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Everything posted by flyingmonkie

  1. In the shallow stained water I'm use to fishing, if I see a LOT of carp around, I usually move. Especially in the summer when they get to flopping out of the water. I've never had good luck around this. I almost wonder if they flop because the water is hot and short on oxygen... if that's the case, I'd rather find cooler more oxygen rich water that has a better chance of holding bass.
  2. Saw a few posts about this with interesting [to me] responses. Curious what the numbers look like. Sorry... Just realized the second question is required. I guess the accuracy of that question is out the window.
  3. As an IT director at a large university - I appreciate this.
  4. Interesting responses. I'm curious how many pro-barb fisherman aren't replying to this post. I smell a survey.
  5. My tip: DO IT!
  6. If I'm in an area with an abundance of vegetation or brush, I don't spend much time on brown (decomposing)... i'm looking for green or grey. If it's isolated brown brush, definitely give it a try, but my money is on aged brush and fresh brush. One thing I'll add to this thread: the more cover/structure a body of water has, the less significant each piece becomes. A lone brush pile almost assuredly has fish in it, but when there are 100 brush piles, they won't all hold fish. When you are fishing "cover o' plenty", look for things that stick out. Abnormalities. Also, go back to the basics: focus on cover that is by key structure like points, humps, channels, deep water, etc.
  7. Fell off for the first time about a month ago. It was pretty comical. Trying to free a crankbait from a tree and came in a little hot with the trolling motor. Luckily I leave my phone in the glove compartment (who takes phone calls on the boat?!) and had enough time to throw my rod on the deck before going in. Almost did it a second time the next week. Set the hook on a very unexpected bite, was in the wrong position, and tripped over my trolling motor pedal.
  8. I like this. My wife wasn't so clever.
  9. They usually come with hot glue... it'll melt in the heat though, and you're tip guide will fall off-center. If you want it strong and permanent, i'd go with a clear two-part epoxy.
  10. In a hurry this morning, spilled almost an entire bottle of spike-it chartreuse dye in my garage. All over my tackle storage, one of my rods/reels, my garage floor. You know that icey feeling you get when it quickly saturates your skin? I went to work with a glowing yellow hand and a strong smell of pizza shop. My wife refuses to park her car in the garage because the smell is so strong! On the plus side, it seems to be keeping the vampires away.
  11. Man... how I wish my lake looked like that. #jealous
  12. Just checked my logs - haven't fished water with surface temp under 80 since 6/16. Pretty sure Oklahoma bass don't start sweating until water hits 94-95.
  13. Lol! That's the spirit!
  14. Doesn't work... fuhgettaboutit.
  15. If you're using a line with stretch in it, a good ol' fashioned square knot can work well.
  16. Set the hook like you would with a spinnerbait - sweeping to the side and keeping pressure on the fish. If you miss the hookset, pitch it right back in there over and over again.
  17. What do you use to sink 'em?
  18. I'm with A-Jay. The practice of finding fish loses significance as the size of your water decreases. If I'm bank-beating, my first cast is always to THE spot with a confidence lure. If I haven't caught her after a couple casts, only then will I start fanning the water.
  19. Spiderwire came out with "FlouroBraid" which sinks. It doesn't have any flourocarbon in it, but they used the name to signify that it sinks like flouro. I've been expecting other line manufactures to offer similar products but haven't seen many yet.
  20. No clue. I expected to start seeing more flouro braids on the market - any chance they are sinking?
  21. It's for your beer! Now, if only someone would put limes in their bag...
  22. If you had a little drift going on and the right bottom, you could totally do this with a drop shot, jig, or c-rig. I've been known to drag a worm while fishing a crankbait. Totally legal here... outside of tournament fishing, of course.
  23. Barrel swivels with snaps? Yeah, I used to be that guy... guilty as charged.
  24. Bring us home some freebies, Glenn!
  25. Lemme guess... Accu-Cull was weighing about two pounds under?
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