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Everything posted by Stlbob

  1. you get some air under the front of that and it would make A LOT of highlite reels...this is one of those ' hold my beer and watch this ' boats..lmao note at least at full throttle it would be so loud they couldnt hear you scream...lol
  2. no my grandfather on dads side was 1/2 sioux half irish...yeah i dont drink..when i was younger it never turned out well.I did the dna swab a cple of years ago and they sent me a stack of stuff i could apply for because i was native enough..dont me get going on that.. yeah some things were being said that were becoming very close to personal insults..so i wanted to bring it down a notch or two..and no you didnt say it.. BUT yes we shall politely agree to disagree...i think im getting cabin fever..it decided to turn this town into a glazed donut today more freezing rain.I need to stop piddling with tackle and go fishing.
  3. This is for sale up river in ill. i saw and had to show you guys...If this was a different hull or style of boat im sure it would rock,but a 65mph flat bottom Jon' boat,heck just the thought of its scary.. yes thats a 350 Chevy V8 with a thru the hull jet drive...
  4. spool all reels with fresh line...clean reels that need...play with..uh i mean sort and clean lures... like many, state my disbelief its the middle of Feb. and right now its flippin 10 degrees outside..drive by river see what the ice looks like.. drive home shaking my head about all the dang ice.. keep looking for my first boat...
  5. okay a lot of misplaced anger here. let say this and im done. ' I ' I being me do not feel exported,imported,hybrids made by man,anything with a food source we control makes ' me ' feel like the deck is stacked in a way that wasnt out there when the first record bass was caught. Yes we can ' what if ' it to death even concerning the bass from 32'..I feel that way..if you dont so be it.DONT be insulting i dont need or want that. I feel strongly about it but again i am a voice of one and its clear most here are fine with it..so be it..i will always stand up for what i feel is right even if im the only one standing.. It obvious i wont change anyones mind and you wont change mine..BUT never ever question my love of this country, this is after all just a conversation about Bass.A fish we chase around with brightly colored lures and plastic worms..not a game changer guys just a fish after all.
  6. to me your all immagrents my grandma was full blood lokata Sioux..But i must say i feel your angry becuase i pose an opinon different than your own..dont be..Its just how ' I ' feel.. listen maybe its years of having take the high road pounded in my head..i dont know..if the whole 'cheating' was a bit too much i apologize.. Again just my thoughts on the matter.. the whole not cheering for America becuase i dont feel exported Bass should qualify is as an insulting thing that has ever been said..Thats Waaaay out in left field..I served, my son and son in law serve now.they have 3 tours in the sand box between them so very few care more about this country than i do and my family . So because i think a certain way about what Bass should qualify and my duty and love of my country is questioned that was out of line and really makes me angry. I have not insulted anyone,time and again i said no insult was intended.there was no point to that statement other to insult me...and to demean..i have a reason i feel the way i do.Because this was not to voice a point but to just be flippin ignorant.
  7. i dont and have not ever fished for records.If by pure chance i caught something someday and i knew it had been,or it was a hybrid,or any the things outlined i would even give a seconds thought it would just go back in the water...period... I didnt say not to fish where they are,i said that record fish introduced by man,bred by man,altered by man should not be open to the record books. When the big bass was caught in 32' i know for a fact it wasnt a hybrid,or introduced,or feed by or altered in any way by our presense.Yes i am a bit of a purrist. I mean no disrespect to anyone.You feel your way and tell yourselves whatever story makes up for any of the shortcomings of having someone 'MAKE' the next record bass. Your ok with it ,im not.Thats what makes this country what it is. so again just my .02 no harm meant no one loves an intellegent discussion more than me.
  8. no time machine needed there are hundreds of thousands of places to fish untouched by breeding programs. Again catching the record bass in Japan would be a record devoid of honor,with only the goal of breaking a record made much easier by the hand of man..Maybe i do need a time machine,i see people cheat and steal everyday and they are okay with it. People cheat on their taxs,spouses,jobs,etc,etc. And it seems thats not a big deal becasue everyone does it.So raised with this moral standard i can see how someone would feel catching the record by whatever means are needed is acceptable.I for one dont feel that way.If the hand of man is involved its not legit. just my .02
  9. then that snakehead as far as i am concerned is not legit.If man had a hand in it then its not natural,by nature,etc.If WE (we being meddling humans) caused whatever record breaking fish,deer , hogzilla whatever pick one then its not legit.We build these creatures not to taste better,swim faster,live longer.....nooooooo we meddle to always make them bigger to break records we (again meddling humans) hold so dear. so we corrupt mother nature for only our own self satisfaction..Tell me im wrong. You know im am hitting the nail on the head
  10. you are providing a perfect example about what im saying. So there are 'NO' native bass BS..Ok the bass in Japan,and whatever country they were introduced to are sure as heck are not natural habitat of those fish.ie they dont belong there. The F1 hybrid bass is around becuse we bred it.Come on its an easy concept..IF no outside meddling is involved and the bass would be there wheter we were involoved or not and we have not bred them,modified them,transplanted them thats a bass in it natural habitat.If human intervention were removed and the bass would still be there than thats natural habitat. i dont understand the confusion,seems a pretty simple concept to grasp.
  11. I guess for the record people can tell themselves whatever it takes for them to feel its okay..Or to justify what i call cheating,plain and simple.Im an old country boy,and i call a spade a spade.Having people like what i say isnt important to me as many times the truth can make you not very popular.. If the bass isnt caught in its native enviroment,which is in this country.They are not provided meals of 2 lb trout,and on and on its not the real deal. But hey i guess honor means very little when your chasing a record.
  12. dont like glass,BUT that is a nice set up..some new carpet ...looks comfortable..that seat to the right looks like a small couch..lol
  13. okay will be moving on he has stopped answering emails....
  14. thanks guys,i figured as much.When someone gets iffy when all you want is to see how something runs that cant be good no matter it is,wheter it drives OR floats.
  15. so if i can live with glass i can get a lot more boat for my dollar..? I emailed the guy again for more info.Then i got on CL and hit up a few other citys other than just St.Louis and compared to other boats kinda like his its over priced by about 1K.. Also he didnt seem happy that before i laid down that kind of money i wanted to float it and take it out..which kinda puzzled me. Im a car/truck guy.My Burban' i drive is a complete rebuild..it looks ugly but it pretty where it counts..lol..it would be like me selling my truck and not letting anyone test drive it before they bought it..How can you expect someone to hand you that kind of money and not take the boat out..? Im new to buying a boat,did i ask for something that people buying and selling boats dont do..?
  16. I like the 17x52 or 17x48 aluminum jon boats,though the Semi V's are supposed to be better in a little chop..
  17. it would spend time on the Meramac and some on the big miss' above st.louis..It looks to be a raised transom set up, the CraigsList link has a bunch of extra pics... im looking...i like that open deck..trying to see whats out there..to be honest more than i want to spend at first but the amount of work done and a fresh motor were what caught my eye
  18. anyone who would get to the point of making a threat over a thread such as this is being..hang on,whats the word my son uses...troll.
  19. So thats not a bad price..? I could see someone put a lot of thought into it and a ton of work..
  20. what are the advantage of the whole ' jet ' drive..?
  21. i see a few things i want to add....front and rear seats...nice GPS/Fish finder...on board charger a pair of good batterys at the front under the lid storage area..led lighting on the interior... love the large front deck...be great for a little catfishin' on the river..hell you could put a cple of lawn chairs out there... what about the price i think thats a bit steep....buuuut trying to play catch up on what boats go for..
  22. stlouis.craigslist.org/boa/4308596957.html looking for things to get a lot better soon...would be my first boat...
  23. For almost 30 years Automotive repair Ninja,recent forced retirement.Bad workplace accident...broken neck,shoulder,and r arm...BUT i can still fish so it isnt all bad news...
  24. Just curious why someone would not want to give the color that works for them,i cant see the NSA publishing the info and all the anglers from here converging on his home town and the lake he fish's..????? Heck if i had a color that works id share......
  25. OMG i am sooooo sick of the temps..had all these little errands i wanted to run today...got up chkd the temp.. -5 What the hell...?? Had several local trades go south because nobody wants to deal with sub zero temps and even at a balmy 9 degrees we have enough of a breeze to make it feel like its -10... almost Valentines day and the high is going to be 15-20 ish...
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