing him lol
  5. I found those temps at the mouth of the river, it was really muddy up there though. Also I fished by the dam right before I left and the water was warm there too but didn't catch a fish all day. Did you catch any?
  6. I ended up going somewhere else and regretted it lol, I should've went to cedar. I'm not sure on the water temp at cedar but at cave run I found water temps ranging between 49-56
  7. I wonder if catch and release has anything to do with it? This is just a theory but if you look at deer populations they keep growing. Kentucky keeps producing near record harvest numbers every year and we continue to see more and more deer. I wonder if people not taking enough fish has any impact. Note: I never keep bass I catch and release only
  8. I'm going out again Sunday and will let you know. Been a little colder these past couple nights than it has been but highs in the 60s Sunday
  9. This year I couldn't tell ya. I found 55 degree water last week and that's crazy for February. If the water keeps warming I wouldn't be surprised if they were on beds by the end of this month
  10. It was crazy windy, I caught 2 bass and a big ole crappie lol. I'm going to try and go back this weekend
  11. I went last weekend and the lake seemed to be at what I would call summer pool. I couldn't tell they dropped it any
  12. Well guys I went today and it was rough lol. I'd say the gust were up over 30mph. I got blown all over the lake. I did manage to catch two. The biggest being about 15-16in. I had a good time and it sure beat a day at work
  13. I'm going to go out and see what happens tomorrow. I can't let wind keep me inside on a 75 degree February day. I appreciate all the tips guys. I'll be sure to let you guys know how I did
  14. I'm still going to go out tomorrow just trying to get a plan together. Biggest down side to aluminum is fishing in wind in my opinion
  15. Tomorrow is suppose to be record high(77 degrees) but giving 25mph wind. I'm trying to get off work tomorrow so I can go
  16. How do you guys approach really windy days? I still struggle a lot when I'm fishing on those really windy days, everything from boat control to casting. Just wondering how you guys did it
  17. I have the BPS 100 MPH suite. It's pretty expensive but if you're going to be fishing in cold or cold and wet temps it's worth it in my opinion. I know some guys have Simms rains suits but honestly don't know how much they are.
  18. I always threw small chart spinner baits and buzzbaits. If you can catch the big sandy right I think it's the best bass fishing in EKY.
  19. since you have a boat couldn't you fish by yourself as a boater? In every tourney ive fished in there are always a few guys out there by themselves.
  20. I just want to watch MLF. Is there anyway to get it from a firestick? I wouldn't mind to pay for it
  21. clark9312


    Are any of you guys running Kodi on your firesticks or android boxes? I haven't found any good fishing shows on there. I'm so disappointed that the outdoor channel is about the only network exodus doesn't have
  22. A good drink that I make sometimes is Jim beam apple mixed with fireball. I was skeptical when first told about it but you put it on ice it's actually really good. I also like wild turkey honey on ice.
  23. It's been the warmest February I remember. My buddy fished Sunday and said he found 50 degree water. Said he caught 20+ on a small crank bait. Only one keeper though. We're fishing a small tournament Sunday and the temps are going to be in the upper 60s. It's crazy
  24. I know this is an old thread but I may be heading to cedar this weekend and was wondering if anyone had any tips.
  25. I think I'm in the clear. I took the boat to a small lake by the house. I backed it in and at ran it on the trailer. The TAC showed it right around 14 while idling. It would drop while I was playing with my tilt and trim. When I put it in gear and gave it a little gas (under 2000 rpms it would go up slightly) this is about as high as the voltage got. I also want to add the voltage meter would drop just slightly under 14 when I had the livewells running
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