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About Clayton

  • Birthday 06/13/1985

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    Dallas, TX

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Short Fish

Short Fish (4/9)



  1. So does anyone know anything about the sandbass in the east Texas area? I want to get on the sulphur river down by white oak but i havent heard anything about them running yet..
  2. Final Update So basically my lawyer is incompetent and the filling system at the court house is completely useless, and since we could not locate in our own records (remember this was four years ago) proof of payment to the court I had to pony up $751!!!!!!! It really burns me up. But anyway thanks guys for letting me vent and also for taking this little journey with me. On the bright side I got a HOT date this weekend!! 8-)
  3. Is this refined oil or crude? SOunds like refined or maybe its just because its in freshwater that they are reacting so quickly. I dont know. But I do know that when a tanker spills crude oil, the raw kind, they just let it be. The sea takes care of the rest, naturally. College paid off! Thanks professor whoever......
  4. I kinda miss the texarkana area sometimes....But then again, hows the crime???? I had alot of bad experiences there.
  5. Two words Tom Redington
  6. Yeah I figure things couldnt get much worse. But then again I saw a guy down the road from my house about my age in a wheelchair. Kinda made me think that what I was going through wasnt that bad at all. So I got a little wake up call for sure. I found my lawyer though! He was had been in hiding I guess. It is amazing what you can do with the internet! He said everything should have been takin care and he would look into it. He said that the county clerk down there was having alot of problems keeping up with stuff, and alot of people where having this problem. Im just gonna pray and keep my fingers crossed that it is not actually my fault.
  7. This is all good stuff guys and I appreciate the support. I did get a real ***** of a cop that night, he didnt want to listen at all. Back home everyone carries a gun, maybe two or three. But when you get into the city its another story, and I can understand that. But this guy should have used some sort of "reasoning". It doesn't take much to figure out if a guy has his head on straight and is not a criminal if you ask me. And the whole no warrant= no search thing, well I had nothing to hide so I said sure search it. I thought he was wasting his time and I would be on my way real soon. I was totally wrong. I tell you one thing though, after I was charged and handcuffed and things couldnt get much worse I gave that cop an ear full the whole way to the station! Didnt help and shouldnt have done it but I felt better.
  8. Thanks guys I am working on this as we speak. I do have some connections to try and get this fixed up. I am looking for some Karma though, I gave a homeless guy 10 bucks a while back
  9. So I am at work mindin my business when I get a call from my brother. He ask if I have been in any kind of trouble I say no of course. HE then goes on to tell me that I have a warrant for my arrest! He reads the letter to me and it goes back to 04 when I was pulled over in my Dads truck for no blinker. I was on my way to an SMU formal dance, dressed all nice had a date, just tryin to have some fun. Well the cop says can I search the ride? I didnt care it was my dads I knew nothing illegal was in there. Well after the search they found a pistol under the passenger side seat. The cop flips out! I go to jail. I get a lawyer, pay my fine, Im put on probabtion for like 2yrs! I make it through that didnt get a single ticket. I thought the whole thing was taken care of but apparently not. I calle dmy old lawyer, and guess what? He is MIA. I owe 800 bucks to the city for some bad paper work it sounds like. When it rains it pours! Lost my Grandmother to cancer in march, gilrfriend of four years in january, uncle had a heart attack, friend given weeks to live, and dear friends mother has lung cancer, and Im getting laid off due to cut backs on Aug 30th! Sometimes I feel like just joining the army or air force or maybe cashin out and moving somewhere far away. But I jsut cant, too many people are depending on me......
  10. I heard alot about Millwood but never went. I also had some good luck setting jugg lines at Lake Bringle . Its down on Richmond road (go north) and take a right at Scott Wright Road, it ends into the lake. Set some live perch on jugg lines head towards the north end of the lake and throw em out along the cattails cant miss it. Worked everytime! I miss that place it was right down the road from my Dad's shop that I worked at after highschool, Kwik Kar Lube and Tune. Jeez, time flies that was back in 03! Here is a pic of the lake http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&q=Texarkana,+Bowie,+Texas,+United+States&ie=UTF8&cd=1&geocode=0,33.425580,-94.048250&ll=33.503363,-94.103994&spn=0.02462,0.037165&t=h&z=15
  11. This is interesting. Up until last weekend the evening topwater bite at one of my favorite spots has been dreadful. I was catching one or two 1lbers. Which is horrible for a place i have always known to produce much larger fish. But last weekend I was determined to find out what the fish were goin to hit. So I stayed all day throwin everything I had. Then at dusk I tied on the confused minnow shad pattern that used to always make those fish bite, but had been letting me down this year, and WAM! WAM! WAM! I cought 7 and missed 3! Needless to say I am going back this weekend.
  12. thanks Glen and everyone else. I figured I was bringing something up that was in the FAQ's
  13. I hope this is the right spot to ask. I am on a computer at work so keep that in mind. The problem I am having is with pictures. I can view the ones that are attachements but I cant see the ones that are directly in peoples post. I cant see my own avatar, or most of yours. Its got to be something with the Java set up or my firewall. Im trying to avoid asking my IT guy to fix it, as im sure you can understand! scenario me: "Hey Chirs I cant see the pics on BassResource.com." Chris: "Whats that"? me: "Its where I go when Im not working". enter Boss: "Pack your things your fired"! even though im already on my way out I am trying to avoid the whole your fired routine. ;D
  14. the whole pic thing does happen. Ginourmus fish become perch and perch become whales and stories grow exponentially. Best to just enjoy the stories and try to be honest yourself. DOnt worry so much about the other guy. Just remember to always catch one bigger than his! ;D
  15. Yeah sounds like a transmission issue. The jerking is not being caused by the engine. On a side note, all trucks are different even when they are the same. For example, two chevy silveradoes with all the same options, V8 4x4 etc... sometimes can hold different amounts of oil.. This difference usually isnt huge but nonetheless it is worth taking into account. Put 6 quarts in it, make sure the filter is correct size run the eninge for a min, then shut it down. Wait another min before checking. Make sure the truck is as level as you can get it, haha you dont have to break out the level just put it in your flat driveway. Anyway good luck.
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