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Everything posted by WIGuide

  1. There's no reason not to. Just because you don't have a big boat doesn't mean you can't have a big locator. I would definitely go for it!
  2. A rayburn red squarebill will do the trick as well as a lipless crankbait.
  3. If the cables are only stretched, just pay attention on how they were ran when you are removing them and replace the new ones by reversing the order.
  4. If I remember correctly, marine carpet is available in different weights. The higher the oz. the thicker and more plush the carpet is. I couldn't find any ratings for outdoor carpet though.I believe marine carpet will be more plush in general and that's what I'd go with if/when I redo mine. I do know outdoor carpet will hold up as I've used it on bunks for a small boat before, but other than that I'm not sure what the difference is.
  5. Haha this is so true! I've got a friend who needs to view that chart, he needs one for length though too. He fishes quite a bit but has big eyes. He's usually over a pound or two at least, and over on length anywhere from an inch to 3!
  6. I have an SUV so basically in the same situation you're in. Depending on the landing your at, they may have docks right next to the ramp. If they do, take advantage of it. Back down right next to the dock so the boat is within stepping distance of the dock. Hop in, fire it up, and unclip the front. If there's no dock, or it's too far away to use effectively, it gets a little trickier. You can use a length of rope attached to either the winch strap, or tied/hooked/ fastened to the winch stand. Back it in until the boat floats off, and then slowly pull forward. Depending on how long you make the rope, you can pull it up just enough to get onto the tongue of the trailer and walk down to the boat, or if you make it longer (suggested if you have a keep protector) you can slowly pull it all the way to the ramp. In the summer months, sometimes it's just easier to wear shorts and flip flops or slides and just get in the water. Sometimes if I'm feeling limber, I'll step on top of the rear wheel and put my go-go-gadget legs to work and step from the wheel onto the rear bumper and then onto the trailer tongue. For all you shorties out there this probably isn't the recommend method lol
  7. Can't vouch for any experience with the cover, but the side the tm is on is dictated by which side the mounting plate is attached. Since yours is on the port side then yes it would be a port side mount.
  8. A few scratches and nicks are normal. What you saw there is definitely excessive and you did the right thing by walking away. If the dealer wasn't willing to negotiate on something like that it's a sign to walk anyway.
  9. Nice fish man! Why are you hating on your scale?
  10. Very nice man! That's impressive!
  11. The Johnson's and Evinrude's with Ficht Fuel Injection.They had a lot of issues with those. As far as I know the Vmax's didn't have major issues, but one of their lower units had a tendency to get the water intakes plugged up more than others but a water pressure gauge should fix that problem. Most are pretty good and if it's been running this long, issues have probably been resolved.
  12. I'm not entirely sure how I started it or why, but I almost always wacky rig my 4" stick baits and T-rig my 5's. I always have one of each on deck and depending on the day one of the two usually work. My dad (who is also my tournament partner) uses 5's exclusively for both. I honestly haven't really noticed a big difference in catch rate. As for colors for off colored water, something like mardi gras, black & blue, or black and purple get my first nod.
  13. Although I don't have a PQ yet (it's on the way to my door) I've got 5 other BPS reels with the same braking system the PQ has. The PQ's have the DBS system or dual braking system, so it has both magnetic and centrifugal brakes which on these reels help the most during different parts of the cast. The centrifugal brakes have more effect on the startup and beginning of the cast when the spool rpm's are at their highest. The magnetics do more to feather the last part of the cast. Pay attention to when in your casts you're getting the backlashes and adjust accordingly. If it's happening in the middle, or sporadically, throughout your cast it's usually has to do with the line tension knob. Adjust usually it's not tight enough so give it a click or two and try again. When dialed in correctly, you shouldn't be having any issues.
  14. I definitely think you can dropshot with an UL. I used to fish small 4" curly tail worms Texas rigged with 1/16 oz weight and 1/0 EWG hook when I was in college. It was the rod I took to school and would fish on a local pond a block from my house. Granted it lacks the power to horse a fish, but if your competent when it comes to fighting larger fish with a UL it can definitely be done. Seeing as you have caught muskies with it, I'm guessing you'll be just fine. I say give it a shot and if it works for you there's nothing wrong with it.
  15. The petrified one, can you blame me though, it was the first time I ever saw catfish hunter... haha Apparently it took me a while to figure out make a normal face when it came to fishing. Here's a few more you can think about whenever you read one of my posts! lol
  16. You can go new or used, but new motor price is pretty crazy. Your other options would include buying a rebuilt used motor, or just a used motor that came from someone in the same situation as yourself. Honestly if you're going up in HP I don't see anything as backwards even if you're going from 4 stroke to 2. Check dealers around you as almost all of them have used motors. Keep in mind too that if you switch manufactures, you'll have to change control boxes which isn't exactly cheap anymore so that will add some to the price if the motor you're switching to doesn't come with them.
  17. I think he's talking about these two overpriced gems.... http://www.bassfin.com/Page_2.php A butt seat up front shouldn't obscure your view. Otherwise just take your current seat out of the pedestal pole (if it's the stock tracker solid pedestal).
  18. Meh...not overly impressed.
  19. It's hard to say since I only tracked time of trips for a year or two, but I think I've got to be close to that. I've been fishing for as long as I can remember picture for proof haha
  20. It really depends. I'll change if conditions change, or if I'm fishing an area that I have a ton of confidence in and not getting bit. The other time I'll switch is if I'm doubling back on something I just covered, or sometimes even if I'm fishing a second spot that day.
  21. I have to say the bass fishing crowd as a whole have a tendency to do this. We'll find something that works and most of the time it gets cast aside for something new. It didn't stop working, we didn't run out of them, and they didn't become too expensive to replace yet we still look for something else.It's actually kind of fascinating if you ask me. Baits I found myself doing this with in the past have been lipless crankbaits and ribbon tail worms. I started using the lipless again this year with great results and wondered why I ever put them down. Next year the ribbon tails will be making an appearance more again.
  22. 12 lb Berkley fluoro regardless of water clarity
  23. Not sure what your budget is on reels, but BPS has the Pro Qualifier on sale...not as good of sale as it was a few days ago, but still a good deal. They're great workhorse reels and for under $100 a pop that's not too bad.
  24. For under $150 I'd suggest a St. Croix Mojo Bass 6'10" ML/XF. I have the same rod in their LTB line and it's a heck of a dropshot setup.
  25. I haven't seen a cover that doesn't "balloon" up with air that rushes in under the bottom. That itself causes drag, but then the cover being inflated the way it is creates more drag. Pulling with the cover on will usually result in slightly lower mileage. Maybe that's not always the case, but it has been in my experience.
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