This past weekend I fished in a tournament out on the Mississippi River. Out tournament waters covered 3 pools as always, but I really only have experience on one. That required us to lock up, which was not a big deal. We had seen a barge out on the river and it didn't dawn on us right away but obviously he was going to have to lock as well. We headed back down to the lock, and there were 2 of our competitors pulling up the same time we did. The lock master came out and told us he couldn't let us through because the tug boat captain had vetoed the request. The barge was about 1 to 1 1/2 miles out yet, but was on "final approach". Admittedly the lock master let us know there was plenty of time to get us through and have the lock prepared for the barge by the time he got there, but he couldn't make that decision. He said it usually takes about an hour to get them through and being that it was around 1, that would have still put us in ok shape. We headed back out to hit a few close spots quick. Apparently, things weren't going quite as smoothly as normal since it took just under two hours for them to get the barge locked through. Ended up getting DQ'ed with the 2 other boats in our club, as well as a couple boats that were headed up stream for a different tournament as well. Tough way to learn a lesson, but maybe my experience will help someone else avoid doing the same. If you see a barge on a system with locks, don't hesitate RUN ASAP!!