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Everything posted by 96ecss

  1. I throw Mann's Baby 1 Minus from the bank. I very rarely lose one. Dave
  2. I forgot to mention the Owner Flashy Swimmer for extra flash and vibration on windy days or in stained water.
  3. They're great on swim jigs. I also throw them on Buckeye Lure's J-Will Swimbait Head if I'm fishing open water.
  4. "It may be an old gun but it still makes new holes" was a saying that my dad's old deer hunting buddy would say when anyone made jokes about the old shotgun he used. Culprit, Mr Twister, Mann's Jelly Worms and the other lures you mentioned are old lures but they still catch new fish. Dave
  5. Here's a good tip from Glenn. https://www.bassresource.com/bass-fishing-videos/plastic-lures-hook.html Dave
  6. My goal for 2019 is to just go fishing again, especially with my 15 year old son and my brother. After some serious health problems and 2 heart surgeries, I haven't fished at all for about 2 years. I'm just starting to feel ok again, so hopefully 2019 will be a good year. Dave
  7. I know you said 2 sets of trebles and the lure in this auction has 3, but to me, it seems pretty close. Renegade Honeycomb Series Silver Blue Rattling Jerkbait https://www.ebay.com/itm/Renegade-Honeycomb-Series-Silver-Blue-Rattling-Jerkbait-Lure-from-Estate-Sale-/362190517907?hash=item54543cb693&nma=true&si=if%2BCx60RsuJtgF%2FqItNmeCy67BY%3D&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2557
  8. Beautiful work! Dave
  9. Whenever I see a pro break a rod out of anger or frustration, it makes me wonder if they would do that if they had to pay for that rod. Dave
  10. This reminds me of an old joke I used to tell to my friend who always over estimates the weight of the fish he catches. "How do you turn a 5lb bass into a 3lb bass? Weigh it." Dave
  11. Major League Fishing and MLF All Angles. Dave
  12. Welcome aboard and thank you for your service. Dave
  13. Welcome aboard! Dave
  14. Contact Mike at Delaware Valley Tackle. He's a sponsor here and does great work at reasonable prices. He gives discounts to Bass Resource members. http://www.delawarevalleytackle.com/ Dave
  15. I've had good luck with these. http://www.***.com/Megastrike_StrikeBack_Colorado_Willow_Spinnerbait/descpage-MGSBSPB.html Dave
  16. I have a friend who always wants to move to a new spot. Even if you're catching fish, he always has a "better" spot. The last time I fished with him was a few years ago. We spent more time driving from spot to spot than we did fishing. Dave
  17. I'm not sure if this is the type of info you're looking for, but this is a great video that goes over some different types of structure and what it looks like on a map.
  18. Lots of great info here http://www.bassresource.com/bass-fishing-forums/topic/76292-demystifying-structure/#?page=1&_suid=145703284633306098064302510824 Dave
  19. Bass Angler Mag is a good choice. http://bassmag.com/ Dave
  20. I have one. It works great. We even use it when we're sitting in the back yard at night in the summer. Dave
  21. I think you can buy them direct from Lunker City's web site. That's where I used to get mine from. I haven't ordered from them in a few years though. Dave
  22. Hi, Try Harry's Army/Navy 609-585-5450 or The Sportsman Center 609-298-5300 Both are within 30 minutes drive from McGuire and both have done rod repairs for people I know. If they don't do the work themselves, I'm sure they can recommend somebody local to do the work. Hope this helps. Dave
  23. Great article. Say, who is this John Franchot guy? lol Dave
  24. And breathing the welding fumes. I actualy had alot of fun welding as a hobby when building a race car or restoring old muscle cars. I learned how to arc weld and oxy acetylene weld from some old timers at work. Taught myself how to mig weld and learned tig welding from a friend who has a fabrication business. Dave
  25. I have done many types of welding/fabrication in jobs and various hobbies I've had. I've done mig, tig, arc and even oxy acetylene welding. Could I do it for a living? Probably. Would I? Nope. Dave
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