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Everything posted by TetraFish'n

  1. I recently came across a product called Secret Weapon SpecTastic Recoil Cords. It's a small bungee cord that is attached between the weight and lure on a drop shot rig. The idea is that the stretchy little cord will allow you to impart more action to the soft plastic, without moving the weight. Seems like a neat idea. I personally wouldn't attach it directly to the hook, but splice in a piece of fluoro to make it less visible. So from the bottom up, it would be the weight, stretch cord, fluoro, then the hook attached to the main line. Has anyone tried this? Thanks, Josh Preferences § 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 - = Backspace Tab q w e r t y u i o p [ ] Return capslock a s d f g h j k l ; ' \ shift ` z x c v b n m , . / shift English Deutsch Español Français Italiano Português Русский alt alt Preferences
  2. I recently came across a video showing how to use bobber stops on your drop shot rig, instead of tying a palomar knot to attach the hook. The rig is tied by first adding two bobber stops, then your hook, then another two bobber stops to your mainline. I guess the idea is that two bobber stops above and below will create more resistance and keep the hook in place. At the end of your main line you tie on a barrel swivel, with a short leader and the weight on the other side. The distance from the swivel to the weight should be the shortest distance at which you want to present the bait off the bottom. The idea is you can quickly adjust your bobber stops to change the depth of your bait, instead of retying. Plus the hook can spin free on the line, not creating as much twist. Having yet to try this, I think that the bobber stops would easily slide when you apply pressure to set the hook. Have any of you guys tried it this way? Thanks, Josh
  3. Just checking to see if there any fisherman on here who have a wheelchair accessible boat, or know of someone who does. I live in the Pacific Northwest and fish a mixture of deep reservoirs and shallow rivers for bass. After my injury about seven years ago, that left me using a wheelchair, I discovered that my 17 foot jet sled just didn't cut it for ease of access. I ended up modifying a pontoon boat so that it would accommodate me. I am thankful to have a boat that I can fish out of, but obviously it's not the ideal fishing rig. I also require a dock in order to board my vessel. This is a problem because most of our waterways only have ramps, with no docks or ones that I am not able to access. Ideally I would like a Triton 21 TRX with a big four stroke out back lol. But, I realize that is probably not the most realistic solution. I'm just looking to see if anyone has come up with their own solution. Thanks, Josh
  4. I have been stocking up on my collection of drop shot hooks lately. For the last couple of years I have been using the Gamakatsu drop/split shot hooks. I have been pleased with them, but decided to try some new styles this year. I recently purchased a few different styles of the drops shot hooks with swivels, such as the VMC Spin Shot and Mustad No-Twist Shot hooks. I perform this technique using a bait caster and have learned to hook my bait so it spins less, so I haven't had a ton of problem with line twist. However, I would like to prevent as much twist as I can. So my question is, do these hooks that are not directly tied to the line impart as much as action to the lure? I have noticed how the hooks have a large gap between the eye and the shaft they swivel around. Although it is a short distance, the hook has to reach either end of the shaft before there is a force causing it to move. It seems to me that when I'm jiggling the bait it would not be vibrating as much in the water. Thanks, Josh
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