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Stlbob last won the day on January 27 2014

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About Stlbob

  • Birthday 12/22/1961

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    St.louis,Mo. part of the Cardinal Nation.
  • My PB
    Between 8-9 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
  • Favorite Lake or River
    Meramac for Sm and black Crappie..The Mississippi above St.L for monster cat

    Lots of farm ponds

    Bush Wildlife

    ALL city and county maintained lakes..there is a huge cat in the 'Forest Lake' in Forest park,within the city.I had the dang thing on long enough to see it..
  • Other Interests
    Guns,shooting said guns.Did i mention guns. Not the pretty wooden ones the EBW style. E-vil B-lack W-eapons

    Shoot in 2 gun and 3 gun match's.

    Photography...love nature pics.

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Short Fish

Short Fish (4/9)



  1. Cards baby.Here in the heart of Cardinal Nation there can be only one........
  2. thats a bunch of money sittin' there..i will be 250 thousand or so,maybe more.
  3. same here have a bunch of Manns Jelly worms fron the mid 80's still work just fine.
  4. Yeah i wish i had waited until i had left college,got my self rolling and then found out about girls and all they have to offer..but NNNnnoooooo i had to be flippin 14 oh yeah..before girls i was a straight a student a model student.. A few months later i had ONE thing on my little mind...and it was NOT school...oh i still went and did what i had to do.Nothing extra. instead of my spare time being used to expand my mind it was used..to...um...be social. Yep if i could do it again id wait till i was 25/26 to bump into that.
  5. big bang theory,OLD X Files,Enterprise star trek series intro
  6. everytime i have looked at a car, truck...the one thing that will make me walk,like right now is 'It just needs a shot of freon' having done more AC work than i like to think about it just grates on the nerves.
  7. LMAO...yeah....our luck the French wouldnt be the looters and other various BG's
  8. its a very personal decision to make.....i have been involved in a few in my life..never even involved me,just saw those who couldnt defend themselves being attack by animals.people who search for weak prey.... when you are taught as long as i was your taught your not just learning this for yourself.You become this to always be ready to reach out and give the weak a hand up,to stop senseless violence on those that cannot defend themselves.The weak,the old,the very young,women......
  9. i respect that. i just cant do it..i would never be able to live with myself.the shame would eat me alive. like the saying goes...evil wins when good men stand idly by..
  10. i tell ya' i was done humping packs and rifles,until the fed goverment showed me the bang up job they did in New Orleans after and during Katrina. we live on the New Madrid fault and its not a question of if,but When!! so i have a lrg Alice pack set up with food and other supplies for a few days for the wife and i..a chest rig for 8 mags and a drop holster for my 92SF..have a total of 7 mags for that with 124grn +p gold dots. they all fit on the belt of the chest rig..bought the wife the best soft body armour money could buy... if we have the big one here,things will go sideways quick..i heard enough horrors from people that were there.a lot of it never made the news...i will be damned if im gonna get caught with my pants down.
  11. yeah i sure do.......
  12. i fish a lot of farm ponds some up to 7 acres.I have seen black snakes,corn snakes,rat snakes swim across these ponds and i KNOW they have some hefty monsters in there my PB came from one of those farm ponds and have never seen a bass strike a snake. I have seen them take ducklings.
  13. Thank you...i have seen Ar's with so much crap bolted on them it looked like something from StarShip troopers...eeehh cant do it..Neither of mine have any whiz bang.Just a nice strobe flashlight and iron sights Troy buis..when i get some greem im getting a nice red dot for both..and thats it...I want these guns light enough you can hump them.if you have to. quick edit: Raider if you read this ' hump ' has nothing to do with what your thinking...
  14. What if the Gorilla wants to spoon..? I mean they get lonely too.
  15. i have owned a few AR's lots and lots of Ak47's...but know im so happy with the AUG and the Sig 556.both are piston driven and you can empty a 100 round drum pull it apart and hold the bolt and bolt carrier in your hand.Very easy to clean and break down.Both have properties of AK's AR's and even the Fal..both have adjustable gas systems and will feed and fire anything.brass,steel,etc.I buried a mag for the Sig in dirt for a weekend dug it up beat it against a fence and the gun ran perfect..only other gun passed that test was always an AK..have yet to have an Ar pass it.In fact i used to screw with my son and put 4 or 5 different types of ammo in his clip....lol....He is still Army so he a big fan of the AR platform.
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