OKay this is the truth.WIFE hates it when i tell this story..I woke up one night after dreaming of this pretty girl with black hair and glass's i knew what high school she had went to and i knew her name was De.I just didnt know the place in the dream.It was an old timey time clock,you know you push down and held the card in side ways and it went 'Ker-Klunk' hell didnt even know a place like that.I was in the Army when i had the dream.
Fast forward 2 years later im home,looking for a part time job.went to a hotel and the food and beverage guy had his office in the basement next to the time clock everyone used ( not just any time clock ,but THE time clock ) i walked by it and nothing clicked.I finished the interview ( i got the Job) and was just talking to the guy.......then SHE walked up with her time card in her hand and it all just fell in a flash going off in my head..I watched her clock in and she had on her school jacket and it was just 'WOW' i walked up and said 'Hey De i have been waiting to meet you '
The look on her face was priceless..she asked if she knew me,i told her not yet but you will. I asked her out,she said yes and to be honest we really havent been apart since then...she is my soul mate..i was guided to meet her,given a quick look years prior so i would know not to be afraid and to relax...I and she believe,we really do.Because of this i know there is so much more going on that we mere mortal humans dont and couldnt grasp.
I love telling the story.
oh a ps..once i got to know her she was a no nonsense kinda lady..didnt believe in ufo's,bigfoot,aliens,ghosts..none of it.I waited until we were married to tell her the story...lmao