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Everything posted by WIGuide

  1. I used to use them for everything growing up. Then I started tying direct for everything, and now I'm back to using them on my medium-deep diving crankbait rods. Everything else still gets tied direct. When I do use one, I use a duo lock style snap swivel. I've never bent one out before while fishing. The only baits they could have an effect on are topwaters and suspending baits.
  2. My favorite topwater is the Booyah Pad Crasher.
  3. You're good to go. You know your alternator is charging and giving the battery juice when the motor is running. When it's not running you're voltage isn't going to stay higher because nothing is giving the system more power than the 12v battery. Back off on the OCD and go fish. If you're still super worried about it don't make any 30 mile runs on the first trip out.
  4. It looks like it could be a decent buy if everything checks out. It looks like you're going to be dropping some money in electronics if you buy it though, so keep that in mind.
  5. It happens enough they should come out with one! haha
  6. I use a 1/0 or 2/0 VMC Spinshot or Trokar Helix DS hook. As far as weight goes, I let the conditions dictate that. If you're just starting out, I'd recommend sticking to the heavier weight to get used to the technique first. Being able to keep the weight in one place is key in drop shotting.
  7. I only use about 2 trailers on a swim jig. I'll either throw a Big Bite Bait's Cane Thumper or a big Kalens grub.
  8. It probably didn't have knobs that clicked when you adjust them either....totally obsolete! Might as well scrap it because there is no way you could catch a fish with it! Man if we keep this up we could start writing for tackle tour! haha
  9. If I were you I'd be looking at a St. Croix Mojo Bass 7'1" M/F paired up with a reel of your choice in the 20-30 size range. I know the Pflueger President gets a lot of love here, and if you paired those two up you'd have a $170 combo keeping you within budget even after line purchase. That should cover your bases pretty well.
  10. And here I thought I was the only one who did this! haha
  11. Welcome to the forums! Glad to see another Wisconsinite on here! I had a 41 incher latch on to a smallie once. It kept letting go and smashing it again. Eventually got him in the net and got part of it on video. *Warning* Poor quality video, found out it's hard to hold a rod fighting a fish and holding a phone in the other and follow a fish streaking around.
  12. You can run them on the side. You'll probably want to rotate the head around though so it's running the right direction. Not hard to do.
  13. Just buy a Motorguide and be done with it
  14. I would see if you can get it out and running first. I think it's going to need some major TLC. I don't see much in the way of value there so it's worth whatever you're willing to pay. I will say if you're getting into it, make sure everything is structurally sound. If it's not walk away.
  15. A few things to add, don't downgrade motors, you will be kicking yourself if you do. Also in reference to the small back on the Lund, they do that to keep it more of a multi- species boat. Those who want to troll don't want a big deck, because they need the space to get up and move around to get to rods and what not.
  16. There's another pretty well known popular thread on here as well, but I'll leave this hear anyway. These were the highlights of the last two weekends on the river.
  17. I don't know if this was posted on BR before or if I came across it somewhere else. It's an interesting read. http://www.saltstrong.com/articles/fishing-lure-left-in-a-fishs-mouth/ (I know it's on a saltwater site, but the test was done in freshwater)
  18. Sink picks or pictures of fish being kept don't bother me one bit. Populations need to be kept in check and they're going to a good place. I keep my fair share of fish as well, but it seeing them covered in dirt does bug me. Most photo worthy fish should go back, and if your fish is covered in dirt and gravel, it's not being taken car of very well before it does. It can cause unnecessary stress to the fish that could possibly be fatal. A nice quality fish dead for no reason does not sit well with me.
  19. Have you heard of powerfishing a dead sticked senko? It could be a new technique, but that's about what it turns into if I do haha. I can usually get myself to slow down if I need to, but I have to keep consciously telling myself to do so. You would be correct in you assumption, my handles are usually turning in the morning.
  20. This past weekend I fished in a tournament out on the Mississippi River. Out tournament waters covered 3 pools as always, but I really only have experience on one. That required us to lock up, which was not a big deal. We had seen a barge out on the river and it didn't dawn on us right away but obviously he was going to have to lock as well. We headed back down to the lock, and there were 2 of our competitors pulling up the same time we did. The lock master came out and told us he couldn't let us through because the tug boat captain had vetoed the request. The barge was about 1 to 1 1/2 miles out yet, but was on "final approach". Admittedly the lock master let us know there was plenty of time to get us through and have the lock prepared for the barge by the time he got there, but he couldn't make that decision. He said it usually takes about an hour to get them through and being that it was around 1, that would have still put us in ok shape. We headed back out to hit a few close spots quick. Apparently, things weren't going quite as smoothly as normal since it took just under two hours for them to get the barge locked through. Ended up getting DQ'ed with the 2 other boats in our club, as well as a couple boats that were headed up stream for a different tournament as well. Tough way to learn a lesson, but maybe my experience will help someone else avoid doing the same. If you see a barge on a system with locks, don't hesitate RUN ASAP!!
  21. I jam out to my "Fishin' Mix" playlist on the way to the lake, make sure we have payday or 100 grand bars. Down my Monster and just get jacked in general!
  22. Welcome to the forums! Good to see another fellow Wisconsinite. You are correct the Mississippi is one heck of a fishery.
  23. ^ My normal tackle box ^ My tackle box if I fish out of someone else's boat. I usually have a few binders and another bag for plastics that comes with as well.
  24. Since you just bought it, go fish it and find out! haha
  25. Looks pretty similar to a VMC Rugby jig head.
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