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Everything posted by WIGuide

  1. Welcome to br!
  2. Very true, especially since I have a good one! haha Thank you, I hope so as well. I did report file a police report and it sounds like I wasn't the only one. The officer was actually headed up the road a mile or so after they were done at my place. I don't due to the fact that the locks on my boat no longer work. I've got new ones that I'll be installing today. Funny thing is they didn't take anything from inside the storages other than my rear one that is left open for my onboard charger to stay plugged in. I'll be correcting that today as well with a through hull charging port. Welcome to the forums. That was the one I was looking at, but reviews are all over the board. Where have you mounted the sensor for best results?
  3. Smallies come in a wide variety of colors, and they can change very quickly. They can have very obvious vertical bars that come and go. I think the bars will change based on stress as well as being around other smallmouths. My friend did a study as a high school project on a pair of smallies, inserting tracking devices into both of them. Before inserting the devices, both smallies were in glass aquariums right next to one another. When a piece of cardboard was placed in between the tanks, both fish had a washed out color, remove the cardboard and within a minute or two both fish were heavily barred and their eyes were a more pronounced red. Replace the cardboard, and within 10 minutes or so the fish were back to their washed out color. Like others have stated, I think the smallmouth's surroundings have more to do with their color, than water color, depth, or light penetration. The fish in the first 3 pictures were all smallies caught out of stained water with the first 2 being from the same body of water. These three pictures are fish that came out of clear water, notice the same variation of color as those found in stained water.
  4. It happens, at least they didn't get away with what they could have. That would be a good route to go!
  5. Last week either Thursday or Friday night, a sticky-fingered little slime ball decided to swipe some stuff from my boat. I had a few combos (including my gf's combo) that I left on the rod ramp I was planning to take out when I got home Thursday, but because I was in a hurry to get to my birthday dinner, I left them in there. When I went out Saturday morning to grab a gopro mount I thought I had left in there I noticed those rods were gone as well as my spare stainless prop that is normally stored in my back compartment which is left open to access my onboard charger's plug. I've lived in the same rural neighborhood virtually all my life and theft has never been an issue here. I was lucky this time since all my tackle and expensive gear didn't get taken, but this definitely has me thinking it's time to beef up security a little which leads me to this post. I was thinking of ordering a T-H Marine 2 way boat alarm or something similar. The ratings for it seem to be all over the board, so I was wondering if anyone here had any experience with them or other types of alarms. If you have one, would you recommend it? I also have seen recommendations for using motorcycle alarms instead and am wondering if anyone else has done that. Also considering purchasing night vision goggles and quitting my job to lay and wait for them to return and see how they like batting practice when they're standing in for the ball....haha just kidding.....maybe....
  6. I had a version of the 102 growing up and I'd vouch that they are a great boat for a young adult, or anyone just getting their start in the boating world. They're stable for a boat that size, they handle water well, and they have a nice layout. There isn't much that can go wrong with them, and it will help you to grow into whatever you choose to move on to if you choose to do so. If I could have afforded to upgrade when I did without selling my 2 man rig, I would have kept it.
  7. I haven't had that yet. I would suggest getting a recessed tray installed to help a little. Just curious, but what trolling motor are you running?
  8. Personally, I prefer mine screwed down. I'm not a fair weather fisherman though as there aren't many conditions that will keep me off the water, so I'm sure that plays a part in it. I got sick of watching it bounce around and having to move it when I'd get back up on the deck. I've been toying with the idea of adding in a recessed tray as well.
  9. You can do it yourself, and some talented people out there can do a pretty good job with decking out their jon boats. It can easily be botched though, and most will not be as nice as those that have been designed and produced by a boat manufacturer. If I were in your shoes, I'd try to save some more and buy a used aluminum bass boat.
  10. It sounds like you could have issues with your fluoro, knot, or both. It sounds like you're on the right track with changing out that leader and seeing if that fixes things. Personally, I don't use braid with jerkbaits, and due to the nature of jerkbait hooks, my drag is set very light.
  11. Congrats A-Jay that's incredible!! Way to go!
  12. I started out using a flippin' stick for froggin'. I think what you have should give you a start. I'm not sure it will have enough tip to it to really make accurate casts, but give it a shot and see what you think.
  13. Rapala DT 6's & 10's, Bomber Fat Free Fingerling, Spro Little John & Little John MD
  14. I don't have experience with this boat, but I wouldn't doubt that it only fits 6 foot rods in the locker. The boat is only a 17 footer and it's a dual console. On the shorter boats like that, when they add a console, generally that space is taken right out of the rod locker and given that in 96 rods, in general, were a lot shorter, boat manufacturers weren't looking for ways to make longer rods fit.
  15. It definitely depends on how far you're planning to go. If you're only going to be fishing a small lake/pond or are ok with only fishing a small section of lake a tm will be just fine.
  16. Of those two, I'd pick the Mojo. You'll end up with a better quality rod with a longer warranty.
  17. Walleyes can still be found shallow during the day usually when it's cloudy. Having a bit of wind will usually help that too. Boot tail swimbaits, jerkbaits, and lipless crankbaits are good options. One thing you'll want to do is alter your presentation a bit. For instance with a lipless crankbait instead of sharp snaps to rip the bait up, just slowly pump your rod instead. With jerkbaits, you still want to snap your slack enough to get the action out of the bait, but back off on it a little.
  18. Glad it worked out for you! You'll definitely have to post some pics!
  19. Depending on how bad it is, you might want to look into ProTec Products restoration kit. They post some before and after pics on facebook and it's pretty incredible what it can do. I've yet to do it to mine, but plan to this year as the top of my top cap has a little haze to it.
  20. I use both the 3600 and 3700 size boxes. My situation is slightly different since I'm fishing from a boat 99% of the time and about 90% of that time is in my own boat. No matter how you decide to organize, I'd suggest buying another box or two and using them as day boxes. When you're headed to a body of water that you have fished before and know water clarity and what you'll be fishing, take baits you know you'll be using from their original storage boxes and put them in your day box. This way you're not stuck with a full box of a specific bait, you'll have what you think is going to work on that day. When you get home, you can put the baits back to their original places until you're ready to go again.
  21. I've got the BPS 100 MPH parka and it has treated me very well. Some of the features that I really like about it is obviously it keeps me dry. I fish a lot on my own as well as guide and fish tournaments, so there are days you have no choice but to stay out when most anglers don't even think of venturing out. Another great feature of it is that my Columbia winter jacket liner actually zips into the rain gear. Fishing early or late in the year it keeps me nice and warm, but in the summer months I can take the liner out and it's cool enough to wear in the summer heat. Bass Pro makes a liner specifically for the jacket, but it's just a bonus that I didn't have to pay extra for one. As far as other brands go, Cabelas Guide Wear gets great reviews, as well as Simms. A lot of guys who tournament fish around here have Simms and I'm sure it's great if you've got a grand to drop on rain gear, however, I'm not in that category yet.
  22. I can totally see where you're coming from on this, but I don't think they're marketing this for those that are just looking for a throw a top kayak. It definitely would be harder to move around and transport vs a kayak. It's more reminiscent of a boat than a kayak in that regard, but being a boat owner the majority of my life I don't feel inconvenienced that way. As far as price goes, I've seen some non-powered kayaks that are pushing 4K so those aren't exactly cheap either. It would have to be registered, at least in WI it would, but that's about $11 a year for a boat that size.
  23. Has anyone seen these things? Admittedly, I'm not a kayak guy, but I saw this video on my facebook feed and it peaked my interest. I did a quick search on them and found a few of the specs here. https://www.saltstrong.com/stik-boat/ Other than the price tag, it looks like it would be pretty sweet and if I ever see one used cheap, I might have to get into the kayak game.
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