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Everything posted by Stlbob

  1. Cards baby.Here in the heart of Cardinal Nation there can be only one........
  2. thats a bunch of money sittin' there..i will be 250 thousand or so,maybe more.
  3. same here have a bunch of Manns Jelly worms fron the mid 80's still work just fine.
  4. Yeah i wish i had waited until i had left college,got my self rolling and then found out about girls and all they have to offer..but NNNnnoooooo i had to be flippin 14 oh yeah..before girls i was a straight a student a model student.. A few months later i had ONE thing on my little mind...and it was NOT school...oh i still went and did what i had to do.Nothing extra. instead of my spare time being used to expand my mind it was used..to...um...be social. Yep if i could do it again id wait till i was 25/26 to bump into that.
  5. big bang theory,OLD X Files,Enterprise star trek series intro
  6. everytime i have looked at a car, truck...the one thing that will make me walk,like right now is 'It just needs a shot of freon' having done more AC work than i like to think about it just grates on the nerves.
  7. LMAO...yeah....our luck the French wouldnt be the looters and other various BG's
  8. its a very personal decision to make.....i have been involved in a few in my life..never even involved me,just saw those who couldnt defend themselves being attack by animals.people who search for weak prey.... when you are taught as long as i was your taught your not just learning this for yourself.You become this to always be ready to reach out and give the weak a hand up,to stop senseless violence on those that cannot defend themselves.The weak,the old,the very young,women......
  9. i respect that. i just cant do it..i would never be able to live with myself.the shame would eat me alive. like the saying goes...evil wins when good men stand idly by..
  10. i tell ya' i was done humping packs and rifles,until the fed goverment showed me the bang up job they did in New Orleans after and during Katrina. we live on the New Madrid fault and its not a question of if,but When!! so i have a lrg Alice pack set up with food and other supplies for a few days for the wife and i..a chest rig for 8 mags and a drop holster for my 92SF..have a total of 7 mags for that with 124grn +p gold dots. they all fit on the belt of the chest rig..bought the wife the best soft body armour money could buy... if we have the big one here,things will go sideways quick..i heard enough horrors from people that were there.a lot of it never made the news...i will be damned if im gonna get caught with my pants down.
  11. yeah i sure do.......
  12. i fish a lot of farm ponds some up to 7 acres.I have seen black snakes,corn snakes,rat snakes swim across these ponds and i KNOW they have some hefty monsters in there my PB came from one of those farm ponds and have never seen a bass strike a snake. I have seen them take ducklings.
  13. Thank you...i have seen Ar's with so much crap bolted on them it looked like something from StarShip troopers...eeehh cant do it..Neither of mine have any whiz bang.Just a nice strobe flashlight and iron sights Troy buis..when i get some greem im getting a nice red dot for both..and thats it...I want these guns light enough you can hump them.if you have to. quick edit: Raider if you read this ' hump ' has nothing to do with what your thinking...
  14. What if the Gorilla wants to spoon..? I mean they get lonely too.
  15. i have owned a few AR's lots and lots of Ak47's...but know im so happy with the AUG and the Sig 556.both are piston driven and you can empty a 100 round drum pull it apart and hold the bolt and bolt carrier in your hand.Very easy to clean and break down.Both have properties of AK's AR's and even the Fal..both have adjustable gas systems and will feed and fire anything.brass,steel,etc.I buried a mag for the Sig in dirt for a weekend dug it up beat it against a fence and the gun ran perfect..only other gun passed that test was always an AK..have yet to have an Ar pass it.In fact i used to screw with my son and put 4 or 5 different types of ammo in his clip....lol....He is still Army so he a big fan of the AR platform.
  16. Yeah till the day my daddy died he would have beat me down if ever heard id ' roughed up ' a women..Let me tell ya' something my pops looked like flippin Dick the Bruiser for all the older gents here that watch wrastlin' in its hey day..He was a lifetime Mason and he wore a sz 17 ring had to have it made special.d**n hands look like baseball mitts. So whenever he showed me the backside of it after the stars went away i paid attention. Even now as i sit here in agony from my shoulder and neck,if i heard someone screaming id slip on my jeans and go out and see whats going on. Not because im cruisin for a fight but because no matter how quick the cops get here sometimes things need to be dealt with before then.I always look at it like this if it was your mom.sister,grandpa,etc.AND they were in trouble you would appreciate someone checking it out....It most times is nothing but sometimes it is.Like when i stopped a 77yr old lady from getting raped behind my garage before we moved here.wasnt the nicest area. Dont really want to go into that here.But her whole family hunted me down and shooke my hand. hopefully trying to do the right thing doesnt kill me one day.
  17. Brain sandwhich. NO i dont know what the brains were out of.Where im from they have brain sandwhichs,brain burgers,etc..was a kid and dad got it for me.He loved the nasty ass stuff.NASTY is an understatement.God never ever again..
  18. well what i did see is him with a handfull of hair,holding her head down and swinging for the fences with a closed fist.striking her in the side of her face and he had 'moused' her in a cple of places.so 'yeah' i saw him hitting her.I still cant get the sound it made every time he hit her. Now understand i ' DONT ' want to stick my nose in where it isnt welcome..If they had been cussing each other or screaming at each other i would have just called 911 to be safe and just left.I discussed what i did with a few of the leo's i shoot with and all of them said that i would have been safer to have just called 911 and told them what i was wearing and what i looked like and just drew my weapon and told him stop and sit down until the officers got there..im not a cop and i dont want to be pointing my weapon at anyone when the squad cars showed up.
  19. spanky is not hitting...well not in certain rooms of the house
  20. No no ...stop with the good night Irene...i dont want another flippin thread locked...lol Okay on hitting women,eh maybe i have been lucky never had a girl swing on me..BUT..i dont feel without a weapon that i would have any concerns regarding a woman attacking me..and if she had a knife i would just take it away,if she pulled a gun i wouldnt hit her id shoot her. I have never even had the thought of hitting a woman..it makes my skin crawl..OKay here is a good example my son had it rough coming up i impose the same high moral standard on him that my father did on me..which means if he refuses to listen he is going to get his hide tanned. Now my PITA daughter never had that concern because,she is female.She never got her butt whooping but god knows she needed it.
  21. Hey i would like to make a point here. I have never tried to come across as a keyboard bad ass..I dont carry myself that way in person either..Im insulted if that was what was meant by that comment.If i misunderstand then explain it... My wife was ticked because she knows me and my Dudley Do Right attitude.Listen we all make choices and i always try to make the right choice..Most times it works out and once in awhile it doesnt,BUT when its all said and done at the end of the day i KNOW IN MY HEART i was just trying to do the right thing. Not ever done to impress or appear to anything other than what i am at heart.A good ol' boy from Arkansas who was brought up in a Christian home and was taught that REAL MEN always do whats right even when its not popular,and to always stand up for whats right even if your the only one standing. now let me put this soap box away now.
  22. well thanks for the interesting responses..let me answer a cple of things. Not Mike Tyson,but i have trained on and off my entire adult life in interesting ways to defend myself ( dont want to sound like a mall ninja ) People can die from the impact of hitting the concrete if they go down limp,i have seen it. A skull fracture is deadly sometimes.I didnt want to kill the guy just make him stop. I have never and will never hit a woman.In almost 31 years of marriage i have never even had that thought run across my mind.My father taught me MEN dont hit women,period. I am a moron i suppose as i sat here and reread this is know in my heart i couldnt watch anyone get pummeled.Yeah who knows what happen to get it to that point.BUT ask yourself this if someone died when you could have saved them could you ever look at yourself in the mirror again.I know my answer. Oh and Raider you crack me up.
  23. and your still alive,good show old shoe
  24. I have never drank.BUT i have been a part time bartender to make ends meet.Tips are good (most times) and most drunks are easy enough to handle..Also i enjoy doing it,go figure. Now we just had MadiGras and here in St.Louis we take that stuff serious...lol..we have the second largest Madi Gras..of course New Orleans has the biggest.... Okay i had worked about a 11 hour day,made good money was just tired and wanted to get home and change...had my monkey suite on vest,jacket,tie,etc..WELL i was walking to my truck and i here a noise like someone hitting and dang tether ball..i come around the corner and this guy has a handle full of ( i find out later ) his wifes blond hair.Which isnt all the way blond anymore because of the blood..Just for a heartbeat i almost drew down on him ( i had my Sig P220 )..Then i considered just getting in the truck,but couldnt.They were next to a dumpster kinda outa sight,so i came up on his blind side and just shouted 'HEY!!' and he spun and looked at me and i hit him,hard.Well he folded up and started down i grabbed him and rode him down my leg.I didnt want his dang head bouncing off the concrete. Well as im standing there i dialed 911 and gave em a brief rundown and hung up to go check on her.Next thing i know she is on my back like a monkey on crack stabbing me with a finger nail file...yep a metal finger nail file..Someone other than myself must have seen it and called the cops becasue in 10 seconds there was two cop cars..They pull her off my back and he is start to come around so it got crazy.After about 10 mins of conversation it was all sorted out and she is still bleeding like crazy..they are sooooo drunk they are now crying and hugging..HE wanted ME arrested.The cops had a little common sense and told them that we WOULD ALL just go to jail..I didnt really get hurt.The jacket and vest took most of the damage but i was still bleeding in a few spots,but i just wanted to go home. I started to walk away and the sergant that ended up there kinda pulled me to one side and started laughing his butt off. I didnt see anything funny.He just wanted me to know that there is a reason cops hate going to a domestic dispute because crazy crap goes on all the time.He said he knew i was telling the truth..He then warned me next time call 911 first not after and maybe i should consider not getting involved if there is ever a next time. If there is a next time it will have to be BAD before i step in and i will have my gun in my hand,because someone will have to killing someone before i play Dudley Do Right again. Oh and what made me think of this is was i was just working out and all the d**n places she got me were itching and burnin' ...
  25. ......dirty deeds done dirt cheap.....
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