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Everything posted by flyingmonkie

  1. Curado 70 8:1 - can hardly contain myself.
  2. Keitech. For the money, I've been pretty impressed with the Zoom Swimmin' Flukes. Good on a swim jig.
  3. The coldest bass I've ever caught came on a shakey head. Water was 44. Water freezes at 43 in Oklahoma.
  4. Soft plastic... by far... i have the drawers of an old dresser stuffed full. I recently became the advisor to a collegiate fishing team - maybe I should give some to the kids? Cranks #2.
  5. Line debates are always my favorite.
  6. P.S. So I was wrong? BASS is allowing linking this year.
  7. You don't pick who you fish with in the opens. Boaters and Co-Anglers are drawn the evening before each day of the 2-3 day tourney.
  8. Might be helpful to know how quickly you cover water in your yak. First thing I did when I got my kayak was take it for a mile cruise and timed myself. Then use Google Maps to plan your route.
  9. If that's the case, you should BOTH fish with minnows. In my experience, when you have a live-bait angler in the boat while you're slinging plastic, one of you is compromising. Focussing on one technique should lead to a better day. Use your minnow to put gramps on some fish!
  10. Busy life? Make sure and schedule fishing days on your calendar!
  11. Pontoon boat owner here... hopefully my last season before I upgrade (similar situation, have two little girlies). I have a 24V 55lb MG Brute on a gator mount on the front of mine. I fish out of my pontoon boat like I do out of a bass boat, foot on the pedal covering water all day long. Yeah, she's a bit hard to handle in the wind, but even with a small trolling motor, I can keep it under control (as long as the batteries are charged). Get one - you'll dig it. For a boat your size, you'll need to go as big as you can. Make sure and measure for proper shaft length.
  12. I bought a five-bearing Black Max several years back for around $70. It's good. A buddy of mine got the $50 three-bearing one from Academy recently and it doesn't cast near as well... not sure what all changed (aside from the obvious).
  13. Hard to beat a good early morning blow-up on a spook in the fall.... ahhh.....
  14. I feel your pain brother... dropped a jar of JJs in the garage recently. Smelled like an Italian restaurant for 2 weeks. Water, scrubbing, dish soap/degreaser, more water, more scrubbing, more water. Let it air dry in the sun. Godspeed. :/
  15. How were you using it? Drop-shot? Live bait? With bacon?
  16. You burning it? I've had fish fight less than a quickly retrieved SB.
  17. Largie. Positive.
  18. Spook JR in pearl! My fall zen bait.
  19. I actually think that IS the same fish. If you look closely at the lateral line, it's the same pattern.
  20. Interesting lake - I see a couple things that stand out! If they aren't relating to wood, maybe they like rock. The bridges and rip-rap along the modern roads could be good. Especially if there is current flowing. I also see several submerged bridges and lots of roadbed... that would be something good to target. Find out how deep the fish/bait are most active, then go fish some submerged structure at that depth.
  21. I wish somebody would have told me to get a better boat before I got married...
  22. Where I come from, if you say "lipless crankbait", you get blank stares and head scratching. "Oh, you mean a Rat-L-Trap?" Seriously though... can't go wrong with either. My votes for the RES.
  23. I've got a craw of some sort on almost all the time... I'm not super particular, just pick something of the anticipated right action. I will say that the Rage Menace has been a go-to this summer anytime I swim a jig. in regard to size, I usually fish a pretty compact jig. I'm almost always biting a section or two out of whatever I put on as I like my trailer action to be happening just past the skirt material. I try to keep it simple with colors, usually doing a mixture of greens. I like highlight colors in my jig skirt, like chartreuse or orange/yellow. In dirtier water I'll usually do black/blues, although I feel i've done just as well sticking with greens.
  24. I thought it was a rule that a chrome Rat-L-Trap was everybody's first lipless crank?!
  25. Hats off sir, hats off!
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