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Everything posted by WIGuide

  1. I use 20 but you should be just fine with 30 as well.
  2. Being that you're going to be doing some froggin' with it fluoro is out. I'd run 50 lb braid. It seems like overkill, but if you go with smaller, you're going to deal with a lot of line digging. For froggin' and pitchin' I don't think you'll need a leader. Most of the lakes have a fair amount of grass including the Madison chain which I'm assuming you'll be fishing. Green braid blends right in with all that grass and even places that don't have it, will have it close leaving a green backdrop that the braid blends in with. If you feel you need a leader with your football jigs and swim jigs, you can just tie a shorter one, even though others use longer leaders with micro-guides.
  3. For the price, they're decent rods. I used to have one and it wasn't the best rod I've ever owned, but it did everything I asked of it and was nicer than other rods in that price range.
  4. I like the Rapala DT 10 and Bomber Fat Free Fingerling.
  5. A wacky rigged Yum Dinger, or a Eco Pro Tungsten Swing Shad.
  6. I haven't owned or fished in one, but there's a father/son that fish one of the lakes I do quite often. It seems to work for them. It definitely won't be a speed deamon, but if you're just looking to get out with your kid, it could be a good starter boat for you!
  7. I'm pretty sure on those you either pull the whole shifter out or push it in, I can't remember. You can test it out when it's on the trailer. Pull the engine cowling off and then try advancing the the throttle by pulling the shifter out and then forward. You should be able to see the throttle advance, but the gear shift will stay in the same position. Your motor has the QuickStart system though which usually does not like to be fast idled to start. Try pushing in the key and holding it in while you start it and you might even have to hold it after it starts running for a few seconds.
  8. Glad to hear it's back up and running like it's supposed to!
  9. Personally I like to throw chrome/blue on bright sunny days, if there's more cloud cover, I'll go chrome/black. Does it really matter? Who knows, but it seems to work for me.
  10. I use 12lb Berkley 100% Fluorocarbon for those techniques you mentioned.
  11. I asked the same question before pulling the trigger on my first crankbait rod. I really like St. Croix rods, so I called up the factory and the guy I talked to there told me that with graphite you get more sensitivity, with a lighter weight, and still have the same action. He recommended going with graphite, which is what I did and can honestly say, I don't ever see myself buying a glass rod.
  12. WIGuide

    new guy

    Welcome to the forums!
  13. Jimmy is one of the best guys to meet! He's the same person you see on tv and what you see is what you get. Even after a bad tournament day, he's still in a good mood and whilling to stand and sign autographs until people the crowds die down. I've had the pleasure of meeting him many times throughout my life and each time has been special. The first time I met him I was just a little kid, and a full year later when I got to see him again, the man remembered me by name! It absolutely floored me. I haven't got to see him in a few years now, but I'm looking forward to it when the FLW Tour comes up to La Crosse!
  14. I've got the generic version for mine and a 6' USB extension cable so I don't have to worry about battery life anymore. I can just plug it in and let it run off my boat battery. It works really well.
  15. I'll use both, generally though, it's a 6'6" M/F casting rod for my jerkbaits. For some smaller jerkbaits or in super heavy wind, I might consider using a spinning rod.
  16. I've never done it, but I could see a situation arising where I might for the right boat. If it's what you want and you're planning on keeping it I don't see an issue with it. Besides NADA is an estimated value for boats in similar condition. Even their highest rating doesn't sound quite as good as what you describe the boat as. Just remember if you do buy it, that you probably won't be able to sell it down the road for what you paid for it.
  17. Well given the difference in action between the standard frog and standard shad, I'd say they're going to be variant enough to not be the same bait. However, Spro wants to sell baits too so even if there is some overlap I doubt they are going to point that out.
  18. Depending on what camera you have learn how to use the loop record feature if it has it, and if not, it might have a hightlight feature that allows you to mark points of action in your video so when you go back to edit the footage it doesn't take nearly as long.
  19. I would get the motor checked first before you start messing with setup. Throwing time and money at setups only to find out that there was an issue with the motor to begin with and then you get to start the process all over again, it's not worth it. Just get it checked out first.
  20. If you go with the Berkley Trilene go with XT instead. It's was developed for baitcasters and XL was developed for spinning reels. Not that you can't interchange them, but XT is better suited for the job you're looking at.
  21. I haven't had an issue like that with any of my St. Croix, It's quite possible they got mishandled during shipping or in the store, it wouldn't be surprising as many people handling these can be clueless as to how they should be handled. You could also call the factory and order from them.
  22. Like @RichF, I've got experience with different models between both series. I too feel the Xtreme is more sensitive and an absolutely awesome rod. If you want to splurge, I don't think you'll be disappointed in the rod, and if I was made of money, I'd have a rod locker full of them. Until that day though, most of mine will be LTB's unless I find a deal on an Xtreme.
  23. Yeah, I only live about an hour and a half from the factory so that works for me. I know not everyone has that luxury, but I've got it and I definitely take advantage of it!
  24. That's part of the reason I order my rods directly from the manufacturer and I don't even have them shipped, I just go pick them up myself.
  25. I really like Trilene 100% fluoro. No issues with break offs and it's still manageable.
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