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Everything posted by sullyb

  1. my PB was only 19 inches at 3 1/2 pounds.no pic thoigh
  2. I'm still trying to catch my first one ever ,and he's disappointed in a 25 lb. bag.LOL.I'm going to get one sooner than later I hope.
  3. almost my 1 year anniversary and still have not caught a small mouth from Lake Erie,watched other people fishing near me catch them ,but not me. lol
  4. hello,sullyb from cleveland.been fishing for 35 years just got serious about about 5 years ago.caught bass fever last year and fished for them 90% of the time.fish mostly in lake erie.still looking to catch my first small mouth
  5. I have never caught a small mouth but I am going to get one this year.I read all these posts and I have all the baits talked about and I am sure to get my first one this year.By the way, my buddy caught a 4lb smallie on a piece of shrimp while he was cat fishing.Some guys have all the luck
  6. 6ft.6in to 7ft.3 in. spinning and baitcasters for large and small mouth.I'm still trying to catch my first smallie though.lol
  7. all the different rod lengths are to make companies more money. no differece between 6'10 rod and 7ft,or 7ft. 2 inch or a 7ft. 4inch.buy which ever one you feel comfortable with in your hand.
  8. thanks for the greeting,A-JAY
  9. looks like a 5 pounder to me
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