I have family that lives in Sheboygan Wisconsin. I'll be traveling from Idaho, in June, to go visit for the first time. North Dakota is the furthest east I have been. I would love to fish for some big Smallmouth when I'm over there. I have watched several fishing shows and bass tournaments from that region, but don't have much knowledge other than that. None of my family members go fishing, but they see lots of people catching salmon. They don't have any knowledge about the bass fishing around there. I only have one friend who has been there, and he finished the Michigan side. They fished the rivers for smallmouth.
I would assume there is good bass fishing to be found on the Wisconsin side. Any recommendations on where to start my research? I wouldn't be opposed to hiring a guide. I do have the option of taking my own boat, but I would prefer to not drag it that far.
One major consideration is that I use a wheelchair, I realize that will limit my options.
Thanks, Josh