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Everything posted by flyingmonkie

  1. SK Red Eye Shad!
  2. I recently registered/paid deposit for a co-angler spot in the Central BASS Open on the Arkansas River. As expected, I was put on the WAITLIST. This is my first time, and I'm curious what your experience with this process has been? Guess on what my odds will be of actually getting a co spot in the tourney? Tight lines!
  3. Goldjacket... greenjacket... who gives a s***?! In all seriousness, I just went down the Google rabbit hole on this subject... didn't know how similar all these species were (and how many different species there are!). My choices are usually just: gizzard shad, bluegill, crawdad.
  4. I'm on the waitlist for that open, but haven't fished on it either. I've fished some of the lakes upstream, but never the river itself. Shameless plug: Anybody looking for a co-angler in Muskogee?
  5. Hmmmmmm... yeah, it's most likely some sort of stepped attenuator. Most newer models have something more along the lines of a logic board. The Bullydog should be all analog. Possible, maybe? It definitely wouldn't be as easy as just soldering in a different resistor. Maybe if you identify the control, you can find a substitute online that has different values.
  6. They are usually based on the lunar cycle, and there is data showing this does indeed impact fish feeding. So technically, yes they are accurate. BUUUUTTTTT.... don't be oversold. The lunar cycle is just one of the seemingly infinite stimuli that impact fish attitudes. You're unlikely to notice a difference in your catch rate by just focusing on this one data point. Learn to overlay this data with other factors such as barometric pressure, water temperature, changing weather patterns, and seasonal fish mentalities, and you can reasonably predict when good/bad times to go fishing. And if there is an app that does that, please tell us what it's called.
  7. I'm a big fan of the Academy brand cranks (H20 Xpress) - you can use the money you save on the latest and greatest sonar.
  8. Interesting.... I'm digging the dangling colorado blade.
  9. I'm with you... always been a black/blue kind of guy in low vis water. I've been buying greater percentages of green pumpkins/watermellons, and so I've naturally worked them into my muddy water lineup and they seem to work just as well. Post #6 is right. WE overthink it. Personally, I'm trying to spend less time deciding, and more time fishing.
  10. If you want to gain some confidence, find some stained/muddy water and stay shallow. White and chartreuse on sunny days, black on cloudy/rainy days. You'd be surprised the junk you can pull those things through, and they are great at covering water!
  11. I accidentally retired the Smithwick Roque that had caught every one of my fish during a recent weekend camping trip. I overlooked some wear on my line, and just as I let loose a Flutie-quality Hail Mary of a cast, SNAP! I've never seen a lure fly soooo far. I likened it to the Viking burial ritual where deceased warriors are sent out into the ocean on pyres. Goodbye and God bless, dear Roque.
  12. Ahhh - finally back after quite some time. Had my second daughter five months ago, and with two kids under the age of two, fishing has taken a back seat... although it's not in the very back seat like most other things I used to like to do (golf, playing guitar, sleeping, getting to work on time, etc.). First time on the forum in about half a year. Just stopping by for a bit and wanted to say hi! For those of you newbs - this is a GREAT community, with what I'm convinced is the greatest collection of bass fishing wisdom on the planet. Soak. It. Up! Tight lines!
  13. Hey buddy! I like in Norman - good to have more central OK folks on board. Where do you like to fish?
  14. Proves the ol' saying right: weather affects the fisherman more than it does the fish. Bummer. Better luck next time.
  15. Amen. Ran into some stubborn ones today. Ended up just moving on. :/
  16. Bass feed primarily on baitfish during the Fall. Find the bait, immitate it, and catch fish.
  17. Heading to Bull Shoals this weekend for the first time ever. We'll be at a little cabin a mile or two below the dam - the plan is to fish the river constantly, although it'll be hard to fight the urge to drive up to the lake in the morning/evening for some bassin'. Any tips for trout? I've got a few light rigs ready to go, and from what I can tell, small pink plastic worms, black and pink marabou jigs, and little cleo spoons are safe bets. I'll probably try to stay with artificial bait as much as possible, but any suggestions are welcome. Thanks!
  18. I've had my best luck with a spinnerbait and a single colorado blade.
  19. Cancel your order!
  20. Bassmaster routinely suggests drilling a couple holes in the mouth of your popper to give it more of a chugging action. Haven't tried this personally, but have considered.
  21. Can't go wrong with Zoom, and in stained water, pearl with some JJ's chartreuse dye on the tail is my goto. My rig from the bank ALL SUMMER has been the Jerk Shot. Still producing.
  22. I store all my plastics in the original bags in an old dresser. Before an outing, I pick out 15 or 20 bags and throw them, and all my other tackle, into a 54 quart ice chest. Easy access, and protects from the sun. And yes, I'm proud to be a Red Neck.
  23. We had a similar conversation a few weeks ago… somebody referenced a good Bill Dance article. Cold fronts mean high pressure, and we all know rising barometric pressure has negative impacts on the bite. I'd argue that cold fronts in the summer are less disastrous than in other seasons, but they can still be frustrating. Fishing for cold front bass requires more patience, so enjoy the cooler temps and slow things down a bit. At least you won't be burning up.
  24. When I go out in the boat, I've found a large ice chest is just about the right size for all my tackle.
  25. Any chance the study was published? This would be a fascinating read for sure.
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