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Jar11591 last won the day on April 20 2023

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About Jar11591

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Saratoga County, NY
  • My PB
    Between 9-10 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
    Largemouth & Smallmouth
  • Favorite Lake or River
    Adirondack lakes and ponds
  • Other Interests
    Camping and anything outdoors. Love dogs, and love to cook.

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  • About Me
    I do lawn care, landscaping, and construction for a living. I am a fishing junkie who is on the water whenever possible. I’ve been fishing since I was old enough to hold a rod, so over 30 years.

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Community Answers

  1. 1st period was a 2 man show! They’ve built a nice gap.
  2. I study a contour map pretty thoroughly and have spots picked out that I want to scan. So when I get to the lake I’m not just hoping to come across something on the depth finder. If I do find something on the way to a spot I wanted to scan, I’ll stop and fish it.
  3. The non-scopers aren’t catching em this period. Only 3 or 4 scorable fish combined
  4. Drew Gill wants to “satiate his primitive desire to catch a big one on a buzzbait in March”. I get it. Not something I’ve done but it get the primitive desire part
  5. What a charge by Wheeler! Looks like he’s hooked into a striper now though.
  6. Anything used I’ve bought, I purchased on the flea market section here. Couple reels and a couple rods. Everything was like new and I wouldn’t hesitate to buy more used gear from the flea market section.
  7. Filet mignon last night. Tried a coffee dry rub from a local spice joint. It was excellent.
  8. The one Sprague was throwing (I think it was Sprague) pretty sure was either a DT-8 or DT-10 in Demon color.
  9. Looks like everybody is cranking.
  10. Looking cold and windy out there.
  11. Be prepared for ultra clear water. The St. Lawrence has 10’+ of visibility, and I’ve been on the river when I could make out the bottom over 40’ deep. It’s about as clear as it gets.
  12. 50s and rainy yesterday melted most of the snow. Rivers are flowing. Lakes are getting some puddles atop the ice. We’re trending in the right direction. I’m cautiously optimistic that I’ll be fishing before April.
  13. Less than 2 weeks until we have regular season baseball! Dodgers and Cubs kick it off with a 2-game series in Tokyo on March 18th.
  14. And just like that, the Lakers are the 2 seed in the West. Luka was a +37 with 30 points and 15 assists last night.
  15. @TnRiver46 a baited Ned rig? I’ve thought about this. Wonder how often they bite the sinker. This would solve that problem. Along the same lines as putting hooks on the blades of spinnerbaits 😂
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