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Everything posted by DBL000006

  1. Okay guys, i have a Reel i'll be Spooling Braid on. I need to know how much Backing Line to put on. I'm spooling the whole Spool of Braid. My Reel holds 145 Yards of 12LB Mono. I'm spooling 50LB Braid of 110 Yards. How much backing line, so the full Spool of Braid can fit?
  2. Anyone in here from this area.. I search the Forums about 3 times a week. Just seeing if anyone is in my area.
  3. Awesome posts guys. In March, Northeast area. What color are Crayfish? I guess that's why, all of us love Bass Fishing. Match the hatch. They could be Black and Blue in March. Yes, they do change Colors on full moons. Another Question.. Different States, do they change on air temperature? Also water temperature. In my area it's still cold in March. It's a guessing game for sure.
  4. I was at my local body of water today. I saw a half eaten Crawfish. The color was Brown, seems it had Purple flash in it. Wonder in March will that Crayfish stay Brown, or change as soon as Spring comes? I may start the Year with Brown Cranks and Peanut Butter & Jelly color Jigs.
  5. I see what you mean. I just don't have the extra Cash to spend on high end Line. I'm using 60 Yards of 12Lb Mono for Backing. From what i've seen in here and reading reviews. Red Label seems very good. I have KVD Line Conditioner, so i should be good to go.
  6. I used Grand Slam Coated 12Lb Test in Lilly Pads and around timber. I think the 15LB test is, perfect for all types of fishing
  7. Thanks guys.. I'm sold on Seaguar.
  8. Yozuri hybrid, i rather get a Fluro and not a Coated Line.. I've heard about the Line though.
  9. Yeah, 15Lb Test is for my Jigs and Worms. I'm mainly a Swim Jig, Vibrating, and Jerkbaits.
  10. I got some KVD coming. I may be getting some 12 and 15 not too sure yet. The Diameter for 15LB test is like some 12LB Test Lines. I'm confused by that though.
  11. I did, but i rather have Fluro as my main Line. I use 60 Yards of Mono Backing before i'll put the Fluro on.
  12. Fluro line catches more fish. I was with a Buddy, he has Fluro Line and i had Grand Slam Coated. Well he out fished me
  13. I've decided i need a, 100% Fluro. Both of these brands 500 line on one spool. I have 4 Baitcasters that need new line. Feedback on these brands would be great.
  14. Looking to get some Line. Need some feedback on the 2.
  15. I would switch to Fluorocarbon Line. Try High Seas Coated Line in 10 LB Test. It's great Line.
  16. I see your Theory in buying more then 4. I feel everyone has their go to Color in Cloudy and Sunny Conditions. I'm buying 4 jerkbaits, the brand is Storm Twitch Stick. I'll tell you guys the Colors i'm buying... Black Chrome orange, Chrome Yellow Perch, Hot Blue Shad and Blue Chrome Orange and/or Chrome Clown. I may get a 5th. That's the 4 Colors i'm getting. What do you all think of my Color Selection?
  17. How about Chrome with orange on the bottom?
  18. If you guys had to use just 4 colors. What 4 Color jerkbaits would you get?
  19. Yeah, i was Searching on there. A lot of Clubs aren't accepting new Members.
  20. Anyone interested in Making a Bass Club? Post in here, if your Interested..
  21. Anyone near the Cumberland County Area.
  22. How are you? Good to see some local Fisherman near by. I'm from the Cumberland County area also.
  23. Can anyone help me out?
  24. The tip on my Vengeance Casting Rod got Damaged. Does anyone know what size the tip is?
  25. I'm going be moving to the area in late Summertime. Yeah, a little early. Just wondering who lives in the area? Main Question.. How's the Bass fishing? Where i live now i have some friends who bass fish. Also Bass clubs in there area.
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