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Everything posted by mobassin79

  1. I'm a long time lurker, but this story persuaded me to make my first post. You are equally to blame as he is. As a coangler, you should never cast in front of the center console, its just common courtesy. I know it can be a pain if the boater is moving too fast for your bait, but that's just part of it. As a coangler, you just adapt to what your boater is doing. Sometimes it goes against your plan, but you are at his mercy until you get a boat. I've been fishing tournaments for more years than you've been alive, and if you continue to taunt your partners and have a cocky attitude, you will not make many friends in this sport. I would work on your character and class before you buy your first boat. That attitude has no place in competitive bass fishing. Your boater didn't break any rules, he just didn't cater to your needs.
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