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Everything posted by WIGuide

  1. WIGuide

    New Pb!

    Congrats on the tank! I wish we had bass that big up in my neck of the woods!
  2. I've got a St. Croix LTB M/M I use for squarebills, and it could get by in a pinch for those mid-depths. I love the rod, but I'd recommend the MH/M for what you want it for. I'm sure it could still handle the smaller squarebills, and be better suited for those bigger crankbaits.
  3. I have a Tenton Trout Rod by Quantum that wasn't a bad rod. It was an ultralight and I think it retailed for about $35-40. Unfortunately the tip snapped after a few years when it was in my rod locker. It was a good panfish rod, but had enough backbone to handle some bass too.
  4. I don't know if it's worth chiming in here or not, but I honestly don't think there needs to be new sections for any of this stuff. I think most people are frugal. We like getting more for our money. I don't see $100 as expensive for a rod and reel combo, but understand for others it can be. I don't look down on them for it, because at one time I was in the same spot. Furthermore, that might be all they ever choose to fish with and that's their choice. I really doubt people are afraid to post here, or join. It's the internet, and the anonymity of it alone usually calls out people who wouldn't say a word in public to blast every thought they've ever had all over the interwebs. I think the real reason you don't see more people on this forum who use a $20 walmart combo is honestly that they don't take fishing all that seriously. Fishing is something they do to relax or take the kids out and enjoy the outdoors. They don't care about catching more and bigger fish or the seasonal patterns that they follow. They don't care about the gear that others use to catch them either. As an example to that, on a lake I fish quite often, there will be guys out there that are panfishing. They'll run out to a stump in 3 feet of water and anchor there for 2 or 3 hours and come in. You ask how they did and they will have managed to catch a few, but they didn't even bother to try another stump that's sitting 30 yards away let alone the hundreds of them that are within a close vicinity. They don't know that I've got over $1000 worth of rods and reels laying out on the deck, or that my locator can see there's 3 stumps in a row right under their boat as I idle by. They don't know or care that I've got more money tied up in a few of my 3700 boxes than they do in their boat/motor/trailer. They're content with what they do and there's nothing wrong with that.Those aren't the people that go online and join a forum to try to become better fishermen or share their knowledge. I've been a member here long enough to know anyone is free to ask whatever question they want and people here will do their best to answer them.
  5. Your other option would be to call up St. Croix directly and get a price from them. I'm sure they could tell you what it'd be. Depending what you're after, they might even have them on sale there at the shop and it's possible to get a discount.
  6. It's quite possible that someone might, but you've just got to live with that. Have hope that the next person that catches it, does the same as you did and let's that big girl live to be caught another day.
  7. I think you did the right thing. Let the big ones go to get bigger and make babies that are more genetically apt to reach that size as well. I don't usually keep anything over 15" to eat. You still get plenty of meat off of them, and you're not effecting the population in a negative way since there's more smaller fish than larger ones.
  8. I'd say go for the new St. Croix Mojo Bass 6'8" M/XF. It should be able to handle all your finesse presentations.
  9. I'm really unsure where all the hatred for snap swivels comes from. I tie direct on virtually everything, but I used to use them all the time and never had an issue with them. I wouldn't recommend them for spinnerbaits/buzzbaits unless you're going to modify them so it won't slide out of the hair pin.This past season I used one on my mid depth cranking rod and again had no issues. It doesn't kill the action of the bait at all. My suggestion is if you want to use one, go right ahead. If you feel it changes the action of a bait, simply cut it off and tie direct instead.
  10. Just a few more thought to add to this discussion. Although I don't think trolling them fast is an ideal presentation for a senko, there have been times I've been burning one back to target another spot and I've had fish hit and just about rip the rod out of my hand when they do so. Granted it's probably more of a reaction strike, but it happens often enough that I consciously keep my rod tip down when I reel one in, because you will catch a few that way. Also, it was mentioned previously that if you're moving the bait won't reach the bottom. This is true, but a senko does not have to be ON the bottom to get bit. Especially if you're working an area fairly slowly, it'll sink down and when you start to move it will begin to rise in the water column. When you get off the tm it'll start to sink again. In this instance it very much resembles the actions of a dying minnow.
  11. I've got the same reel. It shouldn't be loose even when backed off. I only tighten mine to take the side to side play out of the spool, and it's still secure on the reel. You can always try backing it all the way off and see if it's actually close to being off where you have it set.
  12. A 55lb thrust tm will move you around, but not in a hurry. If you're planning on fishing small lakes it wouldn't be too bad, but if you're expecting to move a long ways with just a tm, plan on spending a considerable amount of time doing so. It's sad how high new boat prices are though. You're looking at spending 3500 on a small jon boat and a trailer and I paid about 3,500 for this I mean sure it's used, but still...
  13. It looks like the smallest prop Mercury makes for it is a 10 pitch. You might be able to find one from another manufacturer who makes one smaller, or makes a stainless 10 pitch. If you can find one, a 4 blade might not be a bad option, but your prop options are going to be limited on a motor that small. Make sure you set your trim all the way down. Take the other advice and make sure the throttle is opening all the way up. Also after you try the previous two, start playing with the weight in the boat. See if you can move some weight from the back to the front as it will help with getting on plane.
  14. Looks like a good time! I wish it was still in the 70's up here!
  15. You don't have to spend that much on an accurate scale. I think I paid $20 for a lower end model at Bass Pro, and it was right on with a 5 lb weight. I've used it the last 4-5 years, and it's always been within a few oz.'s of the tourney scale.
  16. I've got 6 BPS reels in all. The cheapest one was one of the "special edition" ones that they bring out for special events. I bought it over 10 years ago and it's still in service today but the bearings should be replaced. I've got a gold carbonlite that's been in service a few years and it's a nice little reel. The other 4 are all Johnny Morris reels I've got one each of the Gold, Elite, Signature, and Basscaster. The oldest of those is in it's 9th season and is still working great, as are the rest of them. They aren't the lightest reels ever produced, but they also aren't lead bricks either. I've been very happy with them and wouldn't hesitate to purchase again. Unlike Evan, I've heard nothing but praise for the PQ. I haven't heard much on the spinning reels, but then again I haven't been in the market for one for a while either.
  17. As someone who lives up in the northern part of the country and lives through those crappy cold winters, both my dad and I have always ran our tanks down close to empty. We treat what's left with either stabil or seafoam. That's always been our procedure, and neither of us have had gas issues in the spring.
  18. I'm happy to get out any time I can in the fall especially since I know my days are numbered before the water gets hard. Best time though I feel in in the afternoon into the evening. The sun has more of a chance to warm the water even if it's only a few degrees.
  19. Found one that looks a lot like it (different color) hanging in a tree last weekend. It was funny because it was right on the end of a branch not very high at all. I saw tangled up line and expected to have to cut it to get the bait out, but the line wasn't even attached!
  20. Had a non-boater in the state tournament this year tell me when he and his son fish, they always throw a sekno out back and let it drag along while they fish. They set their drag super loose and since most spinning rods some sort of way of letting you know the drag is moving, it works as a strike indicator. He said they catch smallies that way all the time over on Sturgeon Bay. I don't see why it wouldn't work. You can catch them dead-sticked on them, so why not with some movement?
  21. My main job is as a freight desk manager at a custom clothing company. I pack boxes and do a lot of data entry and label making. Not going to lie, it's pretty lame other than it lets me be sneaky and spend some time on the forums here haha. I also guide part time, and in the winters I coach junior high boys and girls basketball.
  22. As a boater, I leave mine on. It's not hurting anything and a lot of non-boaters will keep an eye on it.
  23. First off, congrats on your purchase. You're going to love your new Croix. To answer you're question similar as to what others have stated, it doesn't need to be treated like fine china, but you will want to be more careful with it than the Ugly Stick. If you get hung up and you go to pull it with the rod, you can do it, but don't pull so far back that the tip bends past 90* from the blank. If you want to pull harder, reel down and pull straight back so you're not bending the rod. Don't poke your baits off a snag with your rod tip, and when it comes to boat flipping, it can be done, BUT many people don't know how to do it properly without overloading the rod and high sticking as well. My suggestion is just not to do it. Invest a few dollars in a net and save yourself a busted blank. If taken car of, the rod will give you years of great service!
  24. As everyone already stated, a 1000 size reel will do just fine.
  25. That is beyond sad!
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