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Everything posted by WIGuide

  1. If you guys are finding these on craigslist, you'll probably notice a pattern. Many of these ads only have an email as contact information. Not listing a phone number is red flag #1. That's not saying that all ads without a phone number aren't legit, but if they don't have one e-mail them asking for a phone number. It's a lot easier to read the person to help gauge the condition of the boat just based on what is said.
  2. Some are easier to put trolling motors on than others, but there's no reason you can't. It'll definitely help you move around. Being that a pontoon can turn into a kite rather quickly in any wind, you'll want to get a pretty beefy tm for it.
  3. It's a closely guarded secret by Lowrance owners haha. It's part of the Insight Genesis Social Map. That feature lets people record their own sonar data and create a lake map from that. It's really handy for those lakes out there that don't have any contours or ones that may only have 5' contour lines.
  4. Better luck next time. At least you got to spend some quality time with your family!
  5. Congrats on your success!
  6. Here's a contour map of the lake this should help a little. No idea what your water temps are right now, but If they're in the mid 50's or lower I'd be looking at the flats closest to deeper water.
  7. The weight will vary from fish to fish. General estimations will come close, but it's not an exact science. You can use length and girth calculations to come a lot closer. Realistically, a smallie will be having to push somewhere from 21"-23" to make it into the 6 lb class. Either way though, that's a very nice smallie you've got there, congrats on the PB!
  8. Smart move! The majority of the time they don't want to take it out on the water, there's generally something wrong. If they're just that lazy that they don't want to put in any effort to sell it, that's their own problem. Good luck in your search!
  9. I tried doing this a few times....I've pretty much failed every single time haha. There are some hard baits I just don't use. I bought them when I was younger and had to shop out of the bargain bin. It's not that they don't work, I just don't have as much faith in them. I keep an extra 3700 tray in my boat filled with baits like this and I'll let clients use these first, or any guests in the boat. Also, I've given baits away out of this box as well. After one youth tournament I was guiding for, a couple of kids came up and started asking about how my kids did and wanted to see what they caught and while they were looking at my boat they were oogling over everything laying out on the deck that I was putting away. I pulled out that container and let them each pick a bait and they were so pumped to get their own. Win win situation for me. I've also donated soft plastics that I haven't used in years. My normal rotation of baits especially soft plastics, I'll keep my surplus stuff at home. I've got various totes and containers to hold the extras. This becomes more important with the baits not sold locally. Most of my go to plastics are in plano/flambeau boxes that I keep stocked and when my stock runs low I can go dig through my totes and refill my boxes. This will keep me fishing until the new baits arrive. It also keeps from having excess in my boat. Good luck in your quest!
  10. Assuming you must be looking for the spinning rods? They still have the Rage and Neo Avid (euro market Rage) casting rods online. $89 and free shipping to the lower 48 + a free rage hat.
  11. Since the Mojo has got it's recent redesign, I don't see how you could go wrong with it. Great rod for the money and it should handle what you're looking for it to do.
  12. Thank you I'll definitely be out there as late as I can!
  13. I wouldn't shy away from the 120 because of the water accumulation between the hulls. That's pretty normal on all of their boats like that. It's not just rain and waves that may make it's way in, since there's a space between the two sections of boat that has air in it, when the temperature changes the moisture in the air can condense. I used to have the equivalent to the Pro 102 and there is a drain plug located in the front right above the bow eye. You would pull the plug and tilt the boat up (almost standing on end) to drain hull. You'd have to do it probably once in the summer and once in the fall before you stored it for the winter. If the 120 doesn't have it, it'd be very easy to add. It was a minor inconvenience and shouldn't deter you from buying the boat.
  14. Not a true suspender as it sinks a little and depending on your situation with the grass they may not be the best option, but the Shadow Rap's are my go to jerkbaits these days. For me the deep model is where it's at.
  15. I generally fish them with short hops, I don't drag them too much as at least to me the tail doesn't give off enough action that way. My top colors have always been red shad, electric blue, fire and ice, and purple black laminate.
  16. Not sure witch model it is or the age, but generally speaking most Trackers make good starter boats. The older bass trackers don't have the overall width the new ones do so they aren't as stable, but they aren't bad. As long as everything checks out motor wise, and there's nothing big wrong, like rotted out deck or other condition issues you should be good to go. Also, I'd go against the advice to buy your last boat first. If you start from the bottom up, you'll start to learn what features are important to you. The only way to really do that is to get out and fish.
  17. I run 12 lb Berkley 100% Fluoro for both without issue.
  18. When I used to use mono exclusively I always used Berkley XT for baitcasters and XL for spinning reels. It always treated me well and I never had an issue with it.
  19. Thank you sir! I say as long as the weather keeps up though keep that Lund out on the water even if it is thanksgiving haha. Take some turkey out there and take in some of those footballs you're always bringing in! haha
  20. This past weekend we had an unseasonably warm weekend for this time of the year. Temps were in the low to mid 60's .I was hoping to spend a bunch of time on the water this weekend, but my girlfriend was coming home from school so that limited my time considerably, not that that's a bad thing haha. The water is still very warm for this time of year ranging from 57-60 degrees and actually making it a little more challenging bite. Fish are somewhat scattered in between their early fall and late fall patterns. Most of the fish this weekend came on a jig off of shallow wood, and remaining lilly pads.Unfortunately had 2 move really solid fish come unbuttoned boat side. Overall, it was a good weekend though and what is probably going to be Mikaila's last trip of this year so she was happy to not finish the year with a skunk in the boat. Also, thanks to the warm weather, the farmers are getting more time to play in their fields...unfortunately they've made a mess of the roads because of it. I think the blue beast is going to need a good washing...
  21. Didn't have a whole lot of time to fish this weekend, but still got into a few decent fish.
  22. Do yourself a favor and buy yourself a bass boat and a pontoon. You can find decent used versions of both. Then you won't be cursing every time the wind comes up when you're fishing, or cursing because you're trying to cram too many people into a boat designed for fishing.
  23. You'll want to go 4 bank and I'd put my money on the dual pro. Pretty much the best chargers out there.
  24. I guess I technically switch based on technique because my spinning reels are set up to reel with the left hand and my baitcasters are right hand retrieve. When I was first starting out as a little kid, it took me a while to gain dexterity in my left hand to be able to work something like a worm. Once I did though, it all became a lot easier.
  25. Nicely done! There's a lake I fish that has one culvert that runs under a road and you can access both sides of it on the water. Depending on which way the wind is blowing, if you fish the opposite end of the culvert and skip a bait up into it, you'll usually catch one. It's not usually of that caliber though!
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