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Everything posted by clark9312

  1. I drive a 2018 tundra my wife drives a 2019 4 runner. I have a tracker 190tx and have pulled it with both. The 4-runner did fine but I was cautious about stopping and it was a little sluggish up hill. My tundra on the other hand will pull it like it’s a beer can. As said earlier the tundras are built for towing. Every SR5 or more package will come with towing features. Also if you ever get a bigger/heavier boat you won’t need to get a new truck. I drove the Tacoma when I bought my tundra, they look good just not enough space, and the 5.7 is a beast
  2. I also work in the utility business. This is the second story I’ve seen in the last few weeks of this happening. The other story was a guy got pinned between an excavator and the car that hit him...he didn’t make it. I try and make sure our job is always setup the best way possible but some people pay 0 attention to the signs, comes, flashing lights, and hi vis vest.
  3. Always thought a Chevy couldn’t be beat...then I drove a tundra
  4. Just picked one up. I’ve got it mounted to the motor right now and taking it out tomorrow. I have no idea what I’m doing with it but I’ll give it a shot lol
  5. Company vehicle helps a ton! Once I started driving one my truck might only move once a week.
  6. That’s something I would’ve never thought about. I’ll remove weapons and personal information out of my truck for sure!
  7. I sent a PM Yeah I did read that but on average a hurricane directly hit Jamaica once ever 10-11 years. Last year while in destin I played golf with a local who said he was in the process of moving to Jamaica to get away from hurricanes. I know it’s possible but I’ll take my chances.
  8. For you guys that have traveled out of the US, do you have any tips? We’re going to a resort in Jamaica for our honey moon in the middle of August and neither one of us have ever left the states. Any tips or advice is appreciated!
  9. Found an app (image size) which allows you to resize pictures very easily!
  10. 2018 tundra with 2016 tracker 190.
  11. Who is the guy that wrote that 9 page article?
  12. I did the same thing. I pulled up to the ramp and it was really busy because a tournament was finishing up. I saw an opening and was in a huge hurry to get the ramp. I didn’t squat down and look where the plug was going, instead I just bent down and stuck the plug in the live well drain. I dumped the boat in and took off. I hadn’t had it long and I thought it felt heavy but didn’t pay much attention to it. I got 13 miles up the lake to a no wake zone and realized the back of the boat was sitting low in the water. Opened up the back hatch and it was full. I just turned the bilge pump on and jumped in and put the plug where it belongs.
  13. I usually buy UA shoes and can get them from 50-75. I think my last pair came from kohl’s and I’ve bought a couple of pairs online. When it comes to work boots though I don’t go cheap.
  14. I’d probably go with the basket @Choporoz posted a pic of maybe two. Idk though I’ve never tried to keep fish alive in a cooler or a basket. Theres not going to be a lot of room in a Jon boat after you bring all your gear, 2 guys, cooler for drinks, and your trolling stuff.
  15. Any tips on shrinking down a picture to upload?
  16. Yeah that’s what I’m trying to do. I screwed up a couple of weeks ago, I tried to play hard ball and the guy ended up walking over 500 bucks. I should’ve took the offer lol
  17. When I bought my boat I had a 2wd Chevy and had a couple close calls. I kept it for a year and ended up getting a 4wd. I hated burning rubber coming up the ramp after taking out lol
  18. I’ve got a night tournament this weekend and this will be the first night tournament fishing alone. Ive always had a guy to run the spotlight for me. The tournament starts at 7 and I’m going to have to make a pretty good run to my first spot. I wanted to be back towards the ramp by 9 but if I’m on fish there’s no way I can leave. The tournament doesn’t end until 3 but I’ve got a couple really good banks within a couple miles of the ramp. I’m kind of torn on what to do. I know the lake well but it can get extremely trashy. Last year my parter did about 6 grand worth of damage to his boat after hitting a huge floating log. I also tore up a aluminum prop. This happened during the day lol. Idk if I should stay a little closer to the ramp or go ahead and make the 25 minute run.
  19. That kills me man. I know some people don’t know but guys that fish tournaments every weekend should. I’ve had this happen several times
  20. Around here there are some small lakes that are idle only but other than that and no wake zones there is no speed limit.
  21. My face book has been flooded with accidents and screw ups at boat ramps. The best one I’ve seen (should’ve took a screen shot) was a guy literally pulled his truck into the lake! I’m talking just drove his truck into the lake with his boat behind him. No idea how that happened but it was at a lake I fish a couple times a year. Anyone on here have any good stories?
  22. Hang in there buddy. I’m sure she will find something. My fiancé got into real estate almost a year ago. We were both nervous becasue she left a good job that paid well but it was worth it! She’s made more money in real estate than she ever could at her last job. The real estate market seems hot for most of the country so that’s always something to look into.
  23. I like the menace grubs!
  24. Im in the market, do you mind telling what went wrong?
  25. I got a quote on a 2019 z19 pro package for 42 out the door. The z18 is mid 30s. Honestly both seem to have their own pros and cons and if you go with a higher end aluminum I’m sure you’ll be satisfied just don’t base your decision off money like I did and regret not going ahead and getting what you wanted to begin with. Main complaint about my tracker right now is trade in value lol
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