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Everything posted by WIGuide

  1. The action of a rod definitely does make a difference with crankbaits! Since making the switch to moderate action the number of fish lost on a crankbait has wend down significantly. I'm not saying it's 100% but it's up there, and it seems like the few that I do lose are the little 7-10 inchers that jump. I would also have to agree that sensitivity matters in a crankin' stick. I throw cranks around a lot of cover, and I don't want the rod to just load, because it'll do the same on a stump and I don't want to set the hook on one of those!
  2. Welcome back to the game and welcome to the forums.
  3. Welcome to BR Zach.
  4. I throw the 100 - 200 size squarebills on a St. Croix LTB 7'2" M/M and absolutely love it. If you want a little more backbone the MH/M will give you that.
  5. WIGuide

    how many?

    I'm probably somewhere in the 60-75 range. A spinnerbait is one of my confidence baits though and I don't like messing with swapping blades on the water so I have them rigged and ready to go.
  6. I'm almost in the same boat as DVT. I'll use 1/4 most of the time, but I have not problem going up to and even over 1/2 oz depending on the situation.
  7. @junyer357 nice! Be sure to post your findings on br!
  8. If your rod doubles as a topwater rod as well, go with 10 or 12 lb mono.
  9. @junyer357 Hopefully that works out for you, and if not, you can always flip it and get another Croix instead.
  10. I've heard etching your initials into the rod blank is the best way to deter thieves from stealing them. haha I've got pictures of most of my rods and reels as well as receipts, but I should probably make sure I have pictures of each, as well as pictures of my tackle trays.
  11. I'll second or 3rd this. I've got the same model in the LTB line and it's a great stick for what you're looking for.
  12. Depending on what boat you have there are some places that sell pre-cut carpet for your model. I would also use a marine carpet adhesive which can be found at most marine suppliers.
  13. If you're really dead set against mounting directly to the transom, get a small jackplate and put the brackets in between that and the hull. Plus you'll gain the benefit of a little better performance as well. Congrats on your new purchase! Looks like it'll be a sweet ride. Also congrats to @A-Jay on your soon to be new purchase! A black one would match that truck of yours very well!
  14. In the past I have used straight 6 lb fluoro, and this last year I used 20 lb braid and 6 lb fc leader. After using both I'm somewhat undecided as to which is better. The straight fluoro gave me slightly better sensitivity, and the braid was slightly easier to manage. I think I might spool up some of my spare spools and use them back to back this season. I'd say take you pick with what you like and have confidence in.
  15. So what happens if you eat bedlunch too? Does that mean you wouldn't have eaten supper since that's not the last meal of the day?
  16. I find them up here every now and then. Last year I found an almost brand new 5XD and a Strike King Burner spinnerbait that was hanging in a tree. I know there's a few people who ice fish up here that when the fishing is slow they'll walk the banks of a lake and pick baits up out of trees.
  17. Trilene 100% is a decent fluoro, Vanish....is not. Personally I use the 100% and haven't needed to go anywhere else.
  18. Congrats on the new ride!
  19. Instead of using velcro, you could use snaps. If I remember correctly they're pretty easy to install and they should provide a better hold than velcro
  20. Mine would stand out because it has a 130 on it where most were ordered with either a 90 or 115. Mine is also in better shape than most boats it's age. As for your wanting to stand out without a wrap, any good custom graphics place should be able to create what you want. It might not be cheap though.
  21. I think it was about two years ago now I switched over to the Plano 3701's for my terminal tackle. I've got one for hooks and one for weights and etc. Since I switched to those I haven't had any issues with anything sliding over/under the dividers. If you are looking to use what you have though and modify it, you can super glue the dividers down. Otherwise, you can get yourself a roll of aquarium airline tubing, split one wall of it so it forms a "c" and slide pieces of it over all the dividers as it'll fill the gap between the top of the dividers and top of the containers. For something like split rings or swivels you can either keep them in small bags, or if you want something waterproof, you can pick up some contact cases. Put your stuff in there and label the lid.
  22. I feel no sympathy for any of you guys that are talking about finding open water. It was an unusually warm year up here so I got to fish into the second week of November. Things iced up shortly after that and I haven't seen any open water since then other than during my Christmas Vacation in Florida. It'll be another few months before anything opens up around here as well.
  23. He was talking about MLF not BFL. You get to keep the weight of every legal sized fish not just the biggest 5. They are weighed and released immediately on the water. So say you catch 12 squeakers that barely make it and they each go a pound you have 12 lbs as a bag weight.
  24. I doubt you did any damage. It depends on how the boat is wired. Some boats have instrument lights wired to the key so when they key is on they are on, others have them wired to the nav lights so they're only on when you flip that switch. Either way a bulb is an easy replacement. Most gauges have a twist in style connector in them so all you do is turn it a quarter turn and pull it out.
  25. @Ads7633 Being that spinnerbaits are some of my favorite to throw....you can definitely catch more than 8-10 fish on one. I've got cheap ones that I've caught well over 100 fish on. Northerns up here love spinnerbaits too and they will mangle them more and you can still catch plenty of fish on them.
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