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Everything posted by fishinyank

  1. That second picture has been posted on this forum before, except whoever posted it said it was from europe. Tremendous fish either way.
  2. Tubes, then a toss up between crankbaits and inline spinners (I never grew out of these, and I never will!!!)
  3. What happened to the good ol' bar graph or pie chart? Man Id love to read that thing if I knew how! I avoided all things technological while in school so if you could maybe help with how to read it. What do the numbers represent? And whats a position score or rxn? Sorry for the weak mind but but when it comes to anything computer oriented, my mind couldnt hurt a fly!
  4. I voted time on the water- but thats both by myself and with others, particularly my great grandfather and his fishing buddy steve. Although I fished with my great grandfather only once that I can remember, its from that morning I gained my first real fishing knowledge. He took my father and I to the edges of weed covered flats, and had us fish hair jigs tipped with perch eyes down the drop offs. He was the only one who caught fish that day but I learned alot by watching him. Years later as a pre-teen I went back to those drop offs and caught my first bass BY MYSELF. Steve, my grandfathers long time friend, took me out a few times since then, reinforcing the basics in me. The majority of what Ive learned since then I stumbled on by myself or read on the internet, but its all thanks to Grandpa Red and Steve.
  5. I guess all I fish is light tackle, I've never fished over ten pound line for bass. Ive never found it nessecary up here in NY where a big largemouth is six or seven pounds. Besides, lighter line allows better action in your lure, and is harder to detect by the fish, etc, etc.
  6. Do you guys have a prefered titanium leader? I've seen some on cabela's. I want to try some. The Tooth Proof brand says its knotable, so maybe no need for snaps? I like the sound of that.
  7. Ill go if I can get the day off work - weekdays are best. I live in Binghamton NY so that cant be too far away. Besides, I haven't been to a Cabelas or a BassProShop (I know, Im deprived) so I would love it.
  8. Ive been itching to take the plunge into LC lures as well. Tell us how you do with it.
  9. What ever amount the ole lady will let him pay! Honestly though, what ever amount a fisherman can afford or feel comfortable paying for a combo. Like most things, you pay for what you get, then the law of diminishing returns sets in.
  10. Oh yeah, I forgot. My opinion about metal guitar solos is something I share with another famous guitarist. In fact, I borrowed the idea about the weedly wee guitar soloist (I did add a few of my own clever observations to it) from this same guitarist's book. If you can name him, you win major cool points....and a new car!
  11. Id say big carp too....probably hooked her in the tail. When that happens they are like ten times stronger. If your lucky enough to get your lure back there is usually the tell-tale giant carp scale attached.
  12. OK OK Im a little interested now. As I said previously, Ive never used them, and they look they'd have the action of, well something like a Pikie. Maybe Ill give them a shot while fishin for Pike/Muskie. If i threw them for bass up here in NY thats what Id probably be more likley to hook up with anyway!
  13. Ive been known to listen to Pantera from time to time and DD was a fine guitarist, but I've always thought heavy metal solos are super cheesy. They often go like this: WEEEE WEEE (gutarist bangs his head a few times) Weedly Weedly Weee (sparklers go off on stage) Weedly Weedly Weedly Weedly Weedly Weedly Weedly WEEEEEE ( guitarist places instrument on hip with headstock pointing towards ceiling, crowd seems to love it) Weedly Weedly Weedly WEEE WEEE WEEE (bangs head one more time as back curtain is raised to reveal a 25 ft tall fire breathing beast, crowd goes bezerk) Weedly WEEEEEEEEEEE Now I know this is a slight exaggeration, but really, were's the melodies? Weres the musical ideas? I know you can weedly wee 30 times a measure, but can you slow down and actually make me use my mind? Sorry, I'm not trying to ruffle feathers, I just wanted to vent. As I said, I do listen to Pantera and other metal bands every so often, but I usually fast forward thrrough most of the solos
  14. I know RoLo, just havin alittle fun ;D But really whats the difference between a Pikie 3000 (jointed) and a big swimbait besides about $80 and a fancy paint job?
  15. Okay, so this isn't a very serious post, but why are they called swimbaits? I mean, I havent used one, but they look like crankbaits to me, just bigger. If this is the case, then muskie anglers have been using swimbaits for years. Im confused: if swimbaits swim, than what do crankbaits do, and if you crank crankbaits, how do you retrieve a swimbait?
  16. I still think you should wait until after the spawn. Let the fish repopulate their home lake, then if its legal, go catch some fish for the pond. If you take them out before or during the spawn, the lake will deprived of the young bass it needs to sustain a population. Also, the fish you pull out may not spawn in your pond due to the shock an change of environment, so it probably wouldnt be doing you any favors in that regard anyway. Might as well just wait till their done spawning. Dont worry, they'll still be there!!
  17. I like neoprene too - very warm! Plus they're snug to the body and dont get caught in branches and get a hole whenbyou're walking through the woods to your favorite hole. Some people say neoprene is too warm and to that I say, if its so warm out (water and air) that they are uncomfortable, then you dont need to wear waders in the first place! Put on a pair of shorts and get in the water!
  18. Are you sure they were bass? I only ask because carp do that to me alot, they sometimes will charge the bait, I think its a territorial thing. Ill assume that they are bass because I have know reason to doubt you, and I'd say if you'r using a moving bait, use one that sinks. When the fish is moving in on the bait, stop reeling and let it drop, this can sometimes trigger them to strike the lure. Other than that, just experiment with different presentations. Try lighter line, smaller more natural looking baits, or even bigger, flashier more attention getting baits. Just keeping shootin, eventually one will fall!
  19. I would have to say wait until the summer, let the spawning fish do what they gotta do....spawn! Im not saying don't fish for them in the spring, but I wouldn't take them out. I dont know VA regs. but I would be likley to bet that keeping bass during whatever months the spawn occurs down there is illegal. Besides, the bass have to repopulate the lake so let them do there job. That being said, if you plan on releasing the bass, there is plenty of articles in the archives of this website devoted to spawn tactics. Read Up!
  20. Thanks for the info guys. I just got back and there was nothing going on. I threw some tubes and grubs and didn't even get a bump. I worked current breaks near shore, the mouth of the discharge creek, and up the creek where the powerplant lights up the water and nothin'. Oh well, it still felt good to get out.
  21. THanks LBH. I was asking about the fishing though, not saftey. Im not going by boat which should comfort you, couldnt reach the places I want to hit by boat. NO wading either, at least no past my knees anyway. Heck thats risky enough in broad daylight. well anyway, I'm of. Ill report in the outing section in a little while if anyone is interested.
  22. So the Susky River has been way up the past week or so, so between that, Thanksgiving and work, its been over a week since Iv'e last been on the water. But Im out of work now, its been warm up here in NY the past few days, and its a balmy 50 degreees right now. I was thinking about hittin a warm water discherge for an hour or two. Ive never fished at night past september or so and I was wonderin what you guys thought. Do I have a chance? Any tips?
  23. I live in NY and am no stranger to cold. The whole keeping hands warm as well as nimble situation is a pain, but I have something that works for me. I wear a pair of cheap, thin stretch gloves, got them at Gander for ten bucks. Then, on top of those, I wear latex medical gloves. The stretch gloves insulate, while the latex gloves keep water out. Now, in 30 degree weather or less, this don't keep my hands toasty warm, but they keep them warm enough. The best thing is that I don't lose much hand dexterity or sensetivity. Ex., I was wearing them the other day, and had no problems tying 6lb XL onto 1/8 jigs Little tip- some latex gloves are thicker than others, something to consider. I use a thick brand that I get at Sams Club, cant think of the name right now. They dont tear as easily. Oh, and bring extras, just in case you hammer the fish and wear out the thumbs!
  24. New York annexed New Jersey for football purposes.
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