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Everything posted by Stlbob

  1. See i have a whole tackle box JUST for Minnow baits..thats what i have always called them..some are suspending most are floaters...Rouge,Rapala,Bagleys,Rebel,Hellcat,Red Fin,Xps
  2. Well i fished them a lot of different ways.And that was one way,why i never put it together...Who knows...
  3. Aaah okay....i guess jerking sounded better than twicthing....LMAO...im going to leave that alone
  4. It is part of our right in most states.They are trying to introduce a bill here just for that.In AZ open carry is so common.I was standing in line behind a guy resting his elbow on his 1911. If asked i will always be polite to leo's. I know several and while you may not be an issue they deal with many that are,so adding just a little drama to their day does no one any good. When it is passed here my gun will be like my pants,i will feel naked without it. I CC now and YES it is in our laws that you can open carry.No matter what bill is passed or how well know that it passed people ( non gun ) will always be flaky about open carry..I will be very happy to get the gun out of my pants and on the outside.
  5. LOVE crappie,we have both kinds here.
  6. i guess i am getting out of the loop...lol...and here i thought i was going to have to check into buying whatever jerk baits were..
  7. i also dont use cheat codes on games,or cheat on my tax's,help little ol' ladies across the street,etc,etc.....lol...i am a dudley do-right...
  8. i may have phrased it wrong but the result is the same. A food source introduced into an eco system....a man made food source..
  9. shoudnt count,hand feed,exported,etc,etc..A LM caught in its native unaltered enviroment should be the only way it gets in the book.Just the way it was caught in 32'..
  10. yep the Sig is in the Man Cave next to me now..with a 30 rnd mag in it...the AUG sits in the Bed room next to my wardrobe and across the room from my Berttea 92sf with Crimson trace grips with the 6lb D trigger spring and 6 clips full of 124grn +P hp's gold dots on top of my computer lies my Sig 229 .40 cal 165grn Gold dots 2 12 rnd clips....the Sig P220 is my carry gun and it sits in a drawer.. My pocket pistol my wifes Ruger .380 lcp sits on her night stand...a dble barrel 12 ga sits in my basement den..the pump rests in the gun cabinet I am also a huge fan of AK's look up the Sig its bolt carrier looks an AK an steroids,its bolt looks like an Ak and an AR had a wretched kid.At one time i had 14 different Ak's.
  11. tell me about Dottie.. The bass in Japan and africa they arent LM like we have here are they..? the werent indiginous to that country. Someone transplanted them,right..? As far as that goes again its not in its natural envirorment again not apples to apples.
  12. I dont.It was caught in a time before we could apply the pressure that we can now to the natural habitat of Big Un's.. It just isnt out there.Now do i think some genetic hybrid with growth hormones or the result of a breeding program,maybe.But it will always have a little star next to it.Kind of like the baseball hero's of today doping themselves up.. Thats too bad,but i think that will be a record our grand children will still be talking about.
  13. dont own an Ar platform gun i dont like a direct inpingment system.Stoner had some good ideas,that was not one of them.. that is a Sig 556 then other gun is a MSAR an American copy of the great Austrain AUG weapon..both are piston driven rifles..you can empty that drum and pull the bolt out and it is just barely warm.. both have had trigger work done,the Sig had a polish and ramp job done,the internal breech of the barrel had a 32nd of an inch polished bevel done.they will both feed steel,brass what ever you have handy.Those were the 2 i took to the range that got those ol' boys all stirred up....lol...
  14. love it myself,some of the biggest catfish ever in a driving hard rain.
  15. yet another friend,a 100 round drum... when changing mags every 30 rounds is a hassle
  16. one of my babys
  17. IMmm back...lol.... Had a cple of real good trades on CL since i was in last..
  18. right thats a great answer,if you KNEW you wouldnt be there.. Its for when you cant believe whats happening and you have the ability to save yourself or other innocent people.In the not to distant past i had no problem dealing with threaths if they were serious with just a pocket knife and my hands and feet....I carried still,but it would have taken a great deal more for me to feel like my life was in danger. Now i have a broken neck a shattered shoulder and a right arm that is only 40% of what it was 3 years ago..i cant afford to fight like i could at one time.Dont misunderstand all my skill is there its just now i cant afford blows to the head or landing hard on concrete.So in some ways i have become more dangerous,in the past if it had reached the same point i would have tried to deal with it without deadly force.Now i refuse to end up in a wheel chair or worse because someone had too much crystal Meth.My BAR for feeling like my or my familys life is in danger has been lowered a great deal.Always remember this and repeat as often as you need to until it is part of who you are ' It is always better to be judged by 12,than carried by 6 '....i tell myself that everytime i slid my gun into its holster.
  19. before enrolling any kids always go sit in on a class or two.no school would object to that.I always try to find out when they test their black belts for rank advancement i can tell more about a school by watching that then anything. young kids..should not have contact.Kata's and structed repsonses.when the get older make sure they go to a school that allows contact,as they get older they need to be in a full contact school.If you never know what it feels like to be hit the first time it happens somewhere other than the school its a shock.We always test anyone who comes to class regardless of how many black belts they have.We have found far to many schools that never allow contact and these guys are just chewed up at the school.You dont need to kill each other wear protective gear but i myself have had more than my fair share of sticths from sparing..been choked out more times than i can remember..(really scary the first time)..funny story my son kicked me in the chest so hard it left a bruise where his toes and the ball of his foot hit me..could see it clearly...the wife could never understand that one...lol..i came out of the shower and said 'honey look where Corey kicked me'..yeah should have given that one a little more thought... Anyone from my area i can put you in contact with the best schools and teahcers.
  20. when you have several old style drawer tackle boxs and you arrange them in a circle and move different types of lures from one to the other and then you remember you have several trays of hard baits you picked up in a trade on CL and drag those out and spend several hours doing it.. to no foreseeable conclusion...
  21. im 52 and have been involved since 7th grade either taking class's or teaching. I found my favorite martial art in Budo Kan Thai Jutsu and Krav Maga....both are full contact with brutal no nonsense styles.I have been lucky never went to any ' cookie cutter ' schools where you sign a contract and in X amount of time you will have a certain rank..they are an affront to what true martial arts is about. i teach cops and security how 'NOT' to get killed by a guy with a knife.My son is ranked in the US as the 7th highest in Budo Kan his teacher being the 5th.What the OP said about the ability ' to kick the crap ' out of most people bothers me.I have only had to use what i know twice in my life and feel a great deal of pride from the fact i have walked away countless times from a confrontation .Fighting just for the sake of the fight is without honor.
  22. just a little cold water to the face here,take 5 mins and google Sochi the issues they are having never would have happened here. while we are no where near perfect we are still the hottest date at the party. the ability that we have to raise cain over things we dont agree with and do it at times in a riducles manner is still unquie and part of what makes us who we are.I served,my dad served,his dad served,and my son and son in law serve now.many have given all they have so we have the freedom to speak out about what we dont like about our own country...find that somewhere else.
  23. we laugh but it is just a mess over there.they cant flush the tp there is a trash can you have to put it in..and then there are the side by side commodes what the hell is up with that..?? It isnt like the Olympics snuck up on the Russians they had the better part of 7 yrs to get this right..AND they spent 51 Biliion yes thats with a 'B'.
  24. where in the body did you place the bb's and how did you seal it up,a pic would be great
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