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Everything posted by evilcatfish

  1. Thanks for posting this, killer deal! My step brother isn't a big fisherman but wanted to get a couple combos for him and his son to use on our family trip to Traverse City this year, I sent him the link and he grabbed a medium and medium heavy
  2. Sierra definitely feels more sensitive in my hands, if the difference in price doesn't bother you then definitely go with the Sierra. With Memorial day sales coming up you can probably get the rod at 15-20% off retail
  3. A 734 or 735 should fit your needs quite nicely
  4. I got sidetracked and completely forgot about the last batch he posted up until it was too late, kicking myself for that one These Paul Krew minnows are beautiful, smoke purple and the April mystery color. I was gonna wait until I used up some of my dropshot bait supply before ordering but the monkey talked me out of that plan
  5. Mine arrived just fine, the box wasn’t exactly a hard type shipping tube but it worked. Any breakage in that situation is on the shipping company
  6. Small straight tails: Iovino and Reins Bigger straight tails: Upton Curly tails: Zoom and Culprit Pretty sure I could catch em on just about any worm out there though
  7. I have the new Levante leviathan, and while I do believe it will handle 8oz I think the sweet spot is more in the 3-6 range. Tackle tour did this comprehensive review of the onager which is worth reading: http://www.tackletour.com/reviewmbdestroyeronager.html
  8. I now have the leviathan and flatside special. Really liking them so far in both performance and looks, pretty impressive at their price
  9. The goby color fat boy is a favorite of mine in Ozark rivers
  10. Very nice! I'm a Daiwa guy, but something about the Scorpion reels has always gotten my attention
  11. I’m no spinning reel guru, but I do own both in the 2500xh size. I had first bought the legalis, then more recently, the fuego. In my hands, I really can’t feel any difference performance wise and I actually prefer the legalis cosmetically. Since my fuego will probably never sea salt I wish I’d saved a few bucks and just gotten a second legalis looks like the legalis is around $50 on eBay right now
  12. Ordered a new rod yesterday from Ktp at a great price, looking forward to it arriving I’d love to see you guys pick up the destroyer and orochi rods from Megabass hint hint
  13. Pretty much any plastic will work fine, but when I think “Carolina rig” a zoom lizard is the first thing that comes to mind
  14. Kittery Trading Post has 15% off with code KTP15 or set up an account and they'll send you a 20% off code. I just picked up a new rod myself
  15. Duo Realis does a couple of small cicada topwaters, 1/5 and 1/8 oz I believe. They are a lot of fun to fish, and as mentioned above the siglett is also a nice option. Also from Megabass, I really like the baby pop x, it’s a big bluegill catching machine
  16. Fingers crossed for a eBay Easter coupon
  17. Glad you like it. Aftco makes some great stuff, not cheap but very high quality. Even their T-shirt’s are nice, very comfortable and hold up well
  18. Once my current stash of drop shot baits dwindles I'll be ordering some of these, they look great and I think they'll do well on my Michigan trip this summer fishing ultra clear water
  19. Looks like everything sunline from them is on sale right now. I Might need to stock up
  20. Lord knows I'll have to order something
  21. I think it's always been on the 15th but could be mistaken. Its usually site wide, and with the exception of Megabass, discount still applies to the "excluded" items
  22. I always liked the Roboworm Rebarb hooks, but have pretty much switched to the Owner Cover Shot, its a great hook which has served me well
  23. Have you gotten to use the reel much yet? Got a spare swimbait rod that needs a reel and not looking to drop a ton of cash
  24. Costa should repair or replace your glasses if you send them in. Anyway, I really like the copper/green mirror lenses
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