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About Duke

  • Birthday 02/25/1985

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    <p>Lebanon, Tennessee</p>

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Fry (1/9)



  1. I think another bad habbit I have is getting too competetive, with myself, friends, or during tournies. Sometimes I get too anxious for a bite, might be missing a good'n because I get anxious to move to a better spot. I need to learn to relax and just enjoy the fishing more, even if it is a tourny situation. Know-what-I-mean? Oh, and welcome rodpilot Gotta hate those damned litterbugs *shakes fist*
  2. Well, I decided against tracker boats after a closer in depth look at them.. Starting to get a little burned out on boat shopping actually. Might just buy another used boat and build it the way I need it, seems I'm a bit too picky for mass-produced boats. As for the aluminum vs fiberglass thing, I would probably rather have a 'new' fiberglass. but a used one for me wouldn't offer much room for customizing, and the price difference is insane. Gonna see if I can just track down a decent used aluminum, break out the welder.. buy a few things and fabricate the rest to fit my picky needs Thanks for all the input everyone
  3. I realized this morning that I have fallen into a pretty bad habbit. I always seem to get stuck in pitchin' mode after a pitch. This morning for instance; I was pitchin into some flooded brush, going along at a good pace, then noticed a spot- nice and open that went along about 30 feet in between a row of trees. I decided to work it over with a senko, using my senko rig.. spinning reel.. I tried to cast it and couldn't.. I couldn't seem to get much of my arm in motion after all the pitching. It took about 5 minutes for me to get my brain out of pitching mode and stop tryin to roll my wrist. Had me pretty embarassed I gotta say.. Friend was laughing at me the entire time.. kept slapping the boat/water with the senko, looking like a newbie. granted it was 4:30 and I was a bit tired . an extreme case, usually isnt THAT bad, but ya know it's happened a few times. Got me thinking; wonder what bad habbits any of you might have?
  4. http://www.fishingmap.com/
  5. Well, I've recently decided to get a new boat. I'm leaning towards the 2006 TRACKER Pro Team 190 TX (http://trackerboats.com/boat/index.cfm?boat=1959) , but I'm interested in finding out what people think of it.. if anyone has one of these I would really appreciate any input you might have good or bad. Probably gonna go with the 90 HP Optimax, upgrade the electonics later on. I'm also looking for any opinions on the 2006 TRACKER Avalanche 18 SC (http://trackerboats.com/boat/index.cfm?boat=1977) Seems like it might be a better deal, and offer a lot more room for improvement down the line. Any thoughts or opinions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
  6. A lot of current can be good or bad, if you can find some type of cover that's out of the current, but nearer to the large body of water that'd be the best starting place imo.
  7. Gotta be carefull with things like that.. bait monkey is one crafty devious sob. Two days ago I got away with a small order. Ordered some fluorocarbon line. That night when I was trying to fall asleep.. there he was.. the bait monkey whispering things into my ear about all the items that were on sale, and how I really needed this item or 10 of this other item... 30 minutes and 300$ later I learned to never claim to have defeated the bait monkey :'(
  8. Bass tend to move with the rising water. find spots where bushes, trees, etc got flooded. Hopefully the water will be a little muddy, helps you get the boat in a bit closer without spooking them.
  9. When you take your truck, boat, and gear to the bar for your 21st birthday party. When you sit in the back of the bar with the tackle you got for your birthday instead of your friends. When you trim jigs and sharpen hooks instead of drinking
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