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Everything posted by WIGuide

  1. Holy crap! You mean that 1/2 oz crankbait I've been throwing is really 5/100 of an ounce heavier than I thought it was? I better get a beefier rod, I'm amazed mine didn't snap already. Guys...winter is over, go fishing! While you're out there if a bait you bought is listed at 3/8 oz throw it on a rod with a rating that 3/8 falls into and I promise you'll be just fine...unless you're throwing a trailer that's made of pure lead.
  2. If I remember correctly the FS had some issues with the layout as well as stress cracking and some other issues as well. I would hard pass on it and save up for something better. You can use what you have in the meantime, and it will probably be easier to sell when you're ready to upgrade.
  3. I use a 7.1:1 for crankbaits in the 0-10' mark. I'm also one who finds it easier to slow down than to speed up.
  4. I don't have mine locked down for anything. If you almost spooled your reel on a hookset, obviously it's too loose so tighten it up some. I keep mine tight enough that my drag doesn't slip on the hookset for any of my single hook techniques. For treble hooked baits, I'll leave it loose enough it slips just a little on the hookset.
  5. That's because @slonezp is a terrorist...to the fish! Doing your own lettering is not that difficult or stressful. If you choose to go that route, pick up a roll of painters tape or scotch tape. Figure out where you want your letters and use the tape to make a straight line at the top, bottom, or both for where your letters will go. That way when you start to apply the letters, you can bump the edge up against the straight tape line you won't have to worry if they're straight or not.
  6. I really like my X-fast action rods. The tips are really soft and load well, but it transfers to power very quickly so it's a lot like getting the best of both worlds. You get the finesse type rod that has the power to fight a fish once you hook into one.
  7. Currently I'm working for a custom clothing company and am in charge of packing, labeling, and scheduling all the larger shipments. It's a pain in the rear end and I'm not fond of it. I'm also a part-time fishing guide in the summer months, and a Junior High Boys and Girls basketball coach in the winter. I get far more satisfaction out of my part time jobs than I do my regular job. Hopefully going back to school in the fall so I can move into a better situation.
  8. Unless everything is older than the hills and ready for the trash, go for it. There won't be many times you'll have the opportunity to buy a boat for the same price as a workhorse rod and reel combo!
  9. Being that the Revo Premier was just redesigned not long ago, I'd be guessing the SX is being redesigned as well.
  10. Aside from pitching/punching to heavy cover where I'll run a pretty stiff drag, everything else is the exact opposite for me. I run my drag much looser than most and land a very high percentage of fish. It's all about finding a system that you're comfortable with and works for you. If locking down the drag works for Walker more power to him, he found something that works for him and he's sharing that system in hope it will help others that may have not even thought to try it. That doesn't make it a bad article, at all.
  11. There is a big difference with need and want, but we have a tendency to blur those lines. Growing up I only had one, and it suited me fine. As I grew in the sport I've added to my collection, and I'm sure I'll keep adding. Being that you're just starting out, I'd shoot for 2. The two rods I'd pick would be a Medium/Fast and a Medium Heavy/Fast. Those two rods won't be perfect for everything, but will allow you to try the greatest variety of techniques and allow you to branch out from there.
  12. I use 50 lb braid and fish some thick veggies. I don't see a need to go any higher.
  13. I use the Rapala Braid Scissors. They work well and are cheap to boot. Only issue I had was when they got stepped on, they still cut fine but just take a bit more to operate.
  14. Yes you can. I prefer a fast action rod for lipless as I fish them around grass a lot and the moderate action rods don't seem to rip them out of the grass nearly as well as a fast action rod. One thing I do when using a fast action rod with any treble hook lure is to loosen the drag. It helps to play the fish a lot better, and you'll loose less fish that way.
  15. Got out on the Mississippi on Friday with my dad for our first trip of the year. Had a blast and was pretty happy with the results, being that I've never fished that pool of the river before. Boated around 20 in 6 hours and lost a handful of others. Hoping to head back tomorrow and learn a little more before our tourney this weekend.
  16. Well, despite getting to fish later into 2016 than I ever have before, the winter seemed to drag on forever. However, the ice is all gone, I've had the boat out to make sure everything was working as it should, and I've got a tournament fast approaching. The fishing season is still closed on most inland waters in WI (I know, it's dumb), but the waters of the Mississippi River have an open season year round. Last Friday, my dad and I had a chance to head down to Fountain City and get out on a stretch of river that neither of us had fished before. We really lucked out weather wise as rain was in the forecast, but it was dying down just as we got there, and didn't come again until just before we were ready to leave. Water temps were between 49 (main river) and 53 (backwaters). Despite the warmer surface temps, the bass seemed sluggish and weren't willing to chase anything down, but were still willing to eat. Almost everything we caught was on either small craws light texas rigged, or on a jig. In the 6 hours we fished, we managed to land somewhere in the neighborhood of 20 bass. All but 3 were of legal size and very healthy for their size. We also caught 3 norhterns, 3 dogfish (bowfin), and lost at least 7 other fish. Fish were relating to shallow wood close to deeper water. A few such areas we caught multiple fish off a single piece of cover with our highest being 3 bass on 3 consecutive casts to one piece. Overall, it was a great way to start the year off, and it has me excited to get back! I'm currently working on trying to take tomorrow off work so I can get at least one more day of prefishing in before the tourney and seeing if I can locate some areas with a little bigger fish. **Warning** Pic heavy post as excitement of rippin' lips kept the camera flashing!
  17. You could get your Avid X's guides replaced and then sell, or use the upgrade program through St. Croix. Also, while you're looking at spending money, you should look into lure retrievers as well, as they're just about the only piece of fishing equipment that pays for itself.
  18. I like the 1/4 and 3/8 oz Terminator Swim Jigs. They've always worked well for me and I mix it up with the trailer at times, but the majority of the time I use a boot tail swimbait.
  19. My personal favorite is the discontinued Xcalibur XCS 100, 200, and 300. I've got a stockpile of them that should last a little while, but they've been incredible producers for me. The Rapala DT Fat3 is another bait towards the top of my list, and the Storm Arashi squarebills are too. I've got some Lucky Craft squarebills to try this year too so we'll see if those take the brunt of the heavy lifting.
  20. Looks like someone bumped a dinosaur, but what the heck, I'll throw my two cents into the ring. I've lived on the lake all my life and have zero problems with people fishing docks including my own. The only issue I'd have is if I'm fishing off the dock and someone doesn't give me space or at least stop casting while they pass by. If I'm not have at it. I'm not worried about people hitting the dock with a bait as I've never seen any type of dock that will be harmed by any lures bouncing off of them. I don't store my boat in the water, or on a lift, but I know if I did, I do so at my own risk. Nobody is going through intentionally trying to make bad casts and hit my stuff, but I realize bad casts do happen occasionally. It's really not the end of the world if they do. I think a lot of people need to be reminded that sharing means sharing and not claiming. If you're lounging on your dock and I'm fishing, neither of us are interfering with the other's activities so nobody should get their feathers ruffled. I can't complain too much about my area as people seem to feel the same way. I've actually had more people come out of their houses to see what I caught off their dock than I have had negative comments.
  21. Yum Dinger Eco Pro Tungsten Swing Shad Berkley Crazy Chigger Big Bite Fightin' Frog Berkley Bottom Hopper Jr
  22. Personally I prefer using a 6'8" - 7' MH/F action rod with 7.1:1 reel and I'll use 12lb fluoro. I like to fish them around grass which is why I opt for the MH power as well as fast action.
  23. It's nice to not have that hole in the deck there, and makes a big difference in fishability. Looks like you did a good job with it! My boat was designed like that too, as it was made before the days of the bigger front decks, but I was lucky enough to find a factory deck extension and it makes the layout a lot better. Not the greatest picture of it, but the best I have on my work computer. It almost doubled the length of my front deck. Plus whoever I'm fishing with can put their gear under it and it stays out of the way.
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