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About ItsAnObsession97

  • Birthday December 30

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  • Gender
  • Location
    San Antonio Texas 
  • My PB
    Between 5-6 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
  • Favorite Lake or River
    Lake Lyndon B Johnson, Marble Falls, Texas

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  • About Me
    Weapons troop in USAF

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  1. USAF, as of March 17th this year (graduated basic, working on technical training now).
  2. Biggest I've put in the boat was a 4. Lost one that had to have been over 8, nearly peed myself when I saw her. On top water no less, when I just started getting into Buzzbaits (now I fish them all the time, and almost always make them work). She wasn't fighting too hard, swam up to the boat nicely, then immediately shook the bait out of her mouth. It hurt a little inside, especially since I don't get to fish nearly as often as I'd like. It's been over 5 months now (admittedly 4 of them don't really count, basic training and now tech school) I'm hoping to break the fast once I get to my first duty station. Provided it's in the states, that is.
  3. I'll be fishing the Colorado River just above lake LBJ, and we usually do fairly well. The banks are loaded with docks and we catch plenty off them, but they usually aren't very big. A pound or 2 most of the time. Any suggestions as to how I can remedy this? It'll be from June 26th to July 2nd, and we can access the main lake it's just a long boat ride.
  4. For a while my largest bass was caught trolling a crankbait. I haven't done any recently, though.
  5. Texas rigging a finesse worm. A close second would be using a shallow crank bait under docks. For numbers, both are tough to beat.
  6. My most surprising one was out of the San Antonio River. Just in front of our zoo, it goes through a series of 2-3 foot waterfalls, and at the base of each theirs a small pool of water that I'd seen bluegill in before. I was fishing for these bluegill on an ultralight rod and using a tiny jig head with a little grub on it. Couldn't have been more than an inch long. Anyways, I move to one of the smallest pools and see a pair of bass sitting in about a foot of water(the stuffs basically crystal clear), and decide to give them a shot. The little lure lands about a foot from the larger of the two, and (s)he swims right over and picks it up. I barely managed to keep her out of the bushes, but the looks I got after getting her out were amazing. A quick picture and back in the water she went. Never managed to get the other one, though.
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