I think a certain amount of pressure is a good thing. It makes us fishermen adapt and think outside the box. While some are a little goofy, the unique baits that come out of Japan are often born from pressure and the need to try something new.
This said, I have seen social media induced pressure really hurt some smaller waters. A friend of mine and his stepson started fishing the past few years in mostly local ponds and creeks. I enjoy seeing pictures of the fish they catch and often hook them up with some baits and techniques to try. Well they found a somewhat obscure pond located on the edge of a neighborhood and industrial area. This place didn't look like much but was full of 3-4# bass, and apparently a good population of bluegill and channel cats. Instead of keeping quiet about a good thing, they started posting pictures on the Fishbrain app. Needless to say, more people started showing up to fish there, some keeping everything they caught with fishing quality going downhill. The worst part was the influx of people brought litter and trash being left all over. It turned out the property was owned by one of the businesses in the industrial park, who were generally ok with people fishing there. What they weren't ok with was people leaving litter everywhere and parking in their lot during business hours. Now nobody gets to fish there. Seems like its in our human nature to love things to death, or is that just greed?