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Everything posted by AnglerNo.2112

  1. They make a weedless version that has just a frog hook on the back. I've never used one before so I can't say how well it works. www.arbogastlures.com/LureUsage.htm
  2. It's even worse when I go shooting in the public forest here, people think if they dump their garbage in the woods and shoot it enough times it's the same as taking it to the dump. I always take a bag out with me when I go. I would take more but that's all that will fit in my trunk.
  3. I'm a bank fisherman and I like to put one earbud in and leave one ear free. I don't listen to music though, I listen to podcasts and audiobooks. The places I fish at there's not a lot of powerboats so I've never seen people go by blasting music but if I did it would drive me crazy and make me not want to fish there. There's something incredibly disrespectful about playing your music loud in a public place and forcing others to hear it. Doesn't matter if it's family friendly music or gangster rap either, it's still disrespectful. I like to listen to my music loud every one in a while and I do it at home or in the car sometimes but I turn it down when I'm stopped at intersection and I don't have a ridiculous subwoofer farting in my trunk. Just don't act like an animal and show some common respect and courtesy to your fellow man.
  4. I'm looking at that same price range of sunglasses that you are and it seems like the Strike King S11's get brought up a lot. I'm thinking about ordering a pair in Amber but I can't find any information about sizing. I got a small head and "one size fits all" can sometimes be too big for me.
  5. Haha so thoughtful of you
  6. That's good to know. Are deals usually the same then, minus the daily specials? I've never shopped at Bass Pro before so I have no idea what to expect.
  7. I just got off the phone with them and the lady I talked to said that the website hadn't been updated yet. She didn't seem too sure of herself though, I wouldn't take it as an official response necessarily. Guess I'll just have to wait and see...
  8. I hope so. I was looking forward to getting a pro qualifer and a pflueger president. I'll be back to report after I talk to someone on the phone.
  9. February 28 to March 16. I'm pretty peeved, I woke up this morning and got on the website, nothing. The closest store is 750 miles away from me, so driving there is not an option. I'm gonna call them later today and find out if anything's gonna be online.
  10. Next time I go back there I'm bringing a machete with me to help clear a trail. I just gotta try to hide it on my way from my car to the treeline, the spot I found is right behind a middle school and the last thing I want is an overzealous teacher seeing me and calling in a swat team!
  11. Here in my part of western Washington there is almost no shore access. There's tons of lakes around here but all the shoreline is either private houses or full of thick brush and grasses. It's next to impossible trying to find a spot to stand and cast from. I've been spending my time lately browsing Google maps and making a list of some places to try and check out. Today I finally had a day off where it wasn't raining and I ran by four different lakes. One of them was a private lake for neighborhood residents. One was so full of blackberry brambles and knee deep mud that it was impossible to get within 30 yards of the lake. Another had good shore access but was closed for fishing year round. Finally I found one spot on the last lake that looks like it could work! To get there I had to fight my way through a couple hundred yards of trees and stickerbushes but it was worth it! It's a log that's stuck against the thick grass that makes up most of the shoreline. I almost didn't make it there because the lake didn't look promising from a distance but I slogged through the last 20 yards of muck and grass and stumbled right upon it. If I'd have been just a little bit further to either side I think I would have missed it. Here's a picture I took. It's pretty stable but I think I'm gonna leave my phone and backpack in the brush behind me just in case :-D
  12. I'm getting the pro qualifier and the president for my first bass combos as well. They fit perfectly in my price range and seem to be great reels for the money, especially on sale!
  13. I live in Washington state which sadly does not have a Bass Pro Shop (yet). Are the prices on the ad good online as well?
  14. I've looked at the bass pro bag before and I gotta say it looks like a lot of features for the money. If they offered it in camo or even just a color that doesn't stand out so much I might try it.
  15. Wow that's really cheap compared to Gamakatsu, Owner ect. Has anyone else used these? I googled trying to find some reviews and it I saw some people saying that they're sharp but tend to bend/break. These were all on salmon forums though, maybe the hooks will be fine for bass...?
  16. Thanks, glad to know it's not just me at least.
  17. I thought it would be cool to look at the member map and see where everyone's from but when I click on it I keep getting an "unresponsive script" error. I've tried it in Firefox and Chrome and neither work. Is it just me?
  18. Hey new guy from Olympia Wa checking in here, bumping an old thread!
  19. Thanks Motodmast! I'm 10 minutes away from Cabelas wich is great, but yea they don't have quite the selection Bass Pro does. I think they're finishing it this summer I foresee lots of drives to Tacoma in my future lol. I'm sure I could fit a full size rod in my car but I'd like to carry a passenger as well and also not have to worry about it getting banged around and breaking the rod tip or anything. I've carried some spinning rods in my car that way and it makes me nervous every time. Looks like I'll stick with the Fish Eagle then, only 1 more month till the sale and I'll buy my reel! Oh and if I had the budget to buy $500 and $300 combos right now I'd get a fishing kayak instead Someday I might have that kind of gear but I got bills and priorities to make and right now $500 combos dont fit into that
  20. Haha thats awesome!
  21. Hey guys, I'm planning on purchasing my first casting setup this spring and I've decided to go with the Pro Qualifier for the reel. I'm waiting for the spring sale at the end of February to make the purchase. In the meantime I need to decide on what rod to match it with. From all my research it seems like I'm looking for a 6'6 M/H rod for my all-around needs. I'm going to be using this setup for jigs, shallow cranks, topwaters and spinnerbaits. Maybe some plastics too. Doing all my fishing from the bank this year if that matters. I drive a compact car and I have no room for a full size rod so I'm limited to a 2 piece rod and I'd like to keep it at a reasonable price. Less than $60 or so, hopefully cheaper. I have a Cabelas in my area, I went there last week to get a feel for some rods and I ended up walking out with a Fish Eagle II for $60. They were getting rid of the last of their stock, making room for the new Fish Eagle 50's so it was on sale. Should I stick with this rod or should I wait and buy a different one during the spring sales coming up online? I still have the reciept and all the tags are on it so I can return it no problem. I realize that this kind of question probably comes up twice a week here so I hope you guys aren't too annoyed with me already I searched the forums but I couldn't find the exact information I was looking for. So just to break it down I'm looking for recommendations for a cheapish 2 piece casting rod to match with a Pro Qualifer that's good for all-around use for a first time baitcasting user. Thanks in advance everyone!
  22. Hi everyone new guy here checking in from Olympia WA. I've been browing the site and forums for a while and WOW theres so much informations here!!! I've been a casual angler for a couple years now and this year I'm looking to get serious about bass fishing. I caught a couple largemouth last year and I must say it's very addicting, I want more! Looking forward to being a part of this wonderful community
  23. AnglerNo.2112


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